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Presentación del tema: "UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SANTA"— Transcripción de la presentación:

FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS D.A. Biología, Microbiología y Biotecnología E.A.P. Biología en Acuicultura ASIGNATURA DE INTRODUCCIÓN A LA ACUICULTURA UNIDAD I DESARROLLO DE LA ACUICULTURA Clase 4 Sistemas de cultivo de organismos acuáticos de interés comercial a) Modalidades de cultivo Blgo. Pesq. Walter Reyes Avalos, M.Sc. Docente

2. Modalidades del cultivo en acuicultura.

DE ACUERDO A LA INTENSIDAD DEL CULTIVO Extensivo Semi-intensivo Intensivo A Mayor intensidad del cultivo Mayor producción.

4 Piscicultura extensiva






10 Piscicultura semi - intensiva
China was the first country to farm fish, starting over 1,000 years ago. China harvested 24.6 mmt of farmed fish and shellfish in The major fish species cultured are the native carps which are grown together in the same ponds ( polyculture ) fertilized with animal wastes. Fish are also fed agricultural by-products and commercially fabricated fish feeds. China accounts for 70 % of the world harvest of farmed animals and plants.

11 Tilapia Tilapia roja Oreochromis sp
Tilapia nilótica Oreochromis niloticus Tilapia roja Oreochromis sp Tilapia are a group of fishes native to Africa and require warm water for culture. Most tilapia are grey or black colored but a red tilapia was developed with selective genetic breeding because consumers liked the bright colored fish. Tilapia are unable to survive winter water temperatures in open ponds in most of the U. S.. Tilapia can be raised in ponds, cages and tanks depending on environmental conditions and natural resources. Tilapia are raised outdoors year round in tropical climates but can only be farmed outdoors during the summer in the U. S. Thus, most tilapia are raised indoors in the U. S. to assure year round growth.

12 Estanques de crianza semi intensiva de peces

13 Estanques de crianza semiintensiva de Langostino Litopenaeus vannamei
Marine shrimp are native to all the oceans and seas of the world and numerous species are farmed. Marine shrimp are grown in earthen ponds located in coastal areas of countries with tropical and subtropical climates. Ponds are filled with saltwater pumped from estuaries and oceans. Small shrimp reproduced and raised in captivity are stocked into the ponds and are ready for harvest in 90 to 120 days.


15 Estanques de crianza semiintensiva de camarón Macrobrachium rosenbergii

16 Piscicultura intensiva

17 de Salmón del Atlántico
Sistema de jaulas para crianza intensiva de Salmón del Atlántico Atlantic salmon are native to the cold freshwater rivers and Atlantic ocean of northern North America and Europe. Salmon grow to adults in the ocean and migrate back to the freshwater stream of their birth to reproduce. Atlantic salmon are farmed in large floating cages placed in clean, cold ocean waters in the northern and southern hemispheres. Atlantic salmon were introduced to the Southern hemisphere 30 years ago.

18 Sistema de aireación del agua de estanques en sistema intensivo

19 Sistema de jaulas para crianza intensiva de Tilapia roja Oreochromis sp

20 Máquina de distibución de alimento Pellets flotantes
Alimento balanceado pulverizado Pellet pequeños Pellets grandes Initially, fry are fed with a powdered feed but as they grow, particle size is increased until they are able to consume a small diameter floating pellet. Fingerlings are fed twice daily and water quality in the ponds is monitored constantly to assure a healthy environment. Máquina de distibución de alimento Pellets flotantes

21 Sistema de jaulas para crianza intensiva de peces marinos








2. POR EL NÚMERO DE POBLACIONES Monocultivo Policultivo En Policultivo se logra Mayor producción.

30 Monocultivos Crianza de langostino Litopenaeus vannamei
Crianza de tilapia nilótica Oreochromis niloticus

31 Policultivos Tilapia nilótica Oreochromis niloticus
Langostino Litopenaeus vannamei

32 Tilapia roja Oreochromis sp
Tilapia nilótica Oreochromis niloticus Gamitana Colossoma macropomum Boquichico Prochilodus nigricans Camarón Macrobrachium rosenbergii

3. POR SU RELACIÓN CON OTRAS ACTIVIDADES PRODUCTIVAS Asociada Integral La acuicultura Integral aunada a las otras modalidades de cultivo se logra Mayor producción.

34 Piscicultura asociada
peces - patos peces - cerdos

35 Rizipiscicultura Pozas de cultivo de arroz + peces Campos de arroz
The red swamp crawfish is native to the lower Mississippi river drainage. Swamps and other wetlands are its preferred habit. The crawfish feed on decaying vegetation, aquatic plants, filamentous and attached algae and small benthic animals. They burrow into the soft bottom mud as water levels recede in early summer and remain underground during the summer months. As water levels increase in the Fall and Winter, the crawfish adults and young produced underground leave the burrows to forage on decaying vegetation. Wild crawfish are harvested with baited traps in the Spring. Crawfish are commonly farmed in shallow water ponds used to grow rice. The crawfish burrow during the summer months when the rice is growing. After rice harvest, the rice stubble is flooded and the crawfish leave their burrows to feed and grow on the decaying vegetation. Cultured crawfish are also harvested with traps from the rice fields in the spring. Campos de arroz

36 Acuicultura integrada


38 The End We Believe that it is time for use to give care to nature – not just because we want to be known as responsible corporate organizations – rather because we believe that IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.


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