Artículos objetivo – revise articles Para empezar – what is an article? What is the difference between definite and indefinite?


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p. 61 “Definite and Indefinite Articles”
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Los artículos Understanding definite and indefinite articles.
Los Artículos Understanding Definite and Indefinite Articles in Spanish.
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LOS SUSTANTIVOS en español TERMS TO KNOW NOUN - person, place, thing, idea ARTICLE - a, an, the DEFINITE ARTICLE - the INDEFINITE ARTICLE - a, an GENDER.
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Articles, nouns and contractions oh my!. The POWER of the article THE 1. There are four ways to express THE in Spanish 2. The four ways are: El La Los.
Department of Modern Languages. Gramática nueva A direct object is a thing or person that answers what or whom, respectively, in the following equation:
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Bellwork Copy your DLT DLT1: I can learn indefinite articles so I can determine when to use each specific indefinite article, depending on the noun being.
Indefinite Articles and ¿Cuánto?, mucho, and poco
Is it masculine or feminine? Do you remember? Write the word with its masculine or feminine word for THE (“el” or “la”) and then translate it. 1. Libro8.
There are four words in Spanish that mean “a” or “an”. singularplural masculine feminine un una unos unas.
Definite Articles EL/LOS, LA/LAS. General sense and before abstract nouns Me gusta el café. El valor es una virtud. El café es un producto importante.
Definite and Indefinite Articles Álamo. Definite Articles O (In English, “the”) are used with nouns to indicate specific persons, places, or things. Álamo.
Definite and Indefinite Articles P.60 Realidades 1.
Las Horas del Día hora hora o’clock §The word hora means time in asking the time of the day. In standing time the word hora is understood. There is not.
Definite & indefinite articles The articles el, la, los & las are definite articles and mean “the” when translated into English. Use these when talking.
Edited by: Señora Pearson 2017
Artículos y sustantivos
There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”.
Indefinite Articles ¿cuánto? mucho poco
Gender & Number of NOUNS & ARTICLES
Using Adjectives as Nouns
Transcripción de la presentación:

Artículos objetivo – revise articles Para empezar – what is an article? What is the difference between definite and indefinite?

El artículo definido El/los La/las when el is preceded by prepositions a or de a single word is formed A + el = al De + el = del

They are used Before nouns Before abstract nouns Before nouns indicating a unique person/thing No me gustan las tortillas La democracia es una forma de gobernar la sociedad

With the names of languages Except when used with Hablar Saber Aprender El inglés es una lengua mundial Mary aprende italiano y habla ruso

Before titles Except when addressing the person directly Conocí al doctor López el mes pasado Hola, señora García

To translate on with days of the week El museo cierra los lunes

Before some countries/regions La India El Reino Unido El Salvador La Coruña La Mancha La Pampa

With parts of the body Tengo los ojos azules Me duele la cabeza

The definite article is NOT used 1. With Roman numerals after the names of monarchs/popes Eg. Felipe IV de España = Felipe cuarto 2. When giving further info on someone Eg. Felipe Gonzalez, antiguo presidente de España

The indefinite article Used In the plural form to mean few/approx with numbers El pueblo está a unos kilómetros de distancia

NOT USED With professions or occupations Soy profesor Mi amiga es cantante Unless the noun is qualified Mi amiga es una cantante fabulosa

With the following Otro Tal Medio Qué Mil No hay otro remedio No habría hecho tal cosa ¡Qué chica tan rara!