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Lección 9:Comprar un Computador

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1 Lección 9:Comprar un Computador
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Lección 9:Comprar un Computador Consideraciones de Hardware Consideraciones de Software Consideraciones de Precio Consideraciones de Soporte y Servicio Pg 55 This is an outline of the topics to be covered in this lesson. Emphasis here is on what options to consider when buying a computer. Again, the information is presented as a checklist based on what options might be applicable to the user. Many of the points relate to someone who might have buying decision/influence in the office but these can be translated to someone who wants to get a new computer for themselves. Whenever possible, provide examples of the types of computer a particular type of user might want and how price can be the determining factor there. For example, someone who is thinking of buying a new computer for home and has no plans to start their own business or do any major documents other than budgets and seasonal letters could purchase a “standard” base computer at the lower price. When you add in a mix that this owner has children who will be entering elementary or high school and need specific types of software, or want to play very powerful games, the standard computer may not have enough elements to handle same, especially if the user does not want to buy a new computer every year. Another example could be someone who wants a system to help organize their life, both in personal and business terms. Would this user be better off buying a notebook with appropriate software, or could they benefit from a Pocket PC/PDA type instead? What kind of questions would you want to ask that user if you were selling or helping the person to pick the right computer for their needs? © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

2 Lista de Chequeo para la Compra
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Lista de Chequeo para la Compra Considere requerimientos de Hardware y Software Que tan rápido necesita que sea el sistema, cuales son los requerimientos del usuario? Que tanta memoria RAM necesitará el sistema? Que tan grande debe ser el Disco Duro? Que tipo de computadora comprar de escritorio o portátil? Es requerido el acceso a Internet? Que es mejor, un MODEM interno o externo? Que tipo de MODEM requiero? Que tipo de conexión a red es requerida? Necesito comprar una tarjeta de red o tengo una que le sirve al nuevo computador? El tamaño del monitor es el adecuado para el tipo de usuario? Que tipo de ratón? Pg 55 Objectives 1.3.2, 1.3.3 The list on the next two pages/slides are not complete by any means. This is meant to be a starting point to look at one’s own needs and then the needs of others who may use this same machine. Some are logical items you will want to focus on for a standard system, and then others address what you need the computer for now and in the future. Focus on comparing computers and learning how to recognize hardware and software considerations based on user needs. We have developed this section in the form of a checklist of questions to ask before making any decisions to purchase hardware or software. Questions here can be used for both office or home hardware and software considerations. They are based on the types of questions a technical support person might ask an employee/manager for the department, and can be adjusted accordingly for home requirements. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

3 Lista de Chequeo para la Compra
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Lista de Chequeo para la Compra Que tipo de tarjeta de video viene con la computadora? Que tipo de unidad de CD necesita la computadora? Que tipo de sistema operativo será necesario para el tipo de usuario? Can an off-the-shelf program accomplish what the user needs to do? Que tipo de software pre-instalado viene con en el computador? Los requerimiento del software, calzan o exceden las características de hardware del computador? Necesita comprar programas extra? Que tipo de software de seguridad necesita mi computadora? Pg 56 Be sure to go through each point so that students understand why this question might be asked and how to determine whether it’s applicable or not. Provide examples of different types of “off the shelf” (Word, Simply Accounting, PhotoShop, etc.) versus customized or specialized software (AutoCAD, One Note, Publish It, etc.) so students can relate this decision to more than current needs. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

4 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Cuanto cuesta? Tome en cuenta algunas de las siguientes consideraciones: necesitará una computadora mas poderosa si los programas que requieran de gran cantidad de recursos? La compañía pretende ampliar la capacidad de la red en los próximos 12 meses? Con cuanto presupuesto cuento para comprar una computadora en el próximo año? Con que características de garantía, servicio y soporte se incluyen con la compra de la nueva computadora? Está comprando la computadora localmente o por Internet? Cuales son las políticas de devolución? Cuanto tiempo planea usted tener esta nueva computadora? Pg 57-58 Objective 1.3.4 Price is always a consideration and in some cases, may be the main deciding point. However, caution students that price is not always reflective of a good deal. For instance, buying a computer built by someone local at a lower cost may not be the best solution, especially if there is only a three-month service support with it. At the same time, a retail store may have a very good deal but the computer may not be suitable for new software requirements within a couple of years. The focus here is on taking in all considerations when making the decision, not just what the user thinks they need now. Even if someone has been chosen to be the “test pilot” for the new software/hardware, include some of the situations that may happen if the new equipment is adopted in the future. One major decision factor for most users is support for the new computer. Take a moment to discuss the difference between warranty, support agreements, and useful life. There is a subtle difference between the three which most sales people will not volunteer so users should be aware of the differences. One area that is commonly forgotten is the area of technical support, generally because most offices have a built-in technical support department. Technicians do not know every software, nor how everyone uses it in the office. Accordingly, it may be wise to at least keep technical support informed of the possibility of new hardware/software, and when the decision is made to adopt it, be sure to let technical support know so they can prepare if they are to support the new equipment/software. In the case of hardware failure, this will be a crucial point regarding service by the computer vendor. A small company or an end user (at home) may not have technical support staff readily available; therefore, purchasing an extended service warranty may need to be factored into the final cost of the product. Many of these extended warranties can save money on replacement parts. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

5 Lección 10: Conocer Aplicaciones de Software
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Lección 10: Conocer Aplicaciones de Software Que son programas de software Como se desarrollan los programas de software Entendiendo que es lo que hace un Sistema Operativo Cuales programas de software son diseñados para aplicaciones específicas Pg 60 This is an outline of the topics to be covered in this lesson. Focus here will be on understanding what software is, the many different kinds that are available, and how each can be beneficial for specific needs. It won’t be necessary to have copies of the software programs; however, be prepared to answer questions regarding specific types of programs students may have seen on other computers or via advertising. What may be helpful is to have hard copies of the types of information you can produce with each category of application program for students to use as a reference. For example, you might want to have a newsletter, letter, annual report, or blank form for a word processor; a budget, customer list, inventory list, or a blank for spreadsheets; generated reports or screen capture of a database entry table/form for databases; slides, speaker notes, handouts, etc. for presentations; and so on. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

6 Que es un programa de Software?
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Que es un programa de Software? Solamente funcionan cuando son cargados en memoria RAM y deben ser almacenados permanente en el disco duro Son creados utilizando lenguajes de programación que contiene comandos que permiten ejecutar tareas especificas Los comandos pueden estar disponibles en menús, barras de botones, accesos rápidos, teclas de función, o combinación de teclas Basados en un conjunto de reglas llamados Algoritmos creados en software de programación Algoritmos son guías de como los datos de entrada debes ser almacenados en el software y el formato para la salida de los mismos Los programas de software son usados para determinados fines, manejo de texto, números, sonido, video, etc. El software que se utiliza dependerá de lo que usted necesite crear Pg 60 Objective 2.1.1 Discuss what a software program is and its main purpose (activate the command that the user needs to accomplish a task). You can briefly discuss the different types of programming languages that have evolved to allow for the newer and more complicated features that software programs have today. Do not spend a lot of time on how programming is done though; only indicate that a software program is developed using a programming language. Use Microsoft Windows or Word as an example wherein Visual Basic is required to write the codes for the program. Emphasize how there are so many different programs that do the same thing and how no one program is better than the other. It comes down to personal preferences by individual users or a standard set up by an industry that prefers one program over another. Provide examples of this (e.g., AutoCAD versus TurboCAD, Word versus WordPerfect, CorelDRAW versus PhotoShop, etc.). Choices made on software can be compared to when shopping for a game – which one interests you the most and can give you the majority of things you want to be able to “play” with when using the program? Often choices are made by as a result of one program having most or all of the features you want rather than just the name or manufacturer. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

