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Reflexive Verbs Español 2 –U8L1.

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Presentación del tema: "Reflexive Verbs Español 2 –U8L1."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Reflexive Verbs Español 2 –U8L1

2 Reflexive verbs to or for oneself “se” bañar se
Reflexive verbs are actions that are done _________________________. In the infinitive form, they always end in _________. When you conjugate reflexive verbs, think of the verb as two pieces—the verb and the reflexive pronoun. Ex: bañarse = _______ + ____ to or for oneself “se” bañar se

3 Reflexive Verbs me nos te os se se
To conjugate, first choose the correct reflexive pronoun, then conjugate the verb. myself ourselves Yourself Yourselves Himself Herself Itself Themselves yourselves me nos te os se se

4 Examples—present tense
dormirse—to fall asleep me duermo nos dormimos te duermes os dormís se duerme se duermen

5 secarse—to dry oneself
Examples—past tense secarse—to dry oneself me sequé nos secamos te secaste os secasteis se secó se secaron

6 Examples se baña me despierto Conjugate in the present tense.
Jorge ____________ (bañarse) a las ocho. Yo _______________ (despertarse) a las siete. se baña me despierto

7 Examples conjugated verb attach
If a reflexive verb comes after a _________________, use the correct reflexive pronoun with the infinitive. You can ______________ the reflexive to the infinitive: Yo quiero maquillarme. OR you can place the reflexive before the conjugated verb: Yo me quiero maquillar. conjugated verb attach

8 Examples despertarte ducharse
¿Tú tienes que ___________ (despertarse) temprano? Ellos necesitan ______________ (ducharse) ahora. ducharse

9 Examples María se maquilla en la mañana. Yo tengo que bañarme.
María puts on make-up in the morning. Miguel y Juan shaved the day before yesterday. I have to take a bath.*** María se maquilla en la mañana. Miguel y Juan se afeitaron anteayer. Yo tengo que bañarme.

10 Reflexive vs. Non-reflexive
Marta washed her hands yesterday. Marta washed the dog yesterday. Marta se lavó las manos ayer. Marta lavó el perro ayer.

11 To put To put on To sleep To fall asleep
***A couple of verbs have slightly different meanings when there is a reflexive pronoun attached. poner ___________________ ponerse _________________ dormir _________________ dormirse ________________ To put To put on To sleep To fall asleep

12 Dados 1st Column 2nd Column 1. vestirse 1. yo 1. secarse 2. arreglarse
3. Felix 4. nosotros 5. vosotros 6. los chicos 1. secarse 2. lavarse 3. afeitarse 4. ponerse 5. banarse 6. acostarse 1. vestirse 2. arreglarse 3. despertarse 4. dormirse 5. ducharse 6. cepillarse

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