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Zorro Endings AREr/Ir Éí Asteiste Óió Amosimos Asteisisteis Aronieron The Legend of Zorro: Zorro left his mark on the regular preterite endings. After.

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Presentación del tema: "Zorro Endings AREr/Ir Éí Asteiste Óió Amosimos Asteisisteis Aronieron The Legend of Zorro: Zorro left his mark on the regular preterite endings. After."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Zorro Endings AREr/Ir Éí Asteiste Óió Amosimos Asteisisteis Aronieron The Legend of Zorro: Zorro left his mark on the regular preterite endings. After leaving the endings were never the same! All the accents had disappeared and there were a new set of irregular endings. We use these endings for zorro verbs.

3 Zorro Verbs: I Hacer-Hic- Venir-Vin- Querer-Quis- Add the new zorro endngs: Eimos Isteisteis oieron **No accents!!!

4 Hacer- to do / make Hicehicimos Hicistehicisteis Hizohicieron Mi madre hizo mi cama hoy. Hice like a cat.

5 Venir- to come VineVinimos VinisteVinisteis VinoVinieron Mi abuela vino a mi casa para cena. Come to the vine to get your wine!

6 Querer- to want / love QuiseQuisimos QuisisteQuisisteis QuisoQuisieron Yo quise viajar a España, pero no tuve mucho dinero. Kissy Kissy Verb

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