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Publicada porFelicidad Oliveros Modificado hace 11 años
(El subjuntivo español: una introducción) The Spanish Subjunctive:
Stem-Changing verbs Quiero que Ud. pase por el Control de Agricultura.
The forms of the subjunctive (Begin notes here….)
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive (Begin notes here….) Stem-changing -ar and -er verbs have the same stem changes as in the present indicative. recordar (o ue) recuerde recuerdes recordemos recordéis recuerden perder (e ie) pierda pierdas perdamos perdáis pierdan Remember, however, that stem changes do not apply to nosotros and vosotros forms.
The forms of the subjunctive
You may recall the third-person singular and plural changes that occur in the preterit of stem-changing -ir verbs. preterit dormir dormí dormiste durmió dormimos dormisteis durmieron u These changes occur only in stem-changing -ir verbs. The same changes occur in the nosotros and vosotros forms of the subjunctive. duerma duermas durmamos durmáis duerman present subjunctive
The forms of the subjunctive
You may recall the third-person singular and plural changes that occur in the preterit of stem-changing -ir verbs. preterit pedir pedí pediste pidió pedimos pedisteis pidieron i pida pidas pidamos pidáis pidan present subjunctive
The forms of the subjunctive
You may recall the third-person singular and plural changes that occur in the preterit of stem-changing -ir verbs. preterit Divertirse (e-ie), (e-i) Me divertí Te divertiste Se divirtió Nos divertimos Os divertisteis Se divirtieron i Me divierta Te diviertas Se divierta Nos divirtamos Os divirtáis Se diviertan present subjunctive
The forms of the subjunctive
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive Reminder: The following spelling changes occur in all forms of the present subjunctive with verbs whose infinitives end in -car, -gar, and -zar. -car c qu -gar g gu -zar z c buscar llegar empezar busque llegue empiece busques llegues empieces busque llegue empiece busquemos lleguemos empecemos busquéis lleguéis empecéis busquen lleguen empiecen
The forms of the subjunctive
Reminder: There are only six truly irregular verbs, that is, verbs to which we cannot apply our three-step process. When listed in the following order, the initial letters of each verb form the acronym DISHES, a useful memory device. dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den Dar Ir Ser Haber Estar Saber vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan
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