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El Subjuntivo The Subjunctive.

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Presentación del tema: "El Subjuntivo The Subjunctive."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Subjuntivo The Subjunctive

2 Every verb has: Tense: indicates time (present, future, preterite, imperfect, etc…) Mood: the attitude of the speaker towards the action (verb)

3 There are 2 “moods” Indicative: when a fact is expressed (states a fact), it is the mood of “what is.” Example: He is a good student. Carlos is in Mexico. Elena studies English.

4 There are 2 “moods” Subjunctive: used to express wishes and other feelings and attitudes about an idea or fact. It is the mood of “what may be.” Examples: I wish he were an excellent student. It is important that he be home for Christmas. Her parents insist that she study French, too.

5 El Subjuntivo Ejemplo: Her parents insist that she study French, too.
Sus padres insisten en que ella estudie el francés también. 1. insisten en = the attitude of the speaker 2. estudie = the verb in the subjunctive **When a sentence uses the subjunctive, there is a change of subject. (one at the beginning—independent clause, and another after ‘que’—dependent clause)**

6 La actitud + que + verbo en subjuntivo
El Subjuntivo En español las frases deben tener: La actitud + que + verbo en subjuntivo

7 Las formas SAME AS UD. COMMANDS!!! 1. Use ‘yo’ form of the verb
(in the present tense) 2. -AR verbs will get opposite endings (e, es, e, emos, en) 3. -ER/-IR verbs will get opposite endings (a, as, a, amos, an)

8 Irregulares ir = vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan
ser = sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean saber = sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan dar = dé, des, dé, demos, den estar = esté, estés, esté, estemos, estén

9 Spelling-changers -car (cqu), -gar (ggu), & -zar (zc) verbs change spelling in the subjunctive. tocar = toque, toques, toque, toquemos, toquen pagar = pague, pagues, pague, paguemos, paguen organizar = organice, organices, organice, organicemos, organicen

10 Stem-changers -AR & -ER stem-changing verbs change the same way they do in the present tense, but with opposite endings. pensar volver piense pensemos vuelva volvamos pienses vuelvas piense piensen vuelva vuelvan

11 Stem-changers -IR stem-changing verbs change the same in all forms except nosotros where ei or ou. preferir dormir prefiera prefiramos duerma durmamos prefieras duermas prefiera prefieran duerma duerman

12 WEIRDO WEIRDO triggers the subjunctive:
Wish = esperar, insistir, pedir, desear Emotion = alegrarse, enojar, quejarse Impersonal Expressions = es importante, raro Recommendations = aconsejar, rogar, sugerir Doubt, Uncertainty = dudar, negar, no creer Ojalá = I hope (to God) + que = SUBJUNCTIVE

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