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Tú ya sabes algunos mandatos… Di (say) estos mandatos en español:

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Presentación del tema: "Tú ya sabes algunos mandatos… Di (say) estos mandatos en español:"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Tú ya sabes algunos mandatos… Di (say) estos mandatos en español:
listen! raise your hand! speak spanish! don’t speak english! sit down! open your book! write! ¡escucha! ¡levanta la mano! ¡habla español! ¡no hables ingles! ¡siéntate! ¡abre tu libro! ¡escribe!

2 Conjugate in the 3rd person (él, ella, ud) form of the verb!
COMMANDS POSITIVE COMMANDS Telling someone what to do How are these verbs formed? _______________________________________ What are the present tense endings? -AR ER IR becomes –a becomes –e becomes –e Caminar comer escribir ¡Camina! ¡Come! ¡Escribe! Conjugate in the 3rd person (él, ella, ud) form of the verb!

3 Positive commands Mira Vive Bebe Escribe Camina Para Deja Aprende Pasa
Corre Estudia ve

4 Telling someone what NOT to do How are these verbs formed?
NEGATIVE COMMANDS Telling someone what NOT to do How are these verbs formed? _______________________________________ What!? Add OPPOSITE tú form endings….. hablar – yo habl and add opposite endings NO HABLES comer – yo como and add opposite endings NO COMAS Start with NO, go to the “yo”, drop the “o” and add opposite endings AR verbs add -ES ER , IR verbs add -AS o AR add -es ER add -as

IF a verb ends in –car, -gar or –zar, when making a negative command you must change the verb a little. Practicar – practico – take off the o – add es… If you write, “practices” – what sound does the “c” make? SOOOO, you must change the “c” to a “qu”. NO PRACTIQUES

6 -car, -gar, -zar rules apply to negative commands only!!
CAR becomes ques Explicar – NO EXPLIQUES GAR becomes gues Pagar – NO PAGUES ZAR becomes ces Cruzar - NO CRUCES Remember!! -car, -gar, -zar rules apply to negative commands only!!

7 Practica No mires No vivas No bebas No camines No pares No dejes
No aprendas No pases No corras No estudies No veas

8 Irregular Commands Venir means _____________ ven
Decir means ____________ Salir means _____________ Hacer means ____________ Tener means ____________ Ir means ________________ Poner means ____________ Ser means ______________ To come ven To say di To leave sal haz To do or make To have ten To go ve To put pon To be

9 “di haz pon ten, sal sé ve ven."
Ven Di Sal Haz Ten Ve Pon Se? Vin Diesel has 10 weapons, eh?

10 Irregular Negative Commands
Venir means _____________ Decir means ____________ Salir means _____________ Hacer means ____________ Tener means ____________ Ir means ________________ Poner means ____________ Ser means ______________ To come NO vengas To say NO digas To leave NO salgas NO hagas To do or make To have NO tengas To go NO vayas To put NO pongas To be NO seas

11 Poner una multa Dejar Esperar Tener cuidado Cruzar Doblar Manejar Parar Pasar Quedar Seguir

12 to wait Espera to cross Cruza to turn Dobla to pay Paga to follow Sigue to drive Maneja No esperes No cruces No dobles No pagues No sigas No manejes

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