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Estar, Andar, and Tener Preterite Tense. Estar: to be yo estuve tú estuviste él / ella / Ud. estuvo nosotros / nosotras estuvimos ellos / ellas / Uds.

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Presentación del tema: "Estar, Andar, and Tener Preterite Tense. Estar: to be yo estuve tú estuviste él / ella / Ud. estuvo nosotros / nosotras estuvimos ellos / ellas / Uds."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Estar, Andar, and Tener Preterite Tense

2 Estar: to be yo estuve tú estuviste él / ella / Ud. estuvo nosotros / nosotras estuvimos ellos / ellas / Uds. estuvieron I was you were he, she was, you were we were they were, you were

3 Andar: to walk yo anduve tú anduviste él / ella / Ud. andu vo nosotros / nosotras andu vimos ellos / ellas / Uds. andu vieron I walked you walked he, she walked, you walked we walked they walked, you walked

4 Tener: to have yo tuve tú tuviste él / ella / Ud. tu vo nosotros / nosotras tu vimos ellos / ellas / Uds. tu vieron I had you had he, she had, you had we had they had, you had

5 Poder, Poner, and Saber Preterite Tense

6 Poder: to be able yo pude tú pud iste él / ella / Ud. pud o nosotros / nosotras pud imos ellos / ellas / Uds. pud ieron I was able you were able he, she was able, you were able we were able they were able, you were able

7 Poner: to put yo puse tú pus iste él / ella / Ud. pus o nosotros / nosotras pus imos ellos / ellas / Uds. pus ieron I put you put he, she put, you put we put they put, you put

8 *Saber: to know yo supe tú supiste él / ella / Ud. sup o nosotros / nosotras sup imos ellos / ellas / Uds. sup ieron I found out, learned you found out, learned he, she, you found out, learned we found out, learned they, you found out, learned

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