7 Que es un programa de Software?
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Que es un programa de Software? Los programas son creados para automatizar procesos El Software es creado basado en la nueva tecnología, la cual siempre requiere de nuevas características Una vez desarrollado el programa, se envía copias a personas que están desacuerdo en probar la versión beta del software El proceso de chequeo ocurre en una cantidad de tiempo especifico, y la retroalimentación es párate vital de esta etapa Los programadores corrigen el programa basados en la retroalimentación recibida Luego otra copia beta es creada y enviada de nuevo a prueba, así como tantas veces sea necesario para lanzar el producto final Cuando el periodo beta termina, se envía una copia “oro” a un pequeño numero de clientes Generalmente cuando la copia “oro” es probada la versión final del software es lanzada al mercado Pg 61 Objective 2.1.2 This discusses how software is created and tested, in general terms, before it is released to the public. The process is described briefly so you may want to go into more detail or discuss the process a bit more if any of your students are interested in how and which programs are created or updated. Also discuss the length of the process and how it varies, depending on the size of the program and whether it is new or an upgrade. Discuss the difference between a full and an upgrade version of any software. Many students do not understand the difference and tend to buy the cheaper of the two without realizing they need a previous copy of a full version to be installed on their system before they can use the upgrade. As time permits, you may also want to briefly discuss the new software licensing programs becoming very popular for office purchase. You may also get questions regarding whether it is better to purchase software through the software company directly, a retail store, or a Vendor Approved Retailer (VAR). Going through the software company or a VAR (a company who sells both hardware and software to companies) may be a bit cheaper than retail, although sometimes retailers may have sales that are more competitive than the other methods. Licenses can only be purchased through the software vendor or a VAR. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

8 Actualizar el Software
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Actualizar el Software Es usual que los programas presenten error después de que han salido al mercado Los Bugs (errores) son errores que son difíciles de predecir Las actualizaciones o Updates o upgrades no siempre tienen que ver con problemas que presenta el software Pueden ocurrir como resultado de cambios en la política de gobierno, o requerimientos del mercado, así como otros factores externos El registro del software es requerido para tener acceso a las nuevas actualizaciones Las actualizaciones puedes ser recibidas vía postal o a través del sistema de correo electrónico La necesidad de actualizar el software depende de las características del software así como los requerimientos de funcionamiento del fabricante, ejemplo Microsoft y la actualización del Service Pack 2 Pg 61 Objective 2.1.3 Many students are curious as to why there are so many updates or patches for certain software. Others are not even aware there are such options possible. When discussing updates or patches, discuss how sometimes these are warranted (as in the case of a security breach in the operating system or a virus attack) and sometimes it’s just to fix features that you may not currently use. Recommend to students that they should do some research on the new updates or patches before automatically applying them to their computer. There are many Internet sites/groups or newspaper/magazine articles by professionals in the computer industry who can provide different insights into the new updates/patches and whether it’s worth it to upgrade now versus later. Encourage students to buy their own copies of the software for their own computers as it entitles them to technical support of this nature. Be prepared to discuss the issue again of copyright infringement in having a “pirated” copy, ensuring they understand what a pirated copy is and what it means. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

9 Actualizar el Software
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Actualizar el Software Razones por la que es necesario actualizar el software: Incompatibilidad o conflictos con otros programas Incompatibilidad o conflictos con el SO Problemas de funcionamiento del software Las actualizaciones / parches en el SO o en los programas de red son ejecutados por personas con experiencia La mayoría de la gente tiende a esperar al menos un par de semanas después del lanzamiento de la actualización / migrar para asegurarse de que no hay problemas con la actualización del software Es prudente registrarle software con el vendedor del mismo para poder recibir noticias de actualizaciones disponibles Pg 61-62 Briefly discuss some of the drawbacks of updating software, providing examples of each of these points. Remind students that this doesn’t always happen but it may be a situation where one needs to stop and assess whether they need or want the update before just blindly applying it. Counter the drawbacks with positives on why it is advantageous to do upgrades and especially if the software company offers it from a central area such as their web site, e.g., central location to activate the update on systems that need it, no disks required for the install, get the most recent features or fixes, etc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

10 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Que consideraciones hay que tomar sobre la actualización de nuevas versiones? Nuevas versiones son generalmente lanzadas al mercado uno o dos años después de la versión original Considere lo siguiente: Las características de la nueva versión son cruciales para la realización de las tareas diarias? Puedo su computador manejar los requerimientos de la nueva actualización? Cuanta gente puede verse afecta con los nuevos cambios en el software? Cuanto entrenamiento es necesario para que los usuarios se encuentren capacitados para manejar la nueva versión? Las actualizaciones Upgrade son mas baratas y en ocasiones hasta gratuitas pero requieren de la versión completa para poder ser ejecutada La versión completa generalmente dobla el costo de la actualización Las compañías se ven en la obligación de comprar licencias para cada computador donde el software va a ser instalado Pg 62-63 Most students tend to believe that when a new software is released, they need to get it. Discuss how this isn’t always the case, and in fact, much of the decision on whether to upgrade or not uses the same checklist as when buying it for the first time. Some software companies offer similar updates to the programs from their web site, thereby reducing the need to buy the latest version. Be prepared to speak with the class regarding different options of this type so they are aware that they don’t always need to have the “latest and greatest”. If possible, have a copy of the software box or the CDs for an Upgrade version versus a full version. This can be a nice visual for the students to see that the software is clearly marked as same so people know whether they can install it completely on their system or if they need the previous version. Discuss the pros and cons of constantly buying Upgrades after the initial Full version. For instance, some programs work fine with Upgrades but they do require you to have access to all the previous versions when installing the latest Upgrade. Sometimes it’s worth buying the Full version when it is at least three versions newer than the original version you bought. Provide examples of the differences in cost for an Upgrade versus a Full version. You may also want to get into a brief discussion about the different editions that can be purchased and how there are additional considerations for those as well. For example, Microsoft Office has the Student/Teacher, Basic, Standard, Small Office, and Professional editions. Discuss how each edition has a bit more or less options or features than the other. After discussing the costs of buying software, discuss how large companies tend to buy licenses which tend to be cheaper than buying individual copies, based on volume. For example, a single Full version of Microsoft Office Professional is approximately $450US per user. If a company has over 500 employees, the VAR might be able to offer it at a cost of $400US per user. Each license represents one employee who will be getting the program installed on their system. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

11 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals El Sistema Operativo El Sistema Operativo es una colección de programas diseñados para controlar el funcionamiento del computador y la interacción con el usuario Esencialmente ejecuta dos tareas o funciones Administra dispositivos de entrada-salida, y unidades de almacenamiento Administra archivos y programas instalados en la computadora Todas las computadoras requieren un SO para poder funcionar Algunos ejemplos de SO son: DOS Windows Unix Linux Apple Operating System Con la excepción de Unix, todas las otras computadoras utilizan sistemas operativos Gráficos Graphical user interface (GUI) le permite a las personas ingresar ordenes a través de comando gráficos y no comandos de texto, de manera que todo sea mas amigable e intuitivo Pg 64 Objectives 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 This should be a brief introduction to what an operating system is and emphasis on how every computer must have one installed before the computer will work. Talk about the two main functions that an operating system has and why it is so crucial to the computer. Many people don’t understand the purpose of the operating system and how these two functions can affect the overall performance of the computer when new items are installed. There will be examples on the following pages and slides to demonstrate what the difference between a text based and GUI display is, so there’s no need to go into any great detail here. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

