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Formal/Ud. y Uds. Commands

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Presentación del tema: "Formal/Ud. y Uds. Commands"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Formal/Ud. y Uds. Commands
Los Mandatos Formales Formal/Ud. y Uds. Commands

2 MANDATOS AFIRMATIVOS To give commands to people other than tú and to more than one person, use the Ud. and Uds. commands. To form Ud. commands, change the verb to the ‘yo’ form in the present tense. Drop the –o. For AR verbs, add –e. For ER/IR verbs, add –a. hablar = hablo  habl-  hable traer = traigo  traig-  traiga vivir = vivo  viv-  viva

3 MANDATOS AFIRMATIVOS To form Uds. commands, follow the same steps as Ud. commands, but for AR verbs, add –en, and for ER/IR verbs, add –an. hablar = hablo  habl-  hablen traer = traigo  traig-  traigan vivir = vivo  viv-  vivan

4 MANDATOS AFIRMATIVOS Attach reflexive, direct, and indirect object pronouns to the end of affirmative commands. Add an accent mark to show that the stress remains in the same place (verb). ¡Tomen esas pastillas! ¡Tómenlas ahora mismo! Lleve la receta. Por favor, llévela.

5 MANDATOS NEGATIVOS To form negative Ud. and Uds. commands, just add no before the command. Coma frutas, pero no coma muchos dulces. Beban el agua. No beban muchos refrescos.

6 MANDATOS NEGATIVOS When using reflexive, direct, and indirect object pronouns with negative Ud. or Uds. commands, add the pronoun between no and the verb. No se cepillen los dientes antes de comer. No le diga nada a ella.

7 MANDATOS IRREGULARES Verbs that are irregular for negative tú commands are also irregular for both affirmative and negative Ud. and Uds. commands. dar  (no) dé/den ir  (no) vaya/vayan estar  (no) esté/estén ser  (no) sea/sean -car (cqu): tocar = (no) toque/toquen -gar (ggu): pagar = (no) pague/paguen -zar (zc): empezar = (no) empiece/empiecen

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