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Presentación del tema: "Viñeta de primer nivel Segundos niveles Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El diseño maestro de diapositivas Es útil para revisiones y probar el proyector
Viñeta de primer nivel Segundos niveles Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Reducir bloque de texto del cuerpo a si hay más de dos líneas de texto en el título La siguiente guía horizontal está establecida a +1.17 La guía vertical izquierda está establecida a -4.58

2 Los colores en esta plantilla Son útiles para probar los proyectores durante la instalación


4 Colaboración entre las tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft
MENSAJE CLAVE: To welcome the audience to the session. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: None SLIDE TRANSITION: Welcome to the TechNet Field Session TNT1-108, Collaboration across Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Display this slide whilst the audience enter the room and settle down Microsoft Corporation

5 Lo que vamos a cubrir: Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Descripción general de la colaboración Diversas capacidades de colaboración KEY MESSAGE: To describe what the session will cover… SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: Let’s look at what we are going to cover in this session: [BUILD 1] We will briefly look at Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies. [BUILD 2] We will then give a quick overview of Collaboration. [BUILD 3] We will then talk about the various Collaboration Capabilities in Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies. SLIDE TRANSITION: We will now look at the prerequisite requirements for this session… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

6 Prerrequisitos Familiaridad básica con SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Familiaridad básica con Windows SharePoint Services Familiaridad básica con Content Management Server 2002 Familiaridad básica con Commerce Server 2002 KEY MESSAGE: To outline to the audience the prerequisites for attendance at this session… SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: Since this is a Level 200 session, you would need to have basic understanding of the following products: [BUILD 1] You will need to have basic familiarity with SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and its features and functionalities [BUILD 2] You will need to have basic familiarity with Windows SharePoint Services and its features and functionalities [BUILD 3] You will need to have basic familiarity with Content Management Server 2002 and its features and functionalities [BUILD 4] You will need to have basic familiarity with Commerce Server 2002 and its features and functionalities For introduction to these products, their features and functionalities and additional documents and training, please refer to the following URLs: For SPS 2003: For WSS: For MCMS 2002: For CS 2002: SLIDE TRANSITION: We will now look at our agenda… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: As mentioned in the session guide, at the time of building this presentation, only SPS V2 Beta 2 TR and WSS Beta 2 TR where available for customers. Therefore, all the content and the material provided in this presentation is based on SPS v2 Beta 2 TR and WSS Beta 2 TR. As the products reach RTM, the contents of this slide deck might not be as accurate any more. Also, some of the content in this slide deck has been taken from the help file and available documentation for SPS v2 Beta 2 TR and WSS v2 Beta 2 TR. Nivel 200

7 Agenda Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Descripción general de la colaboración Capacidades de colaboración KEY MESSAGE: The first agenda point is the Overview of Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies… SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

8 Oferta de portal de Microsoft
Windows .NET Framework Marco de trabajo Capacidades principales Entregar comunicaciones corporativas Habilitar la colaboración Personalización Integración y agregación de aplicaciones Búsqueda e indexación Categorización Colaboración Administración de contenidos Análisis Inicio único de sesión Procesamiento de transacciones Automatizar los procesos de negocios Construir relaciones con los clientes y comercio Mejorar las relaciones con los socios de negocios y el comercio KEY MESSAGE: Introduce the audience to Microsoft’s Portal Offering… SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Microsoft’s Portal Framework is the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework provides services that the other portal technologies take advantage of. All the portal products are built on the .NET Framework and enable developers to develop in ASP.NET and their choice of a .NET compatible language. [BUILD 2] Here are some of the core capabilities that Microsoft’s Integrated Portal Technologies offer. Depending on the business problem you are trying to solve, you will need a subset or all those capabilities. [BUILD 3] Talks about the different “scenarios” that these capabilities enable our customers to fulfill. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at an overview of Collaboration… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

9 Agenda Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Descripción general de la colaboración Capacidades de colaboración KEY MESSAGE: The next agenda point is to look at the overview of Collaboration… SLIDE BUILDS: SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