12 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Sistemas Operativos DOS El SO origina para PC Hoy es muy raro encontrar una computadora que corra DOS como sistema operativo puro. Se escriben comando para ejecutar tareas basadas en la línea de comandos, Pg 64 Objectives 3.1.2, 3.1.3 Point out the display type for a DOS-based program and how it’s is mostly text and not very intuitive as to what to do and which key to press next. There are some companies who may still be using DOS on one or two machines, but very rarely will you find a company where all the employees have computers that have DOS as the operating system. If time permits and you are familiar with DOS, you may want to give the students a brief example on how DOS commands had to be entered in order to perform a specific task. For example, provide an example of how to move from one directory to another or how the copy command had to be entered in the exact syntax. Draw that comparison to how the Windows interface has made life much easier now. It’s not important to go over the total number of revisions of operating systems or even specific ones, e.g., DOS 4, 5.0, 5.1, etc. The important point to make is that operating systems have evolved since their original inception to provide more user-friendly features. Some companies may still be using DOS-based products such as ACCPAC or a customized program, but these will still be installed on a Windows system. It is very rare that a workstation is still using DOS except if it is dedicated to a firewall or network task for processing requests. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

13 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Sistemas Operativos Microsoft Windows Sistema operativo para PCs Windows permite WYSYWYG “Lo que ve es lo que obtiene” mostrado en la pantalla Cada versión ofrece mejores gráficos y mejor manejo de unidades y archivos Pg 65 Without going into too much detail, discuss how Windows has evolved into what it is today. Speak a bit about what WYSIWYG is and the benefits of same. Each version of Windows has significant changes in it so you may want to allude to that or keep it simple by discussing the types of file and disk management tools. The two screens here are for Windows 98 and Windows Use this as an example of how similar the screens look but each higher version has a sharper display and more features behind the scenes. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

14 Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos Windows XP versión más reciente Mejor pantallas de gráficos al igual que mejoras en herramientas de manejo de archivos y unidades Pg 66 Briefly discuss the differences between Windows XP and the previous version. As new computers are being sold with this version installed, it will become more necessary that people begin to learn Windows XP. The IC exam uses Windows XP as its base so you may want to emphasize here that the concepts and the way to perform most of the tasks are exactly the same, despite the version. There will be some differences but Windows XP also provides you with the option to simulate an older version so the learning curve can be quite low. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

15 Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos Mac OS Diseñado por las computadoras Apple Macintosh Proporciona al usuario una interfase gráfica Uno de los sistemas originales de interfase gráficos para el usuario y estableció el estándar para verdaderos programas WYSYWYG La versión más nueva de Mac OS está basada en la tecnología Unix Pg 66 Although we don’t spend a lot of time showing the Apple side of computers, their operating system is still crucial as it helped to set the standard for the Windows “look and feel”. Draw on some of the items on the screen as compared to the Windows screen. The screen shown here is for OSX (version 10); the operating system for the Apple computers has not fundamentally changed. It was a terrific operating system when it was first released and continues to be a very stable one. Many of the newer features provide some great tools for finding information in the computer or on the Internet. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

16 Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos UNIX Creado en los años 70 por programadores para programadores Diseñado pensando en flexibilidad; utilizó uno de los lenguajes más comunes que ya estaba disponible en la mayoría de las computadoras Principal inconveniente de este sistema operativo es que es basado en comandos de una línea que controlan las funciones versus una interfase gráfica de usuario Muy popular en universidades y organizaciones científicas o de investigación Pg 66 Unix is often called “open source” coding and is very popular with programmers for the purpose of sharing information and programming code. However, Unix has the same look and distinct feel of DOS which draws on the text based display and one-line commands which can be frustrating to someone who is not a programmer. However, Unix has become the base operating system for very large organizations or systems that are accessed by people on or off site. Some application programs come from a Unix background but then are converted to the PC environment, as needed. Those programs used by the Apple machines do not need conversion. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

17 Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos Linux Basado en Unix y proporciona una interfase gráfica que utilizó Unix Ya está disponible y usos con servidores de high-end y también para los desarrolladores de software empresariales Pg 67 Linux is another type of open source programming that many programmers like except that this version uses more of a graphical display, as shown. You do not need to spend a lot of time discussing the differences between Unix, Linux as compared to Windows. Emphasize how there are organizations out there who do use Linux as their operating system or one of their operating systems for the purpose of being able to share large amounts of information across cross-platforms. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

18 Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos Sistemas Operativos En Mano Diseñados para trabajar con APD El sistema operativo depende del tipo de APD Windows CE Palm OS Pg 67 With PDAs becoming very popular and being offered with many more features than the original ones, many people find that the learning curve of using a PDA/Pocket PC has decreased with the release of the Windows CE version for many of the PDA models available today. Take note that not all PDAs use the same technology; some are proprietary and others simulate a Windows desktop. Students should do their research before purchasing a PDA to see that it matches their needs and knowledge. The Windows CE operating system is essentially a scaled down version of the full Windows OS for the desktop, but geared specifically to the PDA/Pocket PC. Make sure students understand they won’t always have the same functionality on a PDA as if they had a notebook or desktop. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

19 Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Vistazo a los Sistemas Operativos Algunos ejemplos de limitaciones con sistemas operativos más viejos incluyen: Los nombres de los archivos en programas DOS estaban limitados a solo ocho caracteres y un tipo de extensión de archivo de tres letras Los nombres para los programas DOS también estaban limitados a veris caracteres como No había capacidad de multitareas con DOS o versiones anteriores de Windows No tenían tan buena capacidad de manejo de memoria Los sistemas operativos DOS y Unix estaban basados en texto, y utilizaban una línea de comandos Aspectos de los sistemas operativos donde puede haber problemas: No sirve el software Mensajes de error indicando que no sirve el software Los archivos de instalación para cualquier hardware or software son específicos para ese dispositivo o software Mensajes de error indicando que el archivo no está o está corrompido Mensajes de error indicando que no tiene acceso a ciertas PC, unidades, programas software, o archivos/carpetas Pg 67-68 Objective 3.1.4, 3.1.5 Emphasis here is on looking at the limitations of older and in some cases, current operating systems. There is no need to go into a lot of detail other than to point out how changes to the operating system can affect the system without you even knowing it. Restrictions on characters that can be used \ space : < > | and some of these still apply in Windows. Go through each of the points and have a discussion with the class as to whether they are still applicable now, when they might happen or how they might happen. Much of the latter points were discussed in Lesson 8 dealing with troubleshooting problems. Here’s where you can tie in the two lessons indicating that the operating system is crucial to the computer and any changes can cause problems in this area which then causes problems in other areas of the computer. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

20 Seleccionar un Programa de Aplicación
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Seleccionar un Programa de Aplicación Programa software apropiado para una tarea Procesadores de palabras Presentaciones Gráficos Correo electrónico Utilidad Contabilidad Hojas de trabajo Manejo de base de datos Multimedia Buscadores de red Paquete de programas Personalizado Pg 69 Mention that 80% of the tasks students will be doing on computers are application based. Learning about operating systems is still important as this is background information, similar to learning how to drive before actually getting in the car. If you have a software box for demo, draw students’ attention to the area on the box where information is provided regarding type and requirements for the software to be used on the computer. Discuss pros and cons of using a multi-function application program versus a dedicated one. Draw their attention back to the checklist that can be used to determine which computer/software is needed. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

