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Programas de Protección Social en Surinam

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Presentación del tema: "Programas de Protección Social en Surinam"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Programas de Protección Social en Surinam
3/25/2017 Programas de Protección Social en Surinam Medidas para combatir la pobreza Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales y Vivienda Publica Republica de Suriname Good afternoon distinguished officials present here today. ‘Taller de Puente en el Caribe: Lanzamiento del Programa’ Santa Lucía, 27 – 29 de mayo de 2009 Representantes de MSAPH: Marsiane Partowidjojo & Saskia Donk 1

2 3/25/2017 Perfil del País Before I start the Suriname presentation, I want to briefly introduce Suriname to you. 2

3 3/25/2017 Suriname: Ubicación: costa nor-este de América del Sur, limita con Guyana al oeste, Guyana Francesa al este y Brasil al sur Suriname is part of South America and borders French Guyana in the east, Brazil in the South and the Atlantic Ocean in the North. 3

4 Área Costera Interior Superficie: 163.820 km2 Idioma: Holandés
3/25/2017 Área Costera Interior Superficie: km2 Idioma: Holandés Población: ± (mezcla de diversos grupos étnicos, culturales y religiosos.) Demográficas: características geográficas : urbana, rural & interior (10 distritos, 62 sub-distritos) Our capital is Paramaribo and our surface area is approximately square kilometers. As we were a former colony of the Netherlands, our official language is Dutch. We have a mix of various ethnic, cultural and religious groups, who also have their own language, but most of the Suriname community considers Sranang Tongo as the national language. Geographically, Suriname can be divided into urban, rural and interior area. The last covers more than two thirds of the surface of Suriname. We have 10 districts that are further subdivided in 62 subdistricts. 4

5 Contexto Nacional Gobierno: democracia parlamentaria
3/25/2017 Contexto Nacional Gobierno: democracia parlamentaria Contexto político : Poder ejecutivo : Presidente de la República de Surinam, junto con Vice-Presidente y el Consejo de Ministros (Gobierno de Surinam). El Gobierno es asesorado por el Consejo del Estado. Poder legislativo: La Asamblea nacional y el Gobierno. Poder jurídico: Presidente & Vice-Presidente de la Corte de Justicia, sus miembros y miembros adjuntos, Procurador General, otros miembros de la oficina de prosecución & otros funcionarios jurídicos. Suriname has a Parliamentary democracy. The Government has the executive power and is headed by the President of the Republic of Suriname, together with the Vice President and the Council of Ministers. The legislative power lies with the National Assembly and the Government.

6 Gobiernos Regionales Urbano, rural & interior:
3/25/2017 Gobiernos Regionales Urbano, rural & interior: Cada distrito: Encargado del Distrito (Jefe del Distrito) Interior: Población: Comunidades de los marrones y de los indígenas, dirigido por sus propios líderes de comunidades, y cuentan con el reconocimiento del Gobierno. (Granmans) All 10 districts have their own local administration, headed by the District Commissioner. In the interior, we have Maroon and Indigenous communities, who traditionally choose their own tribal leaders (Granman). These leaders are then acknowledged by the Government and they answer to their respective District Commissioners.

7 3/25/2017 Contexto Económico Presupuesto Nacional : impuestos, otros ingresos y financiamiento de donantes (subvenciones) Productos principales de exportación: exportación de oro, bauxita, crudo, arroz & bananas, camarones & pescado, madera Our national budget is generated through taxes, non-taxes revenues and donor financing. Growth of our economy is largely fueled by mining of gold, bauxite and crude oil. Other export products that contribute to our national budget are rice, bananas, shrimp, fish and lumber. The government is the largest employer, accounting for some 60% of the formal employment.

8 3/25/2017 Contexto Social El nivel de la pobreza en los distritos principales (70% de la población): Paramaribo: 27% Wanica: 27% Nickerie: 36% The General Bureau of Statistics has no recent studies to estimate the poverty level in Suriname. As 70-80% of our population live in the capital Paramaribo and the districts Wanica and Nickerie, an indication of the national poverty rate can be extracted from these districts. (estimated in 2005) This estimation is mainly based on the cost of a basic food basket compared and total household expenditures.

