Coma Sano Con Poco Dinero


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Coma Sano Con Poco Dinero Today We want to talk to you about ways to eat healthy despite the tough economy. How can we eat healthy in a cost effective way? We hope that today’s topics will answer that question Presented by: Esther Bush Worksite Specialist (213) 351-7819

La agenda de hoy Consejos para usar cuando esta en la tienda, en la casa, o afuera Consejos de nutrición: Sume Salud, Reste $ Que hay en la bolsa? “Encuentre una solución” hoja de tarea Today we are going to talk about smart shopping – analyzing – thinking savings and health benefits before throwing the item in the cart. Budgeting-making sure our dollars will get us enough food for our family Nutrition tips – tips about food that will meet our nutritional body needs We’ll have a comparison of grocery bags demonstrating how small changes can help to eat right when money is tight Let’s get started

En Casa – antes de ir a comprar Revise lo que tiene Mantenga una lista en el refrigerador Busque ofertas en la internet, circulares, y periodico Construya un menu semanal basado en lo que tiene y en ofertas En base a eso, haga una lista de compras A little planning helps if we want to increase our chances of success, therefore before heading out to the market to have fun and shop smart, start by taking an inventory, go thru your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer, and make a list of what you have. Second, look for coupons on circulars of your favorite markets, news paper, and, if you have access, in the stores’ internet sites. Third, based on the list of the food that you already have, your family’s preferences, and on worthy coupons, think about meals to prepare. Then Plan your meals for a week (or two if you use shop biweekly). Now, make a list of the items that you still need to buy in order to prepare your meals. You just made your shopping list! All you need now is some time to go to the store, make sure you are not hungry (your judgment may not be clear when you are hungry, comfort/sugary foods may be the only thing in your head, and you won’t dedicate the time needed for smart shopping). Ready? let’s go shopping!

En la tienda Lleve su lista a la tienda – y concentrece en ella Lideres perdidos y ofertas Compre en el perimetro; la Conveniencia cuesta más Do not forget your Shopping list and stick to it, over ½ of grocery store decisions on what to buy are made at the store! Ask the audience: What does it meant to shop smart? Could it be getting the best quality of product for the least amount of money? How do we do that? LABELS and signs. Nutritional food label, offer signs, shelf labels, they all provide information to shop smart. In the nutritional label you can look for healthy items high in vitamins, minerals and fiber and low in un unhealthy fats, sodium and sugar. The sales signs are like flashing lights saying look at me, buy me! Of course check the nutritional label if applicable. The shelf label tells you the price of the item and includes the unit price of the items (later we will be discussing the unit price). What is a loss leader? (show the visual) This is a loss leader. This paper includes the items that the store is willing give very cheap or even lose profit so they can attract you to the store because they know that you will be spending more. Items that have a limit on the number that you can buy, are the best deal. For the most part, the produce and meat sections are in the perimeter of the stores, that’s why we recommend go around the store and look for the fruits, veggies and fresh meats.

En la tienda… No se tarde mucho en la tienda No pague extra por paquetes individuales Ralle el queso usted Don’t stay too long in the store, the Food Marketing Institute finds that for every minute that you spend at the store you spend $2.17 Buy the cans of tuna and the box of cracker instead of the individual packages. Make your flavored oatmeal packages yourself! Rice, beans, pasta, and almost every products is cheaper if you buy it unprepared and cook it yourself. It will take longer, but you’ll save, and you’ll be giving more natural and healthy food to your family. If you can live without meat, you can also use beans instead of meat, at least one or two days a week. And no, beans are not going to look like a steak; it is the other part of the meal, like the steem vegetales, the potatoes and herbs or cheese what’s going to make the plate appealing delicious. Convenience is more expensive. For example, shreded cheese, in a bag it might look about the same amount and price of a block of cheese, however, if you check the weight you’ll find out that a 8oz bag cost about the same than a 16oz block of cheese. A litter of ice tea can be up to $3, one tea bag is about 3 cents. VS

Compare la lista de ingredientes En La tienda… Mire arriba y abajo Almacene lo que no se hecha a perder, como comida en lata y congelada, cuando esta en oferta. Compre productos frescos de temporada y congelelos Compre marcas de la tienda – Las nacionales gastan mucho en mercadotecnia – las marcas de la tienda son menos caras e igual de buenas Compare la lista de ingredientes The products that the store wants to sell you are usually at eye level, but there might be a similar product, only cheaper in the very top o bottom of the shelf. national brands spend a lot of money to advertise because they want you to buy their products, but then they charge you what they spent, that is why those products are more expensive. Store products are as good as brand products. If you check the ingredients list you may find that they may have the same ingredients! FDA regulations ensure that store brands are less expensive and just as good.