21 Seleccionar un Programa de Aplicación
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Seleccionar un Programa de Aplicación Dentro de cada categoría hay varios programas software que han adquirido una aceptación en toda la industria Un programa que tenga “para DOS” despues del nombre significa que será principalmente basado en texto o caracteres Un programa “para Windows” es para utilizarse en la plataforma de Windows “Para la Macintosh” después del nombre significa que fue diseñado para utilizarse con computadoras Apple Es importante usar el programa software apropiado para completar tareas ya que le ayudará a organizar y a generar la información que se necesita Muchos programas le brindan características avanzadas, pero no la flexibilidad de una versión destinada de ese programa Muchos programas comparten las mismas características La compatibilidad entre programas software pueden cumplir un rol importante en archivos más grandes y complejos El programa que elija debe satisfacer la mayoría de los requerimientos El programa software más popular es el que se más se esté actualizando con nuevas y mejores características Pg 69-70 Objective 2.2.8 The point here for text that follows the program name is to make students aware of reading the software box before they buy it. Some people pick up the software box and do not check the specifications before buying the software, only to find it doesn’t work on their system. Another reason to check the box is to see whether the software can even be run on the system, even if you have the same version of Windows running. For instance, a game that has been designed to run with Windows XP may not work on an older system that was upgraded with Windows XP but does not truly support the power needed to run a program within Windows XP. Emphasize how while there are so many different programs that do the same thing, it is important to look at what you need and how much you need. Often the solution can be in purchasing a Suite/System program that is packaged with multiple programs rather than individual versions. Provide an example of what compatibility means here: using all Microsoft products will produce less errors between different program types than using three different programs by three different vendors on a PC with Windows XP. In this case, it may be better to pay the extra monies for the Microsoft Office System if data entered in a word processor and a database program need to be compatible for purposes such as mail merges. Another example would be to have Word as the word processor and use Netscape’s program. Some of the benefits of using a Microsoft product for word processing and are not available as a result of having an program created by another vendor. This may not be a problem but it could make a difference when looking at ways to increase productivity. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

22 Procesador de Palabras
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Procesador de Palabras Aplicación más popular entre usuarios Le permiten crear, editar y guardar documentos junto con los cambios de posición del texto en el documento, insertar nueva información, o quitando palabras o secciones que no se necesitan Muchos de los programas dedicados a procesar palabras tienen la capacidad de manejar tareas de desktop publishing Es el programa estándar en una oficina donde se crean documentos También puede crear páginas web al igual que crear y editar boletines, formularios, brochures, etc. Pg 70 Objective 2.2.1 Provide a few examples of what word processors are designed for and the popular features for same, e.g., formatting (bold, italics, color text, etc.), inserting pictures, creating forms, mass mailings, etc. Briefly compare the expandability of word processors to handle desktop publishing features, as well as the limitations. Mention that although Word and WordPerfect are created by different software vendors, the concepts and features are essentially the same; the differences lie in the design of the programs, i.e., where the command is in each program. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

23 Procesador de Palabras
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Procesador de Palabras Word Le pertenece a Microsoft Disponible para PC y Macintosh Incluido en Microsoft Office System o se puede comprar individualmente Pg 71 Word is the most popular word processing program used in offices today, regardless of whether it is used on a PC or Apple machine. The version of the software has very few differences in the program between the platforms, and in fact, for the most part, look and feel exactly the same. The main difference lies in the appearance of the screens based on the operating system used. Word is not geared towards any specific market type and as such, can cross all types of markets to be used for the types of documents each business needs. Many of the newer versions provide features for specific types of needs. This is a good time to pre-market the Word portion of the Key Applications Module. There will be lots of practice available for students to learn how a word processor works in that Module. The latest version of this program is 2003 although the IC3 exam is written for 2002. Make sure students understand that even though they will be learning Word, the concepts and features offered in Word will be the same in WordPerfect. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

24 Procesador de Palabras
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Procesador de Palabras WordPerfect Le pertenece a Corel Corporation Versión para PC solamente Disponible con WordPerfect Office Standard, Education, Professional, o Family Pack Editions Pg 71 WordPerfect used to have a very large share of the word processing market but has lost some ground over the last few years due to the changeover in ownership and catching up to Microsoft. The features and functions of this program are just as solid as Word. WordPerfect was originally targeted to meet the needs of the legal industry and while many legal firms still use WordPerfect, other types of large organizations also use this program. Latest version is 12. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

25 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Hojas de Cálculo Herramientas financieras más populares que realiza cálculos matemáticos y análisis de “si” Busque buscar números o audite información para patrones de tendencia con una hoja de cálculo Calcula fórmulas automáticamente con base en los datos insertados Puede manipular grandes cantidades de información por medio de ordenar, buscar, filtrar y las herramientas de análisis Pg 72 Objective 2.2.2 Spreadsheet programs are really meant to be “number crunchers”, although many of these programs have evolved to include more interesting features, e.g., inserting pictures, creating templates, sorting, filtering (searching for specific information), what if scenarios, data analysis, etc. be prepared to provide examples of how a spreadsheet can be advantageous such as in the case of sorting the inventory items to show only those that need to be manufactured in a specific location, etc. Discuss the pros and cons of using a spreadsheet for specific tasks, e.g., accounting, where dedicated programs may be better. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

26 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Hojas de Cálculo Excel Le pertenece a Microsoft Disponible para PC y Macintosh Incluido en Microsoft Office System o se puede comprar individualmente Pg 72 Excel is the most popular spreadsheet program today due to the ease and compatibility with Word and other Microsoft products. It can be used for very simple tracking of numeric reports, or can be as complex as a template with built-in macros or a very large report that links to other reports. This is a good time to pre-market the Excel portion of the Key Applications Module. There will be lots of practice available for students to learn how a word processor works in that Module. The latest version of this program is 2003 although the IC3 exam is written for 2002. Make sure students understand that even though they will be learning Excel, the concepts and features offered in Excel will be the same in Lotus or Quattro Pro. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

27 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Hojas de Cálculo Lotus 1-2-3 Le pertenece a IBM Corporation Disponible para PC Incluido en SmartSuite o se puede adquirir por separado Pg 72 Lotus was the one of the original spreadsheet programs for tracking numbers for large reports, but lost a lot of ground over last few years due to the popularity of Excel. Latest version is 9.8. Take note that you don’t hear too much about Lotus these days as IBM is promoting a solutions oriented package for companies that includes SmartSuite. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

28 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Hojas de Cálculo Quattro Pro Le pertenece a Corel Corporation Versión para PC solamente Disponible con WordPerfect Office Standard, Education, Professional, o Family Pack Editions Pg 73 Quattro Pro has a slightly different look to it than Excel or Lotus; however, it is gaining some popularity as it is part of the WordPerfect suite of programs and performs the same features as found in Excel or Lotus. Latest version is 12. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