10 Descripción general de la colaboración
Qué es la Colaboración Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft: SharePoint Portal Server 2003 y Windows SharePoint Services Integración con Office 2003 Content Management Server: Flujo de trabajo de contenidos y colaboración KEY MESSAGE: To introduce the audience to collaboration features in Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies… SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Collaboration refers to places to capture and share ideas, information, communication, and documents. These areas will facilitate team participation in discussions, shared content, documents and surveys. [BUILD 2] Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies facilitate easy, connected collaboration across an organization. You can collaborate on documents, meetings, content, discussions, surveys, projects and tasks. Services such as index and search, as well as newly introduced services such as people, allow you to increase efficiency by finding relevant content. SharePoint Portal Server and Windows SharePoint Services: SPS/WSS enables you to share information easily, leverage best practices, and work together with others on documents, projects, and other efforts. You can create sites to facilitate meetings, organization, teams or projects. By default, each WSS site template features a custom set of collaboration features. SPS offers a number of features that will make it easy to find, organize, and work together on various documents. Also using document libraries, you can have a central place to store documents and track changes. Also, other optional supporting products such as Microsoft Office 2003 offer much more collaboration features, which you will see later on in this slide deck. Content Management Server Content Collaboration: MCMS allows easy creation of pages that include placeholders for content, documents and other media. Once a page is created in MCMS, the page goes through a workflow where others can view the content. This workflow inside MCMS allows authors, editors and moderators to work together before a piece of content is available and live. The editors can view the content, add their input, approve the content or decline it. This is one way of collaboration around web content inside MCMS and Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at various Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

11 Agenda Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Descripción general de la colaboración Capacidades de colaboración KEY MESSAGE: The next agenda point is to look at various Collaboration Capabilities… SLIDE BUILDS: SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

12 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de documentos
Capacidades de colaboración en los documentos: Versiones de los documentos Entrada y salida de los documentos Sobre el registro y la salida Entrada y salida Publicación de los documentos Enrutamiento de aprobación KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Document Collaboration … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] SPS/WSS facilitate end-to-end collaboration by delivering document and content collaboration to individuals, teams, business units and the enterprise. Document versioning, check in and check out, approval workflow, document profiling and publishing facilitate easy collaboration on documents, projects and tasks. Some of the document collaboration features of SPS/WSS are: Document Versioning: Document versioning allows people to keep multiple versions of a particular document. If a change needs to be reversed, you can restore to the previous version. A Version History command is included on the drop-down list that users see when they click the arrow next to a document name. The Version History command is also available in client applications compatible with WSS, such as Office Word 2003, Office Excel 2003 and Office PowerPoint 2003. When the user clicks Version History, a list of the previous versions of the document appears. The user can now open an old version, restore a version or delete an old version. Document check out and check in: You have the capability of checking in and out various document. Some shared folders or document libraries require that you check out a file to work on it and then check it back in once your work is complete. This procedure ensures that others cannot make changes to the document while you're editing it. Check out and check in of documents can occur from either the document library or a Microsoft Office application. Other users won't see your changes until your check the file back in. You have the following options when checking in a document: Check in the document Check in changes saved to this document but keep the document checked out Discard changes and undo check out Document Publishing: SharePoint Portal Server supports both private and public versions of documents. Published documents are available for users to search or view on the portal site. You can have the option of publishing documents automatically each time you save it to the server or you can choose to maintain private document drafts and publish the document only when it is complete. You have the option of generating as many drafts as you want before publishing a version of a document. Approval Routing: Documents can be reviewed before they are published using the Approval Routing feature. When an author chooses to publish a document, the author can then route the document automatically to one or more people for review before publishing that document. Each of these approves has the option of approving or rejecting this document. Approvers can also receive notification when a document requires review. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

13 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de documentos
Bibliotecas de documentos Qué son Características: Entrada y salida Crear las carpetas Vistas HTML de los documentos de Office Historial de versiones Otros Crear bibliotecas de documentos KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Document Libraries … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] In your company, employees may find large and complex information sources difficult to organize and use because there is little or no organizational framework in place. This difficulty also increases with the addition of information sources such as Web sites, servers and databases. SPS includes a document library to help streamline your document development and avoid these common problems. Document libraries are collections of files that you share with team members. For example, you can create a library of common documents for a project. With document libraries, you can: Check-in/check-out files Create folders in a document library HTML views of Microsoft Office 2003 documents Version history Block unsafe file types View all documents within a document library Support for Web folders using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Distributed Authoring and Versioning (HTTP DAV) Create a document library We can create a document library from the Portal site: On the top link bar, click Create On the Create Page page, click Document Library Provide the needed information You can now open the new document library by clicking Documents and Lists on the top link bar and then clicking the document library name in the Document Libraries section. If you also chose to add the document library to your Quick Launch bar, you can also click the document library name there to open it. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

14 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de documentos
Espacios de trabajo de los documentos Qué son Crear espacios de trabajo de los documentos Desde dentro de un sitio de SharePoint Desde dentro de un documento de Word 2003 Agreguar tareas a un documento desde el panel de tareas de Word 2003 KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Document Collaboration … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] One of great features of WSS is the capability to create Document Workspaces that is centered around one or more documents. Employees can easily work together on a document either by working directly on the Document Workspace copy or by working on their own copy which can be updated periodically with changes that have been saved to the Document Workspace copy. Document Workspace site is a SharePoint site therefore members can use WSS features, such as using the Tasks list, using the Links list and storing related or supporting documents in the document library. Document Workspace Creation: On a WSS site, you can create a Document Workspace site either by going to the Create page or by clicking the arrow next to a document on a document library page and then clicking Create a Document Workspace. You can also create a Document workspace site from within a Word 2003 document and then add tasks to the document workspace site within Word 2003 task pane. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

