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La rutina diaria – los verbos reflexivos

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Presentación del tema: "La rutina diaria – los verbos reflexivos"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 La rutina diaria – los verbos reflexivos
Unidad 7 Español II

2 Me despierto Me levanto Me lavo Me cepillo Me ducho Me seco

3 Me voy Me maquillo Me siento Me quito Me acuerdo Me acuesto

4 La estructura de los verbos reflexivos
Preguntas esenciales: What are reflexive verbs? What is the difference between a regular verb and a reflexive verb? How do we form reflexive verbs? Are there any irregular forms?

5 What are reflexive verbs?
What objects reflect things? What do you see when you look in the mirror? Reflexive verbs are actions that can be done to oneself (including but not limited to one’s body). Are all verbs reflexive? No. Ex: correr, bailar, dibujar Can some reflexive verbs be non-reflexive? Yes. Ex: bañarse and bañar both are verbs. Bañarse is reflexive. Bañar is not.

6 What is the difference between a reflexive verb and regular verb?
Obvious answer: Reflexive verbs end in se. Regular verbs end in ar, er, or ir. But what really is the difference? Take a look: Me baño. Yo baño al perro. Se cepilla los dientes. La mamá cepilla los dientes del bebé. Me maquillo. Ella maquilla a su amiga. Te peinas el pelo. Tu mamá peinas el pelo de ti.

7 How do we form reflexive verbs?
There are two parts to reflexive verbs: the reflexive pronoun conjugated verb form

8 How do we form reflexive verbs? Step 1: the reflexive pronoun
(yo) me (nosotros) nos (tú) te vosotros (él) se (ella) se (usted) se (ellos) se (ellas) se (ustedes) se ( ) = optional

9 How do we form reflexive verbs? Step 2: conjugating the verb
-amos -emos / -imos -as -es -a -e -an -en Make sure to pay attention to if the verb is an AR or ER or IR verb

10 Putting it all together…
Step 2 Step 1 cepillarse She brushes her teeth. (Ella) se cepilla los dientes.

11 Putting it all together…
Step 2 Step 1 lavarse They wash their hands. (Ellos) se lavan las manos.

12 Putting it all together…
Step 2 Step 1 vestirse We get dressed. (Nosotros) nos vestimos.

13 AR verbs only for now… She combs her hair. (peinarse)
The girls stay at home. (quedarse) She puts on makeup. (maquillarse) I take a shower. (ducharse) You bathe. (bañarse) I get angry with silly/foolish people. (enojarse) He brushes his teeth. (cepillarse) We shave. (afeitarse)

14 Are there any irregular forms?
We are in present tense… that means stem- changing verbs exist! O  UE E  IE E  I LOTS of reflexive verbs have stem-changes. Remember, stem changes do not happen for nosotros.

15 Are there any irregular forms?
O  UE acordarse = me acuerdo, te acuerdas… acostarse = me acuesto, te acuestas… dormirse = me duermo, te duermes… probarse = me prueb0, te pruebas…

16 Are there any irregular forms?
E  IE E  I despertarse me despierto te despiertas Sentarse me siento te sientas Sentirse te sientes Despedirse me despido te despides Vestirse me visto te vistes

17 A practicar: los verbos reflexivos
I wake up (despertarse) I put on clothes. (ponerse) He gets dressed. (vestirse) I remember to do homework. (acordarse) They go to bed. (acostarse) You fall asleep. (dormirse) I worry. (preocuparse) She wakes up. (despertarse) They feel good. (sentirse) We sit down. (sentarse)

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