La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

Present Progressive pp. 282, 285.

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Presentación del tema: "Present Progressive pp. 282, 285."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Present Progressive pp. 282, 285

2 In English to be + present participle
be + verb + ing I am singing be + present participle describe action in progress at moment I am talking talk about near future I am going to the store (in 15 minutes)

3 In Spanish Use to describe action in progress, NOT future or continual actions Estoy hablando I am speaking (right now)

4 “near” future, in Spanish
ir (for very near future Voy a la tienda en 15 minutos. ir + a + infinitive Voy a ir a la tienda por la tarde.

5 Formed the same in Spanish (as in English)
to be + present participle estar + present participle Remember: estar is an irregular verb estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están

6 Form present participle

7 -ar verbs take off –ar ending add –ando to stem hablar  hablando
trabajar  trabajando estudiar  estudiando

8 What is present participle of?
dibujar jugar

9 -er and –ir verbs take off –er or –ir ending add –iendo to stem
comer  comiendo hacer  haciendo vivir  viviendo escribir  escribiendo

10 What is the present participle of:
permitir volver

11 irregular verbs change in spelling so agrees w/ pronunciation (orthographic change) caer  cayendo creer  creyendo huir  huyendo leer  leyendo ir  yendo oír  oyendo traer  trayendo

12 ejemplos Estoy hablando. Juan está comiendo.
María está escribiendo una carta. María y Carmen están hablando con nosotros.

13 Present vs Present Progressive

14 Present progressive is not as common in Spanish as in English.
only used with an action in progress at moment. emphasize action currently in progress

15 Ejemplos Estudio español. (Present indicative)
I study Spanish. I am studying Spanish. I do study Spanish. Estoy estudiando español. (Pres prog) I am studying Spanish (right now).

16 Present Progressive and DO pronouns

17 What is a DO? DO pronouns me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las

18 usage before a conjugated verb: attached to infinitive:
Lo voy a alquilar (el DVD). attached to infinitive: Voy a alquilarlo.

19 w/ present progressive also have 2 options.
before estar (conjugated verb) La estamos leyendo. (la revista) attached to present participle Estamos leyéndola.

20 accents When attaching a DO pronoun to an participle, need to add an accent to present participle to maintain original pronunciation of present participle. -ar, add to “a” in -ando -er, -ir add to “e” in -iendo

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