Reflexive verbs. In Spanish, whenever the subject does anything to or for him-/her-/itself, a reflexive pronoun (un pronombre reflexivo) is used. In Spanish,


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Reflexive verbs

In Spanish, whenever the subject does anything to or for him-/her-/itself, a reflexive pronoun (un pronombre reflexivo) is used. In Spanish, whenever the subject does anything to or for him-/her-/itself, a reflexive pronoun (un pronombre reflexivo) is used. We have reflexives in English too. We have reflexives in English too. They end in –self, -selves: myself, yourselves They end in –self, -selves: myself, yourselves

Los pronombres reflexivos me nos me nos te os te os se se se se

me bañonos bañamos me bañonos bañamos te bañasos bañáis te bañasos bañáis se bañase bañan se bañase bañan I bathe myselfWe bathe ourselves I bathe myselfWe bathe ourselves You bathe yourselfYall bathe yourselves You bathe yourselfYall bathe yourselves He/She/You batheThey/You all bathe him/her/yourselfthem/yourselves He/She/You batheThey/You all bathe him/her/yourselfthem/yourselves

When looking at a verb in its infinitive form the –se at the end or (se) indicates that the verb is (or can be) used reflexively. When looking at a verb in its infinitive form the –se at the end or (se) indicates that the verb is (or can be) used reflexively.

placement Like DO and IO pronouns, reflexive pronouns are placed immediately before the conjugated verb or are attached to an infinitive or participle Like DO and IO pronouns, reflexive pronouns are placed immediately before the conjugated verb or are attached to an infinitive or participle

What is the difference? Me lavo las manos. Me lavo las manos. Lavo los platos. Lavo los platos. Me baño por la mañana. Me baño por la mañana. Voy a bañarme esta noche. Voy a bañarme esta noche. Baño a mi hijo por la mañana. Baño a mi hijo por la mañana. Voy a bañar a mi hijo esta noche. Voy a bañar a mi hijo esta noche. Me visto por la mañana. Me visto por la mañana. Me vestí esta mañana. Me vestí esta mañana. Visto a mi hijo por la mañana. Visto a mi hijo por la mañana. Vestí a mi hijo esta mañana. Vestí a mi hijo esta mañana.

Ten Cuidado Sometimes verb meanings change when used reflexively. Here are some examples: Sometimes verb meanings change when used reflexively. Here are some examples: dormir = to sleep dormir = to sleep dormirse = to fall asleep dormirse = to fall asleep poner = to put or place poner = to put or place ponerse = to put on ponerse = to put on comer = to eat comer = to eat comerse = to eat up comerse = to eat up ir = to go ir = to go irse = to leave irse = to leave llevar = to take/carry llevar = to take/carry llevarse = to take away or get along llevarse = to take away or get along preguntar = to ask preguntar = to ask preguntarse = to wonder, ask oneself preguntarse = to wonder, ask oneself despedir = to fire despedir = to fire despedirse = to say good-bye despedirse = to say good-bye