29 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Presentaciones Crear diapositivas o hojas para presentaciones (manuales o en la computadora) rápida y fácilmente Ofrecen efectos especiales similares al proceso manual de utilizar equipo de audio o video También puede crear notas del orador y documentos para la audiencia, configurar presentaciones para diferentes tipos de método de entrega, o como una presentación con intervalos de tiempo Puede agregar, editar y formatear texto, insertar imágenes, gráficos, o tablas a la presentación También tiene la flexibilidad para estandarizar la apariencia y el diseño de las diapositivas con el patrón de diapositivas o con una plantilla Pg 73 Objective 2.2.3 Presentations have gained a lot of popularity in the last few years as users have become more comfortable with exchanging data via or delivered live. Using one of the programs is similar to setting up your presentation manually, except that everything can be created and then delivered from an electronic medium. The number of accessories now available for presentations has also become much more affordable so many companies look to their employees to deliver presentations for projects, etc. to other employees either on or off site. Ensure students understand that these are not graphics programs and while there is an element of working with pictures, the emphasis with these programs is the entire presentation. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

30 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Presentaciones PowerPoint Le pertenece a Microsoft Disponible para PC y Macintosh Incluido en Microsoft Office System o se puede comprar individualmente Pg 73 Very popular as part of the Microsoft Office System of products. This is a good time to pre-market the PowerPoint portion of the Key Applications Module. There will be lots of practice available for students to learn how a presentation program works in that Module. The latest version of this program is 2003 although the IC3 exam is written for 2002. Make sure students understand that even though they will be learning PowerPoint, the concepts and features offered in PowerPoint will be the same in the Corel Presentations program. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

31 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Presentaciones Presentations Le pertenece a Corel Corporation Versión para PC solamente Disponible con WordPerfect Office Standard, Education, Professional, o Family Pack Editions Pg 74 Popular with those who use the WordPerfect Suite of products. Latest version is 12. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

32 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Manejo de Base de Datos Colección de información relacionada entre sí Un programa Software de Manejo de Base de Datos ayuda a manipular y organizar información en una base de datos Identificar su estructura: Campo contienen una entrada individual de información Colección de campos relacionados es un registro Todos los registros hacen una tabla Las Consultas se utilizan para generar reportes o formularios con cualquier campo en la tabla Base de datos relacional significa que puede compartir información con otra base de datos El poder de las base de datos recae en el hecho de que puede ser tan simple o tan compleja como lo necesite Pg 74 Objective 2.2.4 Database management is often one area that is neglected by new users who may not be aware of how they can be helpful in organizing data. Most people will tend to use Word or Excel to try and organize large amounts of data, and look at database programs with trepidation. Provide other examples where databases can be beneficial, e.g., names given at a trade show that now need to be organized based on city, company type, etc. Explain how a simple database could be one that keeps track of all the CDs or DVDs you own at home to creating a database that contains a lot of information about new, potential or existing customers and their purchase history or a complete list of inventory items that you sell around the world. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

33 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Manejo de Base de Datos Access Le pertenece a Microsoft Disponible para PC y Macintosh Incluido en Microsoft Office System o se puede comprar individualmente Pg 74 Access is currently one of the most popular database programs due to it being part of the Microsoft Office System of products. It can be an easy product to learn for simple databases as well as simple relational databases. Explain how Access can be used for more than just keeping data organized. It can also be used as the base for programming to create a database to hold a large amount of data that can also be set up for web queries. The latest version is 2003. As with other programs, the concepts and features used in Access work similar in other database programs like Paradox or FoxBase (not shown here). © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

34 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Manejo de Base de Datos Paradox Le pertenece a Corel Corporation Versión para PC solamente Disponible con WordPerfect Office Standard or Professional Editions Pg 75 Popular for those who use the Professional edition of the WordPerfect suite of products. The education edition is new with the latest version of 12. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

35 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Gráficos Mejor tener algunas bases de diseño gráfico antes de trabajar con estos programas para minimizar el tiempo de aprendizaje para es uso de efectos o herramientas Los programas de diseño gráfico generalmente agrupados con software multimedia Todos los programas de diseño gráfico vienen con un herramientas para dibujar y pintar Programas dedicados al diseño gráfico también tienen opciones para crear y editar formas o curvas, con una gran variedad de herramientas para mejorarlas Generalmente se utilizan para compañías de publicidad o editoriales para crear imágenes únicas e interesantes Los programas de diseño gráfico para usuarios finales están diseñados para tareas específicas Pg 75-76 Objective 2.2.5 Encourage students to take courses that teach them about graphic design elements so they have a thorough understanding of what is involved when designing, e.g., color management, effects, etc. There is a lot more than just drawing and placing objects with a graphics program; the terminology used in each graphics program is standard for the industry. Therefore, anyone wanting to go into this market with these skills should be fully cognizant of what is required to succeed in this field. There are so many different types of graphics design programs that can be as simple as one targeted to children to home users who want to create greeting cards or church flyers, all the way to people who want to manipulate digital pictures or create intricate drawings for their business. Try to provide examples of each of the different types; many will know the larger program names but there are a few who may know the smaller end-user ones such as Publish It!, Broderbund products, etc. Many of the smaller end user products are free as they come with either the new PC or a device like a printer or digital camera for graphics/picture manipulation. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

36 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Gráficos CorelDRAW Le pertenece a Corel Corporation Program de diseño gráfico muy popular Disponible para PC y Macintosh Utilizado principalmente para manipular dibujos Pg 76 Traditionally this program has been very popular with graphics designers even though there are other popular programs such as Illustrator or PhotoShop for manipulating drawings. Latest version is 12. Corel also provides the option of just purchasing Corel Painter (version 8) as alternative to purchasing the entire package of CorelDRAW items. Corel Painter turns photographs into paintings, which includes a very powerful tool for manipulating pictures, similar to PhotoShop. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

37 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Gráficos Illustrator Le pertenece a Adobe Corporation Diponible para PC y Macintosh Herramienta poderosa de diseño para dibujos que se utilizarán en elementos promocionales o la Web Pg 76 Used to be one of the leaders in graphics design although faces competition from its own internal product lines for print and web publishing tools, such as PhotoShop, GoLive, etc. Many of Adobe’s products are geared towards a specific type of graphics design such as line art, picture manipulation, web publishing, etc. so many of their products cross over and provide compatibility for any type of graphics design work. Latest version is 10 or Illustrator Creative Suite. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

38 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Gráficos Visio Le pertenece a Microsoft Corporation Es más un programa de diagramar gráficos para demostrar ideas, sistemas o diseños en un diagrama Pg 77 This tool is very popular for those who want or need to show process flow or procedural progression, e.g., technical manuals, procedural manuals, etc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

39 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Gráficos Photoshop Le pertenece a Adobe Corporation Disponible para PC y Macintosh Muy popular para manipular o mejorar fotos Pg 77 PhotoShop is one of the top graphics design programs for manipulating pictures. This program comes with another smaller program that can be used to adjust or quickly manipulate pictures without needing a full knowledge of graphics design fundamentals. You can also purchase a lighter version of PhotoShop for those who want to manipulate pictures quickly, e.g., real estate agents who want to clean up pictures of homes. Photoshop manages bitmap images better whereas Illustrator and CorelDRAW can manipulate vector type graphics. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

40 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Gráficos FreeHand Le pertenece a Macromedia, Inc. Disponible para PC y Macintosh Muy popular para diseño gráfico al igual que para crear una “historia” para publicación para impresión o para Internet Pg 77 Freehand is much more than just a graphics design program and generally used as a precursor to working with other Macromedia products such as Flash or Dreamweaver. Most items created with FreeHand are designed with the web in mind. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

