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Planificacion de Dieta Nutritiva

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Presentación del tema: "Planificacion de Dieta Nutritiva"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Planificacion de Dieta Nutritiva
Lauren Deimling Johns Cuerpo de Paz Introduce yourself and why you are here. With this presentation the audience will learn about what is needed to make a healthy diet. It would be best to pair this presentation with cooking sessions or recipe exchanges to give aplicable ideas

2 No hay una comida magica
El secreto No hay una comida magica Balancear Variedad Emphasize that you can not buy health in a single bottle, pill, or plant. When people sell magic juices or creams on th street it isn’t the solution to being healthy. The only way to be healthy is balancing and variety, together. A balanced diet that is the same everyday is not healthy. It alsy needs to be varied.

3 Datos Nutricionales Siempre va a tener: La cantidad del paquete
Los ingredientes Informacion nutricional El porcentaje de valor diario(%) This slide is a “just in case”. When you aren’t cooking or are going to buy a snack or prepared food you still want to know what you are ingesting. Prepared foods will ALWAYS have Datos Nutricionales. The image on the left can be printed out and handed out to be taken home or read later.

4 ¡Debe comparar! Que tiene de lo mas esta por la empieza, lo menos por fin. Que es mejor?: Ingredientes “azucar, acido citrico, sabor de naranja” O “agua, jugos concentrados, azucar”

5 La Balancea- Piramide de Alimentos
Portions get VERY complicated very quickly. I recommend saying that a portion is just smaller than the size of your fist. Talk about the Peruvian diet. It is heavy in what? Bread, tubers. So what does it need more of according to this pyramid? It needs less rice, more vegetables, more fruit, more milks.

6 Nutrientes claves Vitamina A Vitamina C Beta-caroteno
3 onzas (oz) de granos 3 tazas de leche I recommend handing out a second sheet for them to take home with three columns. One column with foods, the next with vitamins or nutrients that come from those foods, the next with what those nutrients do for the body.

7 ¿Que esta en cada tipo de comida?

8 Panes (6-11 Porciones) Nutrientes: Que hace: Pan Arroz Pasta Cereal
Carbohidratos Vitamina B Fierro Proteina Magnesio Fibra dietetica Que hace: Energia Crecimiento de musculos Lleva los otros minerales en el sistema nutricional Pan Arroz Pasta Cereal

9 Almidon Granos (arroz) Legumres Tuberculos (papas) Nutrientes:
Carbohidratos Que hace: Energia Stach is TOO prevalent in the peruvian diet. These empty calories only produce energy. They don’t help build muscles, repair wounds, or anything like other sources of energy: wheat or meat.

10 Verduras (3-5 Porciones)
Nutrientes: Vitamina A Vitamina C Vitaminas B Potasio Magnesio Fibra dietica Que hace: Vision sana Cuidar el sistema de imunodefensas Ayuda con la digestion de la comida Reparar celulas nerviosas Mantener sangre sana Reparar nervios Espinaca Brocoli Zanahoria Pimentón

11 Lacteos (3-4 Porciones) Nutrientes: Leche Yogurt Queso Que hace:
Vitaminas B Vitamina D Vitamina A Calcio Fosforo Proteina Leche Yogurt Queso Que hace: Piel sana Huesos fuertes Crecicimento de los musculos Sangre sana Vision sana

12 Frutas (2-4 Porciones) Nutrientes: Que hace: Vitamina A Vitamina C
Potasio “folate” Fibre dietetica Que hace: Vision sana Mantener la estructura de vasos sanguineos Detoxificar Antioxidante Cuida el sistema inmunodefensor Fresas Uvas Naranjas Kiwi Palta Tomate

13 Carne (2-3 Porciones) Que hace: Nutrientes: Crecer Reparar
Balancear fluidos en el cuerpo Ayuda imune Transporte y almancenaje de nutrientes Energia Y MAS Nutrientes: Proteina Vitaminas B Fosforo Cinc Fierro Magnisio Alpaca Bistek Cerdo Pollo Oveja Huevos Camarones Nueces (mani) legumbres

14 Grasa Unsaturada Saturada Liquido en la temperatura de aire
Aceite (oliva, canola, mani) Aceite (vegetal, maiz, soya) Aceite de pescado Saturada Solido en la temperatura de aire Mantequilla, manteca del cerdo Talk about how saturated fats are straight so the molecules pile up on top of eachother, unsaturated (mono and poly) have kinks so it is harder for them to stack and get stuck in the body. This is why people that east a lot of saturated fats gain excess weight. Also: Polyunsaturated is further divided between Omega 3′s and Omega 6′s. Unsaturated fatty acids tend to raise HDL (good) and lower LDL and VLDL levels. This means that they are good for your heart! However, the ratio of Omega 3s to Omega 6s seems to be important. Too much Omega 6ハis possibly detrimental. Sources of omega 3′s include salmon, nuts, flax, and avocado.ハSources of omega 6′s include vegetable, corn, soy, cottonseed, sunflower, and safflower oil. In nature, plants tend to have some unsaturated fats. Unfortunately, unsaturated fats go rancid faster than saturated fats (because of the double bonds). So, food companies like to add hydrogens to the unsaturated fats to make them saturated. This is called hydrogenation (think about how on ingredients lists you see メpartially hydrogenated oilモ). This is how trans fats are produced. Trans fats actually are the worst fats for your health. They can be found in many packaged and pre-made foods as well as in fast food and restaurants. Check your labels! In essence, try to get your sources of fat from nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, salmon and other fish, flax, eggs, coconut oil, butter and milk products (with some portion control) and lean cuts of meats. Try to avoid hydrogenated oils, vegetable oil, deep fried things, fast food, packaged foods, and above all elseノ trans fats.

15 Grasa sana Ask hem questions to make sure they understand this slide. “So, what is and example of a healthy fat?”

16 Proteina completa Completa Incompleta Carne Habas Leche Frijoles
Yogurt Queso Pollo Pescado Huevo Soya quinoa Incompleta Habas Frijoles Nueces (mani) Legumbres Vegetales Panes (arroz, pasta) Ask them to give examples of pairs they could make in the meals they make that do create or could create complete proteins. Para hacer proteinas completas necesitan parejas (pan y frijoles, o arroz y legumbres)

17 Comida Limpia Una dieta sana no tiene enfermedades que nacio en la comida Guardar la comida en un lugar donde la temperatura esta controlada Lavarse las manos antes y despues de preparar la comida Lavar la superficie que la comida va a tocar

18 Alcohol Calorias pero no nutritivas Baja el sistema nervioso
Toxico para el higado Tiene mucho azucar que sube el peso corporal Quien no debe tomar alcohol?: Mujeres que estan embarazadas, o es posible que estan embarazadas Personas que estan tomando medicinas Talk about how one shot or one glass of beer has the same amount of calories as and entire plate of food. This is why people who drink a lot gain weight.

19 ? Preguntas Balancear Variedad
Don’t forget to review the two secrets: balance and variety Balancear Variedad

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