9 3/25/2017 Mapa Institucional

10 Ministerios Sociales Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales y Vivienda Pública
3/25/2017 Ministerios Sociales Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales y Vivienda Pública Ministerio de Salud Ministerio de Educación Ministerio de Trabajo Our social policy is mainly executed by the Social Ministries. Other social programs are also executed by other ministries, based on their characteristics.

11 3/25/2017 Out of the national budget, almost 40% is allocated for the social sector.

12 Política de Protección Social
3/25/2017 Política de Protección Social Los programas más grandes de protección social son implementados por el Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales y Vivienda Pública (MSAPH) Grupos beneficiarios: personas indígenas, personas con discapacidades, adultos mayores, niños/niñas, jóvenes. Asistencia social Transferencias monetarias Bienes Servicios The Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Housing is responsible for the largest Social Protection Program in Suriname. Target groups can receive social assistance, consisting of cash transfers, goods and services. 12

13 Departamento de Asuntos Sociales
3/25/2017 Departamento de Asuntos Sociales Servicios materiales Focalización Asistencia financiera Familias pobres Asistencia médica Familias pobres y casi pobres (provisión de salud gratis) Bono para niños/niñas Familias que no reciben bonos de sus empleadores para los niños Pensión para adultos mayores Ciudadanos ≥ 60 años Subsidios a instituciones sociales Instituciones sociales Materiales de escuela Familias pobres con niños en la (la ropa, útiles educacionales) escuela elementaria The ministry has two directorates: The Directorate of Social Affairs and the Directorate of Public Housing. Social Affairs executes most social services. Here we show a breakdown of the material service that we provide: Financial assistance: support to poor households. Medical assistance: support to poor and near-poor households for primary and secondary medical care. Child allowance is granted to households whose children under the age of 18, do not receive this allowance from the employers of the head(s) of the household. Old Age pension is the universal cash transfer for the Suriname nationals of 60 years and older; Subsidies are given to social institutions like homes for orphans, people with disabilities, senior citizens and people living with hiv/aids; School supplies to scholars of primary schools from indigent household for the purchase of uniforms and other basic educational tools. 13

14 Servicios Focalización
3/25/2017 Servicios Focalización Centros de cuidado infantil Madres que trabajan y con hijos entre 0 y 6 años Alimentos para niños Niños/as en centros de cuidado Centro para adultos mayores Ciudadanos mayores pobres (≥60años) Centros para varones con problemas de Varones (8-16años) con problemas conducta de conducta Cuidado para personas con discapacidades Personas con discapacidades Cuidado Juvenil Jóvenes (0-24años) con problemas sociales Cuidado de adultos mayores Ciudadanos mayores (≥60años) Desarrollo Comunitario Comunidades en necesidad Trabajo Social General Personas y familias en necesidad Asesoramiento familiar Madres solteras indigentes Línea de Ayuda a Niños/as Niños/as, jóvenes, adolescente hasta 25 años We also have immaterial services that provide care, counseling or coaching of individuals and families. A service for community development is also available.

15 Política dentro del Programa Multi-anual de Vivienda:
3/25/2017 Directorado de Vivienda Política dentro del Programa Multi-anual de Vivienda: Establece principalmente necesidades para estimular asociaciones público y privadas para mejorar la cantidad y calidad de las viviendas y asegura que todas las categorías de ingreso, especialmente las comunidades indigentes, tengan viviendas estables a través de varios proyectos de construcción de viviendas 15

16 Servicio/programas Focalización
3/25/2017 Servicio/programas Focalización Compañía de desarrollo de superficie Todos los hogares Vivienda Social Hogares de bajo ingreso Programa de vivienda temporal Hogares con ingresos bajos/moderado Programa de vivienda Ingreso Medio Bajo Hogares de ingresos medio/bajos Proyecto Tout Lui Faut (gob. chino) Hogares de bajo ingreso Proyecto de Desarrollo Urbano Richelieu Todas las categorías de ingreso Proyecto de Vivienda Social Tout Lui Faut Hogares de bajo ingreso Proyecto de Vivienda Social District Coronie Hogares de bajo ingreso Surface development company: cooperation of ministries headed by the ministry of Social Affairs to continuously guarantee house building facilities for the whole community. Social housing: house building programs for poor households. The Government is aware that not all citizens are or will be able to own a house, thus building programs are constructed to provide stable housing for these households in public-private partnerships. LISP: self-building program for low income households. LMISP: self-building program for low middle income households. Project Tout Lui Faut: building of 200 low cost houses for indigent households. Urban Development Project Richelieu: a pilot project in which the Suriname Government is developing a project to stimulate city development in locations other than the capital Paramaribo. Project Tout Lui Faut: social house building of 50 houses in Tout Lui Faut. Project District Coronie: social house building of 25 houses in Coronie.