41 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Gráficos Dreamweaver Le pertenece a Macromedia, Inc. Disponible para PC y Macintosh Programa de diseño Web con elementos para crear gráficos para publicarlos en Internet o en una Intranet Pg 77 Dreamweaver is one of the more popular web design programs that allow you to manipulate various elements for publication of documents to a web site. In all likelihood, the pictures will have been manipulated in FreeHand prior to being used with Dreamweaver but Dreamweaver also has tools to fine tune the picture in the web page, as required. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

42 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Multimedia Elementos como video, música, o animación se han agregado a documentos publicados en un sitio web para Internet o para una Intranet Archivos de música y video utilizan la misma tecnología de formato aunque los archivos de música está a un nivel diferente (3) que video (nivel 1, 2 o 4): Archivos de video guardados como mpg/mpeg o avi Archivos de música guardados como mp3 o wav Muchos programas para pequeñas empresea o para usuario doméstico como Music Maker, Publisher 2003 con Digital Imaging, MovieMaker, etc. Pg 78 Objective 2.2.5 You will see more and more multi-media elements on web pages as the cost of larger band connections becomes affordable. It is one of the areas where companies may seek people to help design their web pages to be interesting and captivating to visitors. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

43 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Multimedia Flash Le pertenece a Macromedia, Inc. Disponible para PC y Macintosh También un programa de diseño pero diseñado para llevar los gráficos a un nuevo nivel, generalmente para interactividad con el usuario final Pg 78 Flash is not the only program of its type being used for multi-media elements; however, it is very popular due to its user-friendly interface and the amount of features found in this program. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

44 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Multimedia Shockwave Le pertenece a AtomShockwave Corp. Disponible para descarga para PC y Macintosh Le permite visualizar video, animaciones, juegos, y otros programas para entretenimiento en la Web Pg 79 Shockwave is very popular with younger people who want to play online or access items online from a trusted web site. Shockwave offers a number of multimedia types of products that you can download on a trial basis but you can also use their web site as a guide to what these products can do. When looking at web sites in Living Online (Module C), you may want to come back to these sites to demonstrate to students why they are so popular on the Internet. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

45 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Multimedia Discreet Le pertenece a AutoDesk Incluye productos como 3D Max, Fire, y Combustion Ofrece una variedad de habilidades multimedia para objetos como animación, creación 3D, etc. Director Le pertenece a Macromedia, Inc. Disponible para PC y Macintosh Diseñado para agregar interactividad un sitio Web, Intranet, o programas/archivos para poner en CD/DVD Pg 79 Two other multimedia products which can be briefly discussed to show how much interest there is in making web sites more interesting through interactivity or animation. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

46 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Correo Electrónico Desarrollados para parecer un organizador de escritorio/papel El proceso de enviar es similar al proceso de dirigir, escribir y enviar una carta en papel Solo necesita un programa de correo electrónico, la dirección electrónica correcta, y una conexión a Internet o a un servidor de correo. vuelto más populares en los últimos años ya que se han hecho cada vez más agradables para el usuario y también porque el usuario recibe respuestas en un corto tiempo Los dos programas de correo electrónico incluyen un programa buscador Pg 79-80 Objective 2.2.7 One of the most popular reasons for getting on the Internet is the ability to communicate with each other using . The programs shown here are not the only ones available; they are ones either provided with Windows, an ISP, or can be downloaded from the Internet for use. Alternatively, if someone has an office suite installed on their system, they will most likely be using the portion of that office suite. Don’t spend a lot of time showing the features here as they are covered in the Living Online module. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

47 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Correo Electrónico Outlook Express Le pertenece a Microsoft Viene con Windows y parte del Explorador de Internet Disponible para PC, Macintosh, y Unix Maneja correo electrónico y directorio Pg 80 OE is covered in Module C for the e–mail portion. Do not spend a lot of time here. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

48 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Correo Electrónico Navigator Le pertenece a Netscape Parte de Netscape Navigator Versiones anteriores gratis con Windows, pero necesita descarar la nueva versión desde el sitio Web de Netscape Disponible para PC, Macintosh y Unix Pg 80 Take note that at the time of writing, this portion of the Netscape web browser was called Navigator. However, it may have changed by the time of your course. Netscape was working with another company to create an program that was not as susceptible to security breaches and may have the final version of software available when your class runs. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

49 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Correo Electrónico Outlook Le pertenece a Microsoft Parte del paquete Office de programas Incluye calendario, área de tareas, lista de contactos, diario, y notas Programa popular utilizado en oficinas Pg 80 Be sure students understand this is not the same program as Outlook Express. Point out that the big difference is the banner at the left side of this screen which provides many more options than just mail folders and a contact list. While concepts and contact list features are the same between OE and Outlook, there are different ways of setting these up between the two and people do not often recognize that the two are separate programs. Be prepared that students might ask you questions specifically about how and what to do in either of these programs. Be sure to ask them if they double-click on the letter with blue arrows icon or the gold square box with a clock in the middle when they start the program. Most will remember that they use the envelope one at which point you can let them know they are using OE and it will be covered in Module C. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

50 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Correo Electrónico Eudora Le pertenece a Qualcomm Disponible para descargar de Internet Uno de los primeros programas de correo electrónico disponibles y aún es muy popular Disponible para PC, Macintosh y Unix Pg 81 At the time of writing, Eudora was at version 6.1. There is a new update to the program at The program is very popular due to its simplicity and the new features that Qualcomm adds as upgrades prior to paying for the full version. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

51 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Buscadores Le permite conectarse a Internet y ver los sitios Web de diferentes compañías, organizaciones, o individuales Navegar en Internet se ha vuelto muy popular ya que más usuarios están conectados a Internet Más compañías y personas han establecidos sus propios sitios Web en Internet Necesita tener una conexión a Internet antes de poder “navegar” Utilice el campo Dirección para moverse de sitio en sitio Pg 81 Objective 2.2.7 As with the portion, don’t spend a lot of time discussing the details here as they are covered in the Living Online module. Introduce what web browsers are and which ones are available (this list is by no means complete and shows only the most popular ones). © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

52 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Buscadores Internet Explorer Le pertenece a Microsoft Corporation Viene con Windows, las últimas versiones se pueden descargar del sitio de Microsoft Disponible para PC Pg 81 Latest version is Take note that the toolbar buttons will vary depending on whether the computers have Windows 2000 or XP as the operating system. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

53 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Buscadores Netscape Le pertenece a Netscape Disponible para PC y Macintosh Las actualizaciones se pueden obtener del sitio Web Pg 82 A copy of the Netscape web browser program also ships with every PC although it is an older version. You will need to download the latest version from Netscape’s web site to use their version. Don’t spend a lot of time here as web browsers are discussed in Module C. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

54 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Buscadores Opera Le pertenece a Opera Software Disponible para PC, Macintosh, Unix, y Linux Las actualizaciones se pueden obtener del sitio Web Pg 82 This is very popular with Apple users although some PC users swear by this web browser. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

