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La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

Recall: What are the Affirmative Informal Commands for each of these: Comer (to eat) Hablar (to talk/speak) Tener (to have) Venir (to come) Poner (to put/set)

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Presentación del tema: "Recall: What are the Affirmative Informal Commands for each of these: Comer (to eat) Hablar (to talk/speak) Tener (to have) Venir (to come) Poner (to put/set)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Recall: What are the Affirmative Informal Commands for each of these: Comer (to eat) Hablar (to talk/speak) Tener (to have) Venir (to come) Poner (to put/set) Ir (to go)

2 Recall: Affirmative Informal Commands Comer (to eat) –¡Come el desayuno! Take 2nd person, drop the “s” Hablar (to talk/speak) –¡Habla con tu amiga! Tener (to have) –¡Ten el libro! Venir (to come) –¡Ven a mi casa! Poner (to put/set) –¡Pon la mesa ahora! Ir (to go) –¡Ve al entrentamiento!

3 Negative Informal Commands Affirmative: to do something Negative: NOT to do something Informal: tú To conjugate a negative informal command: 1.Find the 1st person conjugation 2.Drop the ‘o’ 3.Add the opposite 2nd person conjugation “-ar” = -es (-o, -es, -e, -emos, -eis, -en) “-er”/“-ir” = “-as”( -o, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an)

4 Inténtalo… Fumar –Find 1 st person Fumo –Drop the “o” Fum –Add “opposite” ending Fumes –Add “no” to the beginning No fumes Don’t smoke! Poner –Find 1 st person Pongo –Drop the “o” Pong –Add the “opposite” end Pongas –Add “no” No pongas los pies en la mesa Don’t put your feet on the table

5 Negative Informal Command Fumar (to smoke) –¡No fumes! Trabajar (to work) –¡No trabajes! Salir (to leave/go out) –1st person: salgo –Neg. Inf Command:¡No salgas! Venir (to come) –Vengo –¡No vengas!

6 Irregular Neg. Inf. Commands Dormir –Duermo –No duermas (don’t sleep) Dar (to give) –No des (don’t give) Ir (to go) –No vayas (don’t go) Ser (to be) –No seas antipático (don’t be unfriendly)

7 How would you say the following Don’t eat sweets! Don’t go to your friend’s house! Don’t give your phone number! Don’t be lazy! Don’t sleep late! Don’t put make-up on!

8 How would you say the following? Don’t eat sweets! –¡No comas dulce! Don’t go to your friend’s house! –¡No vayas a la casa de tu amiga/o! Don’t give your phone number! –¡No des tu número de teléfono! Don’t be lazy! –¡No seas perezoso/a! Don’t sleep late! –¡No duermas tarde! Don’t put make-up on! –¡No te maquilles!

9 La tarea 108-109 ¡Terminar en clase! ¡No hablen!

10 Calentamiento Write a negative command responding to each problem using the verb in parenthesis (pg 108) 1.Necesito bajar de peso. (comer) 1.No comas postre. 2.Tengo calor. (correr) 3.Estoy cansada. (acostarse) 4.Tengo miedo de los exámenes. (esperar) 5.Me duele la espalda. (levantar)

11 Calentamiento (respuestas) 1.Necesito bajar de peso. 1.No comas postre. 2.Tengo calor. (correr) 1.No corras. 3.Estoy cansada. (acostarse) 1.No te acuestes tarde. 4.Tengo miedo de los exámenes. (esperar) 1.No esperes para estudiar. 5.Me duele la espalda. (levantar) 1.No levantes pesas.

12 Come verduras. Haz ejercicio No pases el día delante… No corras Descansa No vayas a bailar No duermas tanto Sal con los amigos Busca un pasatiempo Estudia más. Haz la tarea No veas tanta tele No vuelvas tarde a casa Duerme más No salgas con los amigos… No corras en clase Participa en … No interrumpas No seas tímido Estudia todos los días

13 Object and reflexive pronouns with commands

14 Direct object pronouns (it, them) Definite Article Direct Object Pronoun ELLO LA LOS LAS


16 Where do they go? direct object and reflexive pronouns with a negative command (don’t eat it!), go BETWEEN the “no” and the negative command: ¡No lo comas! –Don’t eat it! ¡No te levantes tarde! –Don’t get (yourself) up late! Use a direct object pronoun (lo/la/los/las) when the object is 3 rd person (it/them/him/her) –Don’t eat cake! Don’t eat it! (No lo comas!) Use a reflexive pronoun with 1 st or 2 nd person (yo/tú): –Don’t call me! (No me llames!)

17 ¡Inténtalo! Don’t relax yourself! –¡No te relajes! Don’t bother me! (molestar) –¡No me molestes! Don’t open it! (abrir) –¡No lo abras! Don’t lift it! –¡No lo levantes! Don’t call her! –¡No la llames!

18 Practícalo Con la clase: 110 Work on & practice your skits!!! Tarea: Pagina 111

19 Affirmative informal command –2nd person (comes) –Take off the “s” ¡COME! Negative informal command –No –1st person (como) –2nd person opposite ending (-er verb -> -as) –¡No comas!

20 Reflexive verb/direct object pronoun Lavarse –Affirmative Lavas, remove “s” Lava Add correct reflexive pronoun (informal) –Te Lávate –Negative Lavo, remove “o” Add opposite 2nd person ending (lavar = es) No laves Reflexive, in between NO and command No te laves

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