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EL progresivo de presente

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Presentación del tema: "EL progresivo de presente"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 EL progresivo de presente
Los apuntes de clase: EL progresivo de presente

2 The present progressive tense is used to emphasize action in progress, NOW!
It is not used to refer to regular activities or future actions.

3 The present progressive is a compound tense. It consists of 2 words.
Estar + el participio presente (the present participle)

4 The formation of the present participle:
-AR- ando hablando (talking) -ER- iendo comiendo (eating) -IR- iendo escribiendo (writing)

5 * Note I Y spelling change
When I is between to vowels, it changes to Y. leer- leiendo leyendo creer- creiendo creyendo oír- oiendo oyendo traer- traiendo trayendo ir – iendo yendo

6 Escribe al español I am watching T.V. (NOW) Estoy mirando la tele.
You are running in the street. (NOW) Estás corriendo en la calle. Pablo is reading the book. (NOW) Pablo está leyendo el libro. You all are cleaning the car. (NOW) Estáis limpiando el coche. We are talking with her friends. (NOW) Estamos hablando con sus amigos.

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