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Fundamentos de Investigación

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Presentación del tema: "Fundamentos de Investigación"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Fundamentos de Investigación
Tema 4: Sobre el concepto de ciencia social Docente Lic. Elva Villar Garnica

2 4.1 Concepto de ciencia social
Como consecuencia de grandes acontecimientos sociales el mundo se volvió problemático y surgieron las llamadas ciencias humanas o sociales, como la historia, la sociología, la psicología, la economía, el derecho y la pedagogía, orientadas a dar solución al desequilibrio social. Desde finales del siglo XIX se planteó una polémica entre los investigadores de las ciencias sociales y los representantes de las denominadas ciencias naturales, sobre la forma de abordar científicamente el estudio de la realidad. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

3 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque positivista (David Hume, Francis Bacon, Auguste Comte, William James y J. Stuart Mill) Considera que todo conocimiento para ser científico ha de acomodarse a los criterios de la ciencia natural caracterizada por el monismo metodológico (fisico-matemático) y homogeneidad doctrinal; la explicación causal expresada por leyes y la predicción de los fenómenos. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

4 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque hermenéutico (Droysen, Dilthey y Weber, en los siglos XVIII y XIX, y en el siglo XX Windelband, Rickert, Croce y Collingwood, entre otros) Rechaza el monismo metodológico, la física matemática como canon regulador de toda explicación científica y el afán predictivo, causalista, de la ciencia. Propone la comprensión como el método propio de las ciencias sociales así como la unidad sujeto-objeto y la generación de principios y no leyes en la ciencia. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

5 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque neopositivista o positivismo lógico del Círculo de Viena (Schick, Carnap y Wittgenstein) Asume una actitud antimetafísica y enfatiza que en la ciencia todo debe someterse a observación directa y a comprobación mediante la experimentación. La ciencia debe caracterizarse por un lenguaje científico universal, por la precisión y la formalización en sus enunciados, por la comprobación y verificación empírica de todas las afirmaciones. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

6 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque del racionalismo crítico (Popper) Arremetió contra el positivismo lógico por pretender verificar empíricamente todo enunciado científico, ya que la ciencia no es un saber seguro sino hipotético conjetural, que se construye con el método deductivo y no inductivo, que debe someterse a la falsación y no a la verificación. Para Popper, la ciencia no es posesión de la verdad, sino búsqueda incesante, crítica, sin concesiones de la misma. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

7 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque de la teoría crítica de la sociedad (Horkheimer, Teodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Jürgen Habermas y K.O. Apel) Considera que el problema de la ciencia no debe consistir en mostrar si un enunciado responde o no a los hechos empíricos para darle la categoría de conocimiento científico, sino que ha de ser una crítica que orienta a la anticipación de un modo de sociedad que facilite que el ser humano sea cada vez más humano y mejor. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

8 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque de la estructura de las revoluciones científicas (Kuhn) Asegura que la comunidad científica se constituye mediante la aceptación de paradigmas que durante un tiempo determinado ofrecen un modelo de problema y de soluciones para quienes trabajan en un campo de investigación. Según este enfoque, el progreso científico no se da por acumulación de certezas (verdades) que produce un paradigma, sino por la sustitución del vigente por uno nuevo que se impone gracias a una revolución científica. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

9 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque de programas de investigación científica (Lakatos) Afirma que la ciencia es un conjunto de programas de investigación (conjunto de teorías con concepciones distintas y a veces opuestas de estudiar la realidad), que coexisten y compiten entre sí. De esta manera, la ciencia progresa por la competencia permanente que se establece entre esos programas de investigación, que pretenden ofrecer mayor eficacia ante las diversas y nuevas situaciones que cotidianamente surgen de la realidad. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

10 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque del anarquismo metodológico (Feyerabend) Rechaza todo postulado absoluto que impida llevar adelante una nueva o diferente forma sistemática de conocer e interpretar el mundo. Considera que la adherencia dogmática a cualquier método científico resulta ineficaz para el progreso de la ciencia, porque ningún método, por excelente que parezca para conocer la realidad, es aplicable con efectividad para el estudio de todos los casos. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

11 4.2 Polémica sobre la cientificidad de las ciencias sociales
Enfoque de la complejidad y la integración del conocimiento (Morin) Hace énfasis en la complejidad como un rasgo general de la realidad, dentro de la cual está la del propio ser humano, que se caracteriza por la multidimensionalidad. Desde esta perspectiva, la ciencia debe ser, entonces, un conocimiento abierto, inacabado y autocorrectivo, que integra saberes y conjuga: orden y caos, armonía y disfuncionalidad, determinismo y casualidad. This presentation strives to encompass the different types of research methods. Even though conducting research sounds simple enough however, there are many things that a researcher must take under consideration before moving ahead with the project. Importantly a researcher must decide whether or not he or she should employ a qualitative, quantitative, mixed research or the action research method. Throughout this presentation the afore mentioned research methods are discussed in further detail; and certain ethical consideration a researcher must always take into consideration when conducting and compiling their research.

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