Verbos irregulares en el pretérito
VerbNew Preterite Stem AndarAnduv- EstarEstuv- PoderPud- PonerPus- QuererQuis- SaberSup- TenerTuv- venirVin-
VerbNew Preterite Stem Andar = to walk/goAnduv- Estar = to beEstuv- Poder = to be able toPud- Poner = to putPus- Querer = to wantQuis- Saber = to knowSup- Tener to haveTuv- Venir =to comeVin-
All get the same endings, hoorrraayyy!! -e-imos -isteX -o-ieron
Por ejemplo….estar EstuveEstuvimos EstuvisteX Estuvoestuvieron
….andar AnduveAnduvimos Anduvistex Anduvoanduvieron
….poder PudePudimos PudisteX Pudopudieron
….poner PusePusimos PusisteX Pusopusieron
….querer QuiseQuisimos QuisisteX Quisoquisieron
….saber SupeSupimos SupisteX Suposupieron
….tener TuveTuvimos TuvisteX Tuvotuvieron
….venir VineVinimos VinisteX Vinovinieron
1.I was not able to study last night. ________________________________________ 2. Did you put the book on my desk? ________________________________________ 3. I had a bad day. Did you have a good day? ___________________________________ 4. I came to school late and the girls wanted to study. ___________________________________________ 5. He was very sick last month. ___________________________________________
6. I knew/found out the answer! ____________________________________________ 7. I came to your house, but you were not there! ____________________________________________ __________________________ 8. Did all of you have homework? We had homework yesterday. ____________________________________________ _________________________________ 9. They came to my party and could not eat the food! ____________________________________________ ___________________________
10. They rode the bikes but I walked. __________________________________________ ____________________________ 11. The boys put the dog in the car. __________________________________________ ______________________________ 12. I didnt want to tell the truth (la verdad). Did you want to leave? __________________________________________ ______________________
Decir and Traer act similarly in the preterite but the one big difference is: The i in the ieron ending is a j instead!
….decir DijeDijimos DijisteX Dijodijeron
….traer TrajeTrajimos TrajisteX Trajotrajeron
1. Did you bring the milk and butter? _______________________________________ _________________________ 2. I brought the fruit. _______________________________________ _________________________ 3. We brought candy (dulces). Did they bring cake? _______________________________________ _________________________