55 Herramientas de Utilidad
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Herramientas de Utilidad Programas que le ayudan en el mantenimiento de su sistema de computadora Varios tipos de utilidades populares incluyen: Protección Anti-Virus protege el sistema de virus no deseados que destruyen archivos o la computadora Compresión de Disco vacía archivos viejos, reorganiza archivos para acceder más rápidamente, libera espacio Limpieza de Disco elimina archivos creados temporalmente por la computadora o programa software Compresión de Archivos reduce el tamaño del archivo o de varios archivos Se recomienda que programe estas herramientas para dar mantenimiento al sistema regularmente Pg 82 Objective 2.2.6 Utility tools can be any type of program that can help you maintain and manage your computer. There are many types of these programs by different vendors in the marketplace; which one is right to use depends on what you need it for and how frequently you may need specific tools. Some programs provide a large number of tools within a package, e.g., Norton System Works. Encourage students to ensure they have an anti-virus program installed on their systems and that it’s updated on a frequent basis. There are so many viruses being created and discovered on a daily basis that this is the best investment anyone can make for their computer. Norton and McAfee are the two most popular anti-virus programs found in offices and homes but they are not the only ones. You may want to return to this topic in the Living Online module to discuss downloading free demos of anti-virus or other utility tools. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

56 Herramientas de Utilidad
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Herramientas de Utilidad Norton AntiVirus Le pertenece a Symantec Disponible para PC y Macintosh Comprar para una compañía o persona individual Pg 83 Norton AntiVirus is one of the most popular anti-virus programs available and often comes with a free 3-month trial version on new computers offered by specific vendors. The important point to make with these types of programs is that it’s not enough just to have one, users must also update on a regular basis and scan the system on a regular basis. Doing one or the other isn’t always going to prevent viruses from getting into the system. Don’t go into too much detail on anti-virus programs as they are discussed further in Module C: Living Online. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

57 Herramientas de Utilidad
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Herramientas de Utilidad McAfee VirusScan Le pertenece a McAfee Enterprises Disponible para PC y Macintosh Programa antivirus muy popular Pg 83 McAfee is one of the most popular anti-virus programs available and often comes with a free 3-month trial version on new computers offered by specific vendors. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

58 Herramientas de Utilidad
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Herramientas de Utilidad Las herramientas de sistema ejecutan utilidades en su computadora para mantener la integridad de su sistema Dependiendo del tipo de mantenimiento requerido por su sistema, estas herramientas pueden ser suficientes para un mantenimiento general, o puede comprar otros productos para ampliar el número y tipo de utilidades que no le ofrece Windows © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

59 Herramientas de Utilidad
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Herramientas de Utilidad Norton Utilities Le pertenece a Symantec Disponible para PC Muy popular para diagnosticar problemas existentes en el sistema WinZip Le pertenece a WinZip Corporation Programa para la compresión de archivos Pg 84 Norton also sells a product called System Works that is very popular as a utility program to diagnose and maintain systems. The Utilities program can be purchased individually or as part of the System Works product. WinZip is one of the most popular file compression software programs for reducing the size of files for transfer via or other media. It’s been around for a while and can be downloaded as an evaluation. The cost is quite reasonable and decreases with volume licensing. It also comes with an extraction feature that allows you to change the zipped file into one that will extract on its own when the user double-clicks on it. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

60 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Paquetes Grupos de programas que han sido empacados juntos para la venta económicamente eficiente en vez de comprar estos programas individualmente Microsoft Office le pertenece a Microsoft y es uno de los paquetes de programas más populares utilizados en oficinas; disponible para PC y Macintosh WordPerfect Office le pertenece a la corporación Corel y está disponible solo para máquinas PC Lotus SmartSuite le pertenece a la corporación IBM y está disponible para solo máquinas PC Microsoft Works le pertenece a Microsoft y es un grupo de software popular para pequeñas empresas o para el hogar; muchas veces vienen con nuevas computadoras y ofrece una excelente opción para documentos simples Pg 85 Objective 2.2.7 Provide examples of the cost of a suite/system package rather than individual packages. However, remind students that if you only want one or two programs instead of the full deal, they can be purchased separately. For instance, a home user may want to buy a copy of Word for their home computer so it matches what they have in the office but they don’t want or need all the other programs included with Microsoft Office. You may also want to explain which programs generally come in an office type of suite package. Discuss how other companies offer packaged programs that are not for the mainstream office uses, e.g., Adobe for graphic design or web page design. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

61 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Contabilidad Diseñados para manejar la contabilidad y finanzas de casi cualquier empresa pequeña o mediana Reemplaza las tareas realizadas por un personal de contabilidad al automatizar muchas tareas en línea Necesita tener bases de contabilidad para comprender completamente todas las características disponibles en los programas software de contabilidad Pg 85 Objective 2.2.7 Encourage students to have accounting fundamentals before taking any computerized accounting program training. These programs are designed to manage the manual process of entering accounting information, not teach accounting with it. All accounting programs do provide help for specific terms; however, they are meant as reference only, not to teach new concepts. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

62 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Contabilidad Simply Accounting Le pertenece a ACCPAC International Uno de los programas más populares para empresas pequeñas y medianas Disponible para PC solamente © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

63 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Contabilidad ACCPAC Le pertenece a ACCPAC International Tradicionalmente utilizado por empresas de mediano a grande Disponibles solo para Windows, pero se pueden obtener actualizaciones para la versión DOS DOS version Windows version © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

64 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Contabilidad QuickBooks Le pertenece a Intuit Disponible para PC Popular para empresas pequeñas y medianas Disponible en versiones de Canadá y USA © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

65 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Contabilidad Peachtree Le pertenece a Peachtree Software Versión para compañías de pequeño a mediano en USA © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

66 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Especializados Se refiere a cualquier programa que tiene por objetivo una tarea o mercado específico GoldMine Le pertenece a GoldMine Software Corporation Disponible para PC Permite a los usuarios ingresar información acerca del cliente, establecer recordatorios, y realizar otras tareas relacionadas con venta de elementos a clientes Pg 87 Provide examples of what a specialized program means and the different ones other than shown here, or other brands using same type of programs here. For example, another popular contact management program is Act! or Maximizer. Emphasize that these programs target a specific market or type of task. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

67 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Especializados Money Owned by Microsoft Muy popular para el manejo financiero personal Le permite a los usuarios mantener un control de sus propias finanzas y también les ayuda a manejar esas finanzas Pg 87 Money often comes with newer computers as well as having the option of registering online to handle your finances. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

68 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Especializados Quicken Le pertenece a Intuit Corporation programa de manejo financiero personal le ayuda a los usuarios a manejar y organizar sus finanzas personales Pg 88 Quicken is often advertised on television so people may be familiar with this software although they may not be fully aware of what it can do. Be sure students understand this is not the same program as the QuickBooks accounting program. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

69 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Personalizados Programas diseñados para compañías específicas para realizar una tarea con base a las necesidades de la compañía Tipos de Programas Ejemplos de Tareas Escuelas registro, asistencia, reportes de notas Restaurantes órdenes de comida, facturas, inventario Tiendas de venta punto de venta, lectores de barras de código instituciones bancarias/tarjetas de crédito transacciones de débito, transacciones de tarjetas de crédito Sitios de compras en Internet ebay, Yahoo Fábricas Producción de automóviles, especificaciones para tamaño de madera Transporte reservaciones en aerolíneas que se pueden acceder desde la agencia de viajes, en línea, o en el mostrador de la aerolínea científico, médico, o ingeniería inspecciones, cambios ambientales, progreso del paciente Pg 88 Objective 2.2.7 This list is by no means complete but provides an example of different types of customized software programs that users may see and may not have realized these are all driven from a specialized/customized software being used by that company. The emphasis here is making students aware that computers exist all around us, even when we don’t see them working the same as if it was on a desktop computer. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