15 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración utilizando Office
Integración con Microsoft Office 2003: Puntos de integración Abrir y guardar archivos Cargar múltiples documentos Metadatos Archivos adjuntos compartidos Eventos y contactos Panel del espacio de trabajo de documentos Creación de los sitios del equipo desde Office KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Office integration … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] By being able to have deep integration with Microsoft 0ffice programs, team members can collaborate using familiar tools they use every day. Programs in the Microsoft Office System allow users to add members to sites, assign tasks and communicate with members both by or in real time by using online presence. Using Microsoft Office Outlook, users can view calendars and contact lists stored on SharePoint sites and then can create and manage sites devoted to editing documents and organizing meetings. Also, users will be able to take advantage of check in/checkout/versioning from Office menus and have the ability to create a meeting workspace. Some of major Office integration features are: File open and save integration: To open and save files to and from SharePoint sites, programs in the Microsoft Office System can be used, including Excel 2003, FrontPage 2003, InfoPath 2003, Outlook 2003, PowerPoint 2003, and Word 2003. Multiple Document Upload: Users can simultaneously upload multiple documents to the document library. Metadata Promotion: File properties and metadata from Excel 2003, InfoPath 2003, PowerPoint 2003, and Word 2003 documents can be promoted to documents stored and updated in SharePoint libraries. Shared Attachments: Users can send documents as attachments that are hosted in a SharePoint site. Local copies of shared attachments can be updated with the updated copy on the SharePoint site. Events and contacts lists are synchronized with Outlook 2003: Outlook 2003 can be used to view events and contacts lists. You can also drag SharePoint site items onto your personal calendar in Outlook 2003. Document Workspace Pane: The document workspace pane in Excel 2003, PowerPoint 2003, and Word 2003 can be used to show information about the status of documents stored in SharePoint document libraries. Create Sites from Office 11 Team sites can be created directly from an Office 11 document or from a portal page. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

16 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de contenido
Colaboración en el flujo de trabajo de Content Management Server: Creación de contenido Proceso del flujo de trabajo Aprobar/rechazar KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Content Collaboration … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Content Management Server allows authors to create pages and put those pages in the workflow. Once a page is created in MCMS, that page goes through a workflow where others can view the content. This workflow process inside MCMS allows authors, editors and moderators to work together before a piece of content is live. Once the workflow has been set for an area of content, the authors can then create the content. The editors will then review the content, add their input, approve the content or decline it. Then the content can go to another level of workflow. This is one way of collaboration around web content inside MCMS and Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

17 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de contenido
Nivel 2: Aprobar y Publicar Nivel 1: Colaboración del grupo de trabajo KEY MESSAGE: To discuss SPS/WSS and MCMS integration… SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] WSS is in charge of collaboration and MCMS is used for Approval and Publishing. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at Spark… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None Content Management Server Web Windows SharePoint Services Intranet

18 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de contenido
“Spark”: El autor de un sitio MCMS desea incluir el contenido de los documentos desde la biblioteca de documentos de un sitio SharePoint Este documento está almacenado en la biblioteca del documentos del sitio de SharePoint, adicionado con metadatos Una vez realizado: El documento se presenta como un archivo adjunto Las propiedades se presentan de acuerdo con la plantilla El texto se presenta desde otros marcadores en la página KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Spark … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Spark, code named for the integration between MCMS 2002 and SPS 2003, allows a MCMS site author to include document content from a SharePoint site document library. The document is stored in SharePoint site’s document library, complete with metadata. After the document has been uploaded to the MCMS site, the document will be rendered as an attachment, along side the rendered text from other placeholders on the page. Its properties will be rendered according to the template.. The beta for Spark will be available in October and release is targeted for end of this calendar year. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Spark architecture… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

19 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de contenido
Solicitudes de autoría Solicitudes de búsqueda Ver las solicitudes KEY MESSAGE: To discuss the architecture for Spark… SLIDE BUILDS : SLIDE SCRIPT: This diagram shows a sample configuration for your MCMS and SPS architecture. You can see the authoring requests coming in on the right hand side and the viewing requests are coming in to the middle. The search requests are going to a separate cluster on the left which has been set up specifically for searching and indexing your MCMS and SPS content. The above architecture shows one of the powerful features of SPS which is indexing and searching content from MCMS. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Content Collaboration… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None NLB NLB NLB Clúster de búsqueda e indexación de SPS SPS Clúster MCMS Clúster SPS