En la tienda… Compre uno, llevese otro gratis Compre pan del día anterio y congelelo Use membresias de la tienda Visite los mercados locales de campesinos Keep your eyes open for the “buy one get one free” offers. Some stores have their own bakeries and sell the bread that is about to expire, or that didn’t sell the day before at a cheaper price. You may want to get that bread and frezze it to make it last the week. What I do is always check the prices. I look for the whole grain, then I look at the price and then I compare the grams of fiber per slice. I aim for 3 grams or more. Why do I want to buy in season, how do I know what’s in season? Products that are “in season,” are cheaper because we have enought of them. The easies way to find our what’s in season is by looking at the price and the amount of the product. Is it cheap and is there plenty of it? If so, it’s in season. Buy those products and frezze what your not going to use right away so they won’t spoil. If you shop in stores that use loyalty cards, make sure to get one or else you won’t get the sale price! Farmers markets have fresh produce and for the most part, you can find good prices and great quality. Go later in the day, you might be able to negociate the price since they don’t want to take produce back.

Compare el precio por unidad Talking about weight, compare the unit price. It can help you to quickly figure out what product is cheaper between similar products because it gives you the price per oz. The example in the screen, which product is cheaper? The one that costs $.60 right? Wrong, you pay less but you get only 6 oz of product, with the other one you pay $.12 more but you get more than twice the product. At the end you save more that 50% with the product that is apparently more expensive. You can find the unit price on the shelf labels or in the packages of items that put together in the store, like meats, deli, or bakery if they have their own. Compare different brands, different sizes, not always the big package is the best deal! Compare the different forms, fresh, canned, frozen. Bring some visual examples. Cual producto es menos caro?

Compradores tengan cuidado ! Cuidense de Artículos al final del pasillo Artículos comestibles al nivel de los ojos Artículos de comerciales en programas de niños Artículos de casa que no sean comida Recuerde! – El trabajo del supervisor de la tienda es hacer que usted gaste! Watch for Displays place at the end of aisles because this location makes it look like you are getting something on special- but sometimes is not the case, check the price ! Remember to be careful with food items at eye level – these are often more expensive or hard-to-sell items – they get more attention at eye level Items advertised on children’s TV programs – these are placed on shelves at children eye level – try to shop alone if possible, or make arrangements with your children about what you will be buying! Decide the snacks that you’ll buy before leaving the house. Items like shampoo, soap, tooth paste are up to 20-40% higher in price for the convenience. Remember ! – Store managers jobs are to get you to spend money ! – your job is getting the most for your money – being aware of the methods they use to get you to buy can save you money !

Notas Finales Ponga mucha atención cuando este pagando. Revise su recibo! Asegurese que toda su mercancia vaya a su bolsa, al carrito de compras y a su carro Que tal le fue? Don’t give in for the candy items while you are waiting in line.

En la casa – mientras cocina Haga paquetes pequeños de comida que compro en paquetes grandes Hagalo usted misma y ahorre Cocine de mas y haga “comidas congeladas” Sea creativo, haga substituciones en sus recetas Use una olla electrica para hablandar carne dura (regularmente mas barata) Cooking more food than you need can help you to save time and money. If you cook in big batches, you avoid the chances of food getting spoiled. Every family wastes about 15% of food, that is 15% of your money going to the trash!and you don’t have to cook every single day of the week. Many of us might say that we our families don’t like to eat the same. Well the trick is to organize the meals thruout the week and present them slightly different. For examplo, cook more that enought chicken mole mole for dinner on Sunday, freeze half of it, on Thursday serve the same again but as mole enchiladas or tortas. (we can play with the meals according to the audience). If you involve your family during preparation, you won’t work as hard, you’ll can talk to them about the benefit

Proteína de… Proteína de: Precio por porción Huevos .13¢ por huevo Carne molida .25¢ una onza an ounce Frijoles secos .04¢ por ¼ cup Frijoles de bote .12¢ por ¼ cup Mantequilla de Cacahuate .07¢ por cucharada Nueces .21¢ per ½ por onza This is a list of sources of protein and their approximate price, that of course, depends on when and where you buy them. Notice the difference in price between the canned beans and the ones made from scratch.

En la casa Maneje y guarde apropiadamente la comida para evitar que se heche a perder. Conozca las fechas de expiración y nunca permita que la comida se heche a perder Envuelva a su familia en la preparación de la comida Siembre hortalizas Coma menos Remember, food gone to the trash is your dollars going to the trash. Maybe is time to reconsider our food portions

This a resource from the goverment This a resource from the goverment. It is a 78 pages of tips and recipes, and the great news is that the price per serving of those recipies, are about 25 cents! You can download it from the internet

Cuando esta fuera de casa Lleve desayuno y bocadillos Vaya a comer en los desayunos y almuerzos, pero no en las cenas Pida un recipiente “para llevar” al principio Comparta! Especiales de horario (temprano) entre las 5-6 (am o pm) Ordene agua con limón Invierta en una cafetera en el trabajo Comienze un club de agua Haga comidas de “traje” para celebrar

Selección de bocadillos Salúd, a que costo? Seleción Nutritiva Precio Contra Selección de bocadillos Platano .25 contra Chocolate .69 Naranja .28 Refresco 1.39 Manzana .33 Papitas pequeñas .59

Salud, a que costo? 1 cucharadita de azucar = 4 gramos Una coca-cola de 20 onzas tiene 68 gramos de azucarer Cuantas cucharaditas es eso? 17 cucharaditas!