70 Lección 11: Utilizar la Computadora
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Lección 11: Utilizar la Computadora Inicializar la computadora Reiniciar una computadora Inicializar un programa de aplicación Manejar archivos de datos dentro de un programa de aplicación Salir de un programa de aplicación Apagar la computadora correctamente Pg 90 This is the outline for the topics in this lesson. Ensure every student is sitting at a computer where they can look around the computer and prepare to start it up as well as try “playing” with some of the elements discussed in this courseware, e.g., holding the mouse, clicking versus double-clicking, looking at the desktop, reading the screen, etc. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

71 Inicializar la computadora
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Inicializar la computadora La ubicación de ciertos interruptores y botones varia en las computadora En varias de las nuevas computadoras, el interruptor de poder se encuentra en el frente de la computadora, algunas veces a la derecha y otras veces en el centro del panel frontal El interruptor de poder para el monitor se encuentra en la esquina inferior derecha en el frente del monitor No todas las computadoras tienen un botón de Reiniciar Power Button Reset Button Pg 90 Objective 1.1.8 Have students do a visual to check of where all the power switches are on the system before they begin pressing any buttons. If the computers in your classroom have Reset buttons, be sure to explain the different between the Power and the Reset buttons. They may not always be different sizes as shown in this picture; be sure to point out the different designs at the front of the buttons that can be a visual clue for them. Explain how users should always look at the button they are pressing rather than just feeling for them as you may not always press the right button. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

72 Inicializar la computadora
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Inicializar la computadora 1. Encienda todo lo que está conectada a la unidad del sistema primero . 2. Encienda la unidad de sistema . 3. Después de que varias líneas de información aparezcan en la pantalla, la computadora empieza a buscar el sistema operativo al acceder a la Unidad A. 4. La luz de la unidad de disquete se enciende, se escuchan unos zumbidos, y después el sistema operativo se carga del disquete o disco duro a la memoria RAM de la computadora. Pg 90-91 Be sure to go through these steps with the students first and then have them try turning on the computer wherein you can point out what is happening. Do the theory part first as students tend to watch the screen during this time and not hear what you’re saying, which then leads to questions about what is happening on their screen after you’ve already discussed it. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

73 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Rutina de Arranque El proceso de encender la computadora y cargar el sistema operativo se le conoce como arranque o booting la computadora Cuando usted enciende la computadora por primera vez, usted realiza un cold boot El warm boot se refiere al proceso de despejar el RAM y recargar una nueva copia del sistema operativo del disco Cuando la computadora recibe poder, el programa Boot o ROM BIOS dirige un chequeo extenso de los componentes principales de la computadora, incluyendo el RAM, y dispositivos conectados a la computadora El último paso del programa Boot es cargar el sistema operativo Se carga a la memoria RAM y entonces el control pasa al sistema operativo La primera pantalla que verá es la pantalla de carga de Windows Durante este momento, el sistema operativo verifica el registro de Windows para identificar lo que está instalado y Windows debería reconocer Al completarse, aparece Windows Pg 91 Objective 1.1.8 Although the boot routine may seem tedious to students, it is important for them to recognize what is happening on the computer when they turn it on, and what to watch for if the computer doesn’t start up to the Windows desktop. Relate this back to the topic on operating systems and how this is the first function that an operating system needs to do – check that everything is there that should be there and connected properly. Compare this to how the car engine does all the checks that you see on the dashboard once you turn the engine. Once the “diagnostic” portion is done, it passes control to the software portion (operating system) that then checks to make sure the computer is working ok for software. Make sure students understand the splash screen is not the same as the desktop. They should be looking for the large screen that identifies the Windows version and shows the Windows logo. Many students get confused with the version of Windows and the version of software (Office) they have on their system. The logo on the splash screen can also be helpful in identifying which version students have if they didn’t notice the version number on that screen. Don’t go into too much detail about the registry other than to explain that it is similar to an index that identifies what was installed on the computer and where everything is, from software to data files © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

74 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Rutina de Arranque Pg 91 If you have a different desktop than shown here, be sure to take a few moments just to point out the slight differences between the Windows 2000 desktop and the Windows XP desktop. Otherwise, you may want to change the Windows XP desktop to the classic style to match the book and then show students how to change it back to the Windows XP style at the end of the course. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

75 Trabajar con un Programa de Aplicación
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Trabajar con un Programa de Aplicación Cada Escritorio tiene un botón de Inicio en la esquina inferior izquierda de la pantalla y una cantidad de iconos en el Escritorio para ciertos programas o funciones Utilice el botón de Inicio y luego el menú Programas para seleccionar un programa de aplicación para inicializarlo Puede que necesite hacer clic en un submenú adicional para inicializarlo La mayoría de los programas de aplicación brindan un icono en el escritorio de Windows para inicializar un programa en vez de utilizar el menú Inicio Cuando inicializa un programa, le pide a Windows que haga una copia de ese programa y lo coloque en el RAM Cuando cierra un programa, la cantidad de RAM utilizado para esa aplicación también se libera El RAM también lo utiliza los archivos de datos creados o que utilice dentro de un programa de aplicación Entre más grande el archivo, más RAM necesita Cada archivo que utilice usa parte del RAM disponible en su sistema Cuando ya no desee utilizar la aplicación, ciérrelo para liberar RAM Pg 92 Objective 1.1.8 This may not make sense to students until you show them. You may want to tie this in with getting familiar with the mouse and clicking versus double-clicking. Much of this is also discussed in Unit 2: Using Windows so you don’t need to spend a lot of time in this area. The emphasis here is that Windows provides you with multiple ways to start a program (also discussed later) as well as the amount of RAM needed in order to run large application programs and large files. Draw their attention back to when you discussed what RAM was and specifications for using a particular software program. You can also draw their attention to what kind of computer might have been needed in order to be able to run the large applications or larger files they may encounter in their job or need at home. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

76 Reiniciar la Computadora
Essential Skills for Digital Literacy Computing Fundamentals Reiniciar la Computadora Generalmente, una computadora puede dejar de funcionar de pronto – conocido como “congelar” Algunos métodos para “descongelar” su computadora incluyen: Si no funciona debe realizar un warm boot. + Presionar y sostener la tecla y luego golpear la tecla para poner un código de rompimiento en la computadora. Presione y sostenga la tecla y luego presione la tecla Pg 93 Objective 3.2.3 Discuss the different terms used when a system freezes, hangs, crashes, etc. This will help students recognize the term when it is used by other people. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

77 Essential Skills for Digital Literacy
Computing Fundamentals Apagar la Computadora Cuando ya no desee utilizar la computadora, siempre apáguela correctamente Nunca apague la computadora sin utilizar el procedimiento correcto ya que puede dañar los archivos del sistema Siempre asegúrese que ninguna aplicación esté abierta antes de activar el proceso de apagar Para apagar a computadora correctamente: 1. Haga clic en el botón Inicio. 2. Haga clic en el comando Apagar al final del menú Inicio. 3. Asegúrese que Apagar esté seleccionado para el procedimiento y luego haga clic en Aceptar. 4. Espere que Windows se apague completamente antes de apagar el monitor o cualquier otro dispositivo Pg 94 This may not make as much sense to students without taking them through a demonstration. Even though they have not worked with Windows as yet, many students may already be familiar with this procedure from their own computers. You can also take them through this process as well as to start the computer again, using that as a review as to their understanding of what is happening when the computers starts up. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc.

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