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Verbos Reflexivos Un repaso.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos Reflexivos Un repaso."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos Reflexivos Un repaso

2 Reflexive Verbs What are reflexive verbs?
A verb is reflexive when the person DOING the action is also the person RECEIVING the action. Me lavo. (I wash myself.) Te peinas. (You comb your hair.) Él se cepilla los dientes. (He brushes his teeth.) Many times “oneself” is added to the definition of the verb to give the reflexive definition. Many reflexive verbs are used to talk about daily routine. Most verbs can be either reflexive or non-reflexive. Yo lavo los platos. (I wash the dishes.)

3 Reflexive Verbs – Formation
Reflexive verbs have “se” on the end of their infinitive form. Lavarse Peinarse Cepillarse There are 2 parts to forming reflexive verbs! Reflexive Pronoun Verb ending conjugation

4 Reflexive Verbs – Formation
Remember – there are 2 parts to forming reflexive verbs! Reflexive Pronoun Verb Conjugation Reflexive verbs can be used in any tense – verb endings for various tenses will be shown on next slide. Me Nos Te Os Se +

5 Reflexive Verbs - Formation
Reflexive Pronoun + Verb Conjugation PRESENTE -AR -ER -IR Yo -o -as -es Él/ella/Ud. -a -e Nosotros -amos -emos -imos Vosotros -áis -éis -ís Ellos/ellas/Uds. -an -en Me Nos Te Os Se PRETÉRITO -AR -ER/_IR Yo -aste -iste Él/ella/Ud. -ió Nosotros -amos -imos Vosotros -asties -isteis Ellos/ellas/Uds. -aron -ieron IMPERFECTO -AR -ER/-IR Yo -aba -ía -abas -ías Él/ella/Ud. Nosotros -abamos -íamos Vosotros -abais -íais Ellos/ellas/Uds. -aban -ían

6 Reflexive Verbs Me cepillo los dientes. (Presente)
I brush my teeth. Me cepillé los dientes. (Pretérito) I brushed my teeth. Me cepillaba los dientes. (Imperfecto) I used to brush my teeth. I was brushing my teeth.

7 Reflexive Verbs When using a reflexive verb in the infinitive form with another conjugated verb, the reflexive pronoun may be attached to the infinitive or placed in front of the conjugated verb. Voy a acostarme a laz diez. Me voy a acostar a las diez.

8 Reflexive Verbs Attach the reflexive pronoun to the end of an affirmative commands and place it before a negative command. Cuidate mucho No te acuestes muy tarde

9 Reflexive Verbs Some common reflexive verbs are used to talk about your daily routine. Acostarse To go to bed Bañarse To bathe oneself Despertarse To wake up Lavarse To wash oneself Levantarse To get out of bed Ponerse To put on Vestirse To dress oneself

10 A practicar Lavarse – Yo ____ ____________ Maquillarse – Tú
____ ____________ Maquillarse – Tú ____ ___________ Ducharse – Él Cepillarse – Nosotros ____ _____________ Vestirse – Vosotros Levantarse – Ellas

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