Mejore la Nutrición sin gastar mas $ Haga la mitad de sus granos diarios granos enteros - Lea los ingredientes: TRIGO ENTERO - Lea la etiqueta : 3 o más gramos de fibra por porcion. Comida alta en Fibra = estar lleno por más tiempo = Comer menos comida Include fruits & vegetables in your diet - Agregelas a la comida procesada, congelada, salsas - Uselas frescas, congelas o enlatadas Escoja leches, quesos y yogures bajos en grasa o sin grasa,

Mejore la Nutrición sin gastar mas $ Selecione carnes bajas en grasa, o quiteles o enjuagueles la grasa despues de cocidas Asar, usar la parrilla, rostisar, cocer a fuego lento = no grasa agregada Use aceite vegetal en lugar de mantequilla o manteca Tome agua en lugar de bebidas gaseosa (refrescos), o deportivas Escoja y prepare comida con poca sal, use la mitad de los paquetes de sasonadores Cooking methods which do not add fat grilling, broiling, poaching, or roasting Meat alternatives dry beans & peas or other vegetables Substitute vegetable oils ↓butter, stick margarine, shortening, or lard ↑ water instead of high calorie sugar-sweetened beverages sodas or sports drinks ↓ salt to ↓ risk for hypertension

Que hay en la bolda? El hecho de que usted prepare la comida, le ahorra dinero. Compare las dos bolsas de comida El costo es el mismo, pero los productos de la bolsa # 2 le da más comida nutritivas Procesado contra Fresco This table display provides a strong visual representation of how to stretch food dollars, and how larger quantities of healthy meals can be made by purchasing fresh foods instead of processed items. adapted from Oregon State University, Nutrition Education Program, What’s in the Bag? 2004

Our Example:

BOLSA 1 Total de bolsa1 $28.81 (comprado en Albertson’s en Via Campo) Stouffer’s Teriyaki Chicken Skillet $6.99 JugoTropicana , ½ galon $4.39 Hamburger Helper $2.99 Leche con Chocolate, $0.89 Carne molida fresca de paquete, 1 lb. $3.49 Pillsbury Bicochos en tubo $2.39 Hormel Canned Chili, 15oz $2.49 Pudin de chocolate, paquete de 4 $1.99 Progresso sopa de pollo en lata, 9 oz $3.19 Total de bolsa1 $28.81 Both Bag 1 & 2 Purchased from same local market in East LA TOTAL: $28.81

BOSA 2 (Comprado en Albertson’s en Via Campo) Pollo entero $2.80 Zanahorias Fresca 2 lbs $1.29 Brocoli, fresco1 lb $0.99 Water Chestnuts $0.69 Chile morron rojo fresco $1.29 Arroz café $2.69 Jugo de naranja congelado, 12 oz $2.00 Carne molida congelada 1 lb $1.99 Sopa de trigo entero $1.67 Sopa de hongo enlatada $0.79 1 quarto de leche sin grasa $1.69 Frijoles secos $1.50 jitomates picados, 15 oz $0.80 Salsa de jitomate, 15 oz $0.80 Sazonador bajo en sodio $1.69 Harina para hornear Jiffy $2.99 Mezcla de pudin de chocolate sin azucar $0.69 Apio fresco $1.69 Cebolla amarilla $0.87 TOTAL: $28.92 Bag 2 ↓Fat ↓ Salt ↑Whole Grains ↑Fiber ↓ processed food More Bang for the Buck Total Cost is same

Lo que puede hacer con el contedido de la BOLSA 1: 2 Porciones de stir-fry Jugo de naranja: 13¢ / onzas 4 Pudin, 49¢ cada porción 2 Porciones de sopa de pollo 2 porciones de chili 5 porciones de Hamburger Helper 10 biscochos Lo que puede hacer con el contenido de la BOLSA 2: 6 Porciones de chicken stir-fry Orange juice: 6¢ / ounce 4 Pudines 35¢ each 12 Porciones de sopa de pollo 12 Porciones de chili 8 Porciones de pasta con carne molida ~50 biscochos hechos en casa Compare: What you can make with the contents? Bag 1 versus Bag 2

Coma Sano Con Poco Dinero No busque marcas Fresco contra procesado Fresco es más saludable Más porciones No se trata de bolsa “Buena” o “Mala” Bolsa 1 – algunos productos parecen ser saludablesome Es importante ver el # de porciones de comida saludable What is the result? Name brands cost more Use store cards Fresh vs. Processed healthier more nutritious more servings Not “Good Bag” or “Bad Bag” More nutrition information?

Hoja de tarea Quiere mas información nutricional? From UCCE “Food Shopping Problems and Solutions” Answer 4, 8, 10 1, 2, 6, 7 3, 9 5 Quiere mas información nutricional?

Preguntas? Gracias! Visite USDA Websites para consejos: (directamente a el libro de recetas) Visite Llame al 211 Para información de espampillas de comida, o cualquier otro programa