17 Proyecto Piloto de Desarrollo Urbano Richelieu
3/25/2017 Proyecto Piloto de Desarrollo Urbano Richelieu In district Commewijne, the ministry executes the pilot Urban Development Project Richelieu as part of the Multi Annual Housing Program. In a public-private partnership, individuals will be able to build, rent and buy houses within this project that will also include public facilities like schools, health facilities, administrative offices, small industries, etc. It will be a projects in which citizens can fully experience living and working. En alianza público – privada, los individuos podrán construir, rentar y comprar casas dentro del proyecto El proyecto incluirá facilidades públicas como escuelas, centros de salud, oficinas administrativas, pequeñas industrias, etc 17

18 Programa de Vivienda para Bajo Ingresos
3/25/2017 Programa de Vivienda para Bajo Ingresos En ejecución desde abril de 2003 Incluye una alianza público - privada: Instituciones financieras Ong´s y comunidades de base tiene un rol en la preparación y ejecución del proyecto. Principal objetivo: mejorar las condiciones de vivienda de hogares de ingresos bajos y medios en todos los distritos Subsidios para rehabilitación de casas, expansión y construcción de nuevas viviendas The Low Income Shelter Program that started in 2003, includes a public-private partnership in which financial institutions, ngo’s and cbo’s have a rol in the project preparation and execution. The main objective of the program is to improve the housing conditions of low and moderate income households in all districts, supporting them with a subsidy and technical assistance. Households qualifying for the service of this program can rehabilitate, expand or construct a house. The project is financed with a loan from the IDB, co-financing by the Dutch government and counterpart funds of the government of Suriname. 18

19 Programa de Vivienda de ingresos medio bajos
3/25/2017 Programa de Vivienda de ingresos medio bajos También incluye alianza público – privada. Se lanzó en abril de Se focaliza en grupos que requieren de viviendas y que no pueden beneficiarse del programa para ingresos bajos. Facilita la construcción, renovación o expansión de casas ofreciendo un crédito a tasas de 6%. This program is a self-building program for low middle income groups who cannot meet the requirements of programs for low or middle income groups such as the Low Income Shelter Program and the 7% credit facility for personal housing improvement. It is a 6% credit facility and the execution is in cooperation with private partners such as financial institutions for targeting and payment of the loans. 19

20 Social Programs with other Ministries
3/25/2017 Social Programs with other Ministries PROGRAMAS SOCIALES CON OTROS MINISTERIOS We also have social protection programs at other ministries. 20

21 Ministerio de Educación
3/25/2017 Ministerio de Educación Becas escolares: Transferencia monetaria para estudiantes de secundario y indigentes para que terminen el secundario y cuenten con educación superior Estudiantes de hogares indigentes Proyecto Madres adolescente: Asesoramiento y capacitación para terminar sus estudios Madres adolescentes entre 11 y 22 años SERVICIOS SOCIALES FOCALIZACION Proyecto de alimentación escolar para nivel primario: distribución de almuerzos para niños/as Niños/as de hogares indigentes en escuelas primarias Subsidio de transporte escolar: transporte para niños/as de áreas remotas a sus escuelas. Niños/as de hogares indigentes & áreas remotas The Ministry of Education executes a school fees program comprising a cash grant for poor high school and college students. The grant is intended to support and stimulate students from low income households to finish high school and complete a university education by providing them with the finances to help them pay for educational material such as books and tuition expenses. Lately, this ministry launched a loan for University student to stimulate them to finish their degree. This ministry also has a project to stimulate teenage mothers to return to and finish school after their pregnancy. Extra activities are also included in the program to help these scholars to provide for themselves and their child(ren) and strengthen their ability to succeed in life. The feeding project for primary school was restarted last year. Children of poor households are given mostly bread meals as breakfast/lunch meals. 21

