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“Los Mandatos” Commands Por: Martha Abeille Profesora de Español.

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2 “Los Mandatos” Commands Por: Martha Abeille Profesora de Español

3 MENU Meaning Types of “Mandatos” (Commands) “Mandatos” with Irregular verbs “Mandatos” and Direct and Indirect Objects Exercise © mabeille Press the Esc Key to exit

4 The word “mandato” means “command” in English Meaning This grammar structure is called “Los Mandatos” or “La Forma Imperativa” en Español. © mabeille

5 Types of “Mandatos” (Commands) The commands in Spanish can be: 1. Informal: commands given to a friend (tú). 2. Formal: commands given to an adult to show respect (usted). 3. Group: commands given to a group of people (ustedes and nosotros). They can be affirmative and negative. © mabeille Click the boxes

6 Affirmative Informal commands (tú) To create affirmative informal –s commands, drop the –s ending of the tú form of the verb. Ejm. s (tú) hablas ¡Habla! s (tú) comes ¡Come! s (tú) describes ¡Describe! Note: We use the same form as the Ud./él/ella form in present tense. Important: Important: the pronouns tú and usted are not used in the command form. Usted and tú are implied. Negative Informal commands You can make a Mandato informal (tú) Negativo using no before the verb and changing the opposite vowel in the last syllable and adding -s at the end of the last syllable. -ar verbs  e Affirmative Negative ¡Habla!¡No hables! -er and -ir verbs  a ¡Come!¡No comas! ¡Describe! ¡No describas! © mabeille

7 Affirmative Formal commands (usted) You can write formal affirmative commands by changing the opposite vowel in the last syllable. Example: (ud.) hablar ¡Hable! (ud.) comer ¡Coma! (ud.) describir ¡Describa! Important: Important: the pronouns tú and usted are not used in the command form. Usted and tú are implied. Negative Formal Commands (usted) You can make a Mandato formal (usted) Negative using no before the verb. It Is not necessary to change the opposite vowel in the last syllable neither to add -s at the end of the last syllable. Example: Affirmative Negative ¡Hable!¡No hable! ¡Coma!¡No coma! ¡Describa! ¡No describa! © mabeille

8 Affirmative commands (ustedes) You can write formal affirmative command by changing the opposite vowel in the last syllable. Ejm. ae (ustedes) hablan ¡Hablen! ea (ustedes) comen ¡Coman! a (ustedes) describen ¡Describan!. Affirmative commands (nosotros) You can write affirmative (nosotros) command by changing the opposite vowel in the last syllable. Ejm. (nosotros) hablamos ¡Hablemos! (nosotros) comemos ¡Comamos! (nosotros) describimos ¡Describamos! Important: Important: the pronouns ustedes and nosotros are not used in the command form. Ustedes and nosotros are implied. © mabeille

9 “Mandatos” with Irregular verbs irregular informal affirmative commands Some verbs have irregular informal affirmative commands. These are the actual commands. There is no ending to add or conjugation to perform, but you have to memorize them. irregular verbs túustedustedesnosotros tener (to have) ten - No tengas tengatengantengamos hacer (to do) haz - No hagas hagahaganhagamos poner (to put) pon - No hagas pongaponganpongamos ser (to be) sé - No séas séaséanséamos decir (to say) di - No digas digadigandigamos ir (to go) ve - No veas vayavayanvayamos venir (to come) ven - No vengas vengavenganvengamos salir (to leave) sal - No salgas salgasalgansalgamos These are just some examples of commands with irregular verbs © mabeille

10 “Mandatos” with Direct and Indirect Objects When using an affirmative tú command with a direct or indirect object pronoun, attach the pronoun to the verb. If the command form has more than two syllables, we must add an accent mark to show that the stress remains in the same place. Examples: Dime la verdad. (tú informal) Digame la verdad(usted formal) Explícale a tu maestro porque llegas tarde todos los días. (tú informal) Explíquele a su maestro porque llega tarde todos los días. (usted formal) Danos los libros. (tú informal) Denos los libros.(usted formal) © mabeille Direct Object PronounsIndirect Object Pronouns yo - me tú - te Él/ella/ud. - lo, la nosotros – nos ellos/ellas/ustedes -los/las yo - me tú - te Él/ella/ud. - le nosotros – nos ellos/ellas/ustedes - les

11 Mandato with simple pronoun Haz la tarea. (tú) (Do the homework) Hazla (Do it) Pon los libros en el pupitre. (tú) (Put the books on the desk) Ponlos en el pupitre. (Put them on the desk) Abra la puerta. (ud.) (Open the door) Abrala (Open it.) If a single pronoun is used with an affirmative command, attach it to the end of the command. © mabeille

12 Exercises 1. Rent the house. (tú) Rentas la casa. Renta la casa. 2. Pass the rulers. (usted) Pasa las reglas.Pase las reglas. 3. Raise your hand. (ustedes) Levanten su mano.Levanta tu mano. 4. Eat healthy food. (tú) Come alimentos sanos.Coman alimentos sanos. © mabeille

13 More exercises 5. Don’t write the essay now. (tú) No escriben el ensayo ahora. No escribas el ensayo ahora. 6. Let’s watch the movie. (nosotros) Ven la película Veamos la película. 7. Pay attention. (tú) Ponemos atención. Pon atención. © mabeille

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