22 3/25/2017 Ministerio de Trabajo Fundación para la mobilización y el desarrollo del empleo: centro de capacitación vocacional para generar empleo Desertores escolares (≥ 16años) Stichting Productieve Werkeenheden: Centro de capacitación en habilidades específicas para administrar pequeñas empresas Pequeñas empresas SERVICIOS SOCIALES FOCALIZACION The foundation for Labor Mobilization and Development is a training center for school drop-outs where they get vocational training to give them a fair chance in providing for themselves and participating in the labor market. The Center for Productive Labor Units is a training center also of the Ministry of Labor that concentrates on specific skills to manage small businesses to stimulate the sustainability of these businesses. 22

3/25/2017 Ministerio de Salud SERVICIOS SOCIALES FOCALIZACION Centro Regional de Salud: Atención médica primaria y secundaria Beneficiarios de la tarjeta médica de MSAPH Programa de Inmunización: vacunas para infantes y niños/as en edad escolar Todos los infantes y niños/as en edad escolar Test de HIV/SIDA y medicamentos: test sin costo Todo ciudadano The regional health center is widely spread through the country and provides primary medical care to medical card beneficiaries of MSAPH. The immunization program vaccinates infants and schoolchildren of Suriname. Testing on HIV/Aids is also a service that the Ministry of Health provides in the fight against the spread of this infection and disease. HIV-Medication of People living with HIV is also provided free of charge. 23 23

24 Ministeiro de Desarrollo Regional
3/25/2017 Ministeiro de Desarrollo Regional SERVICIOS SOCIALES FOCALIZACION Fundación Fondo para el Desarrollo del Interior (finanzas holandesas): 1. Estímulo de actividades productivas que tienen como objetivo mejorar las condiciones de vida de la comunidad 2. Fortalecimiento organizacional, técnico e institucional del gobierno y ONGs que tienen un rol directo e indirecto de apoyo Comunidades de pueblos indigentes This foundation is financed by the Dutch Government and seeks to stimulate socio-economic growth, to improve the living conditions in the interior through programs in collaboration with NGO’s that contribute to this policy. 24 24

25 Otras medidas Medidas adicionales para grupos vulnerables:
3/25/2017 Otras medidas Medidas adicionales para grupos vulnerables: NCCR: Equipo nacional de desastres. Ej. Asistencia coordinada en inundaciones en el interior Plagas que destruyen sembrados de comunidades indigentes Subsidios para pequeños granjeros Subsidios para industria de arroz Subsidios para transporte público Besides the institutionalized programs to tackle poverty, the Surinamese government takes measures whenever necessary to support the vulnerable in society. Like when floods occur in the interior and ant-plagues that destroy crops of the tribal communities. Subsidies are also given to small farmers and rice farmers to compensate for losses of for example crops or increase in certain production costs. Since the drastic increase of costs of living due to the effects of the increase of oil prices, transportation costs of students and elderly are subsidized by the government. 25

26 Fortalezas y debilidades
3/25/2017 Fortalezas y debilidades Fortalezas: Grandes paquetes de servicios sociales para grupos indigentes y familias Servicios sociales acequibles Alianzas públio - privada Debilidades: Mecanismos débiles de focalización Fragmentación de programas sociales Débil infraestructura Falta de legislación en la mayoría de los programas sociales Débiles estrategias de egreso When it comes to the strengths of our social protection program, we have a large portfolio that support poor households, children and youth, people with disabilities and senior citizens. Our social services are fairly accessible, meaning that the requirements to become a beneficiary are low. For most of our programs people have to apply first. Some programs such as the school feeding programs are outreaching. The governments seeks more and more to start public-private partnerships. These partnerships can be with the business sector and with social ngo’s that have a very important role in alleviating socio-economic problems in communities and fight poverty in our country. The main weaknesses of our system are: Programs have separate targeting procedures and beneficiaries are required to apply for each program. The targeting mechanisms itself are poor. Within the project of the Social Safety Net Reform, our ministry is in the process of testing a new targeting and application mechanism that will be universal for the programs of our ministry. The information system that support planning and monitoring are underdeveloped. This is also dealt with in the Social Safety Net Reform. With regard to legislation, there are actions undertaken to legislate the care and counseling of people in day or residential centers. Protocols for care and counseling within our own ministry are yet to be constructed. Exit strategies for social services provided by MSAP are very poor. When it comes to material social services, beneficiaries need to re-apply upon expiration.

27 3/25/2017 Thank you for your time and if there are any question, do feel free to ask them to my colleague Saskia Donk, who will take this round, assisted by myself. GRACIAS 27

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