20 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración de contenido
“Spark”: El autor de MCMS desea incluir el contenido de documentos desde una biblioteca de documentos del sitio de SharePoint: Control del servidor del marcador WSS Condiciones previas Cómo se realiza KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Spark … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] In order for this to work, we need to have a special placeholder in our MCMS template. This is the WSS Placeholder Server Control. This control retrieves SharePoint library content and metadata and stores it (copy or link) in MCMS SharePoint-specific XML-based placeholder. It also provides UI for locating and accessing SharePoint content. It also renders document and properties at runtime based on style sheets. Also, the following conditions must be met: Document Library is in a SharePoint site Author has rights to read documents MCMS template includes a SharePoint document library placeholder server control and placeholder object Layout scripts exist that render SharePoint site stored document and properties Here is a sample sceneries on how this might work: Logon to MCMS and invoke web author in edit mode Select templateand fill in Web page content Use SharePoint site placeholder control to navigate to site Choose item from SharePoint document or image library Observe document properties and confirm selection Select rendering layout for WSS content & save MCMS page MCMS web page uses layout script to render the SharePoint site document MCMS remembers the mapping between this MCMS page and the corresponding document in the SharePoint site Author submits the page to be approved and logs off SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

21 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración utilizando los análisis
Mesas de análisis: Qué son Crear los consejos de análisis Análisis Web: Funciones KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Collaboration using Discussions… SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] In Microsoft Integrated Portal technologies, Discussion boards provide a forum for conversing about topics that interest your team. Each discussion board appears on a page that includes buttons for starting out new discussions, sorting and filtering discussions, switching to a different view of the discussion board and also changing the design of the discussion board. You can also create alerts so that you are notified of changes to the discussion board. Creating a discussion board: In the top link bar, click Create On the Create Page page, click Discussion Board Enter the needed information and click Create Now, you can open the new discussion board by clicking Documents and Lists on the top link bar and then clicking the discussion board name in the Discussion Boards section. Also, if you chose to add the discussion board to your Quick Launch bar, you can also click the discussion board name there to open it. [BUILD 2] WSS web sites include Web Discussions which is a special collaboration feature that allows users to communicate with each other on the World Wide Web. Web discussions are threaded discussions that allow various users to collaborate on HTML documents or to any document that can be opened with a browser (such as .htm, .xls, .doc, and .ppt files) on a server running WSS. The Web Discussions feature enables anyone with discussion permissions to attach comments to a Web page or any document that can be opened with a browser. Comments can then appear with the document but are stored on a discussion server. Anyone reviewing your Web page can use the Web Discussions toolbar to view and reply to the particular discussion. The Web Discussions toolbar is available in IE 4.0 or later to users of a WSS compatible client program, such as a Microsoft Office 2003 program. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

22 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración en el sitio
Sitios del equipo: Qué son Registro del sitio Plantillas enriquecidas del sitio Crear sitios de Office 2003 “Mi sitio”: Vista privada Vista pública KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Team Site collaboration … SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] WSS provides large numbers of individually productive places to you. SPS then connects these places to people, teams, knowledge, and applications to create smart organizations. It adds site organization and navigation, content topics, targeted news, personalized sites, organization-wide alerts, content search, enterprise application integration and more to your WSS deployment. By default, SPS enables you to create Web sites based on WSS directly from the portal site. These sites can then provide a place where your team can communicate, share documents, and work together on a particular project. Team sites are integrated with the portal because they can be provisioned directly from the portal, appear in the site registry for easy discoverability and scheduled crawling, and through Web Parts that are available both in the team sites and the Portal. SPS Site Registry: The site directory included with SPS provides a white-pages view of all the sites important to your organization. Not only can users enter sites that are important to an organization, but SPS also provides a link to all team sites that have been provisioned from the portal. Rich Site Templating: WSS allows you to create a Web site by selecting a template that best suits the project. SPS includes a diverse collection of templates to meet business needs. You have the option of creating sites to facilitate document collaboration, meeting organization, teams, or projects. Creating Sites from Office 11: Team sites can be created directly from an Office 11 document or from a portal page. The SPS provisioning of team sites allows: Easy aggregation and location of team sites Reusing of WSS Web Parts Using of existing collaboration methodologies such as and virtual teleconferencing [BUILD 2] The “My Site” feature is your personal starting point for viewing and contributing to your organization's intranet through the portal site. My Site provides a place to save and share your work, a way to find and connect with other people in the organization and see their work and a way to customize how other people in your organization see your particular work. Private View: One of the views of My Site is the private view, that contains information of interest to you. From the private view, you can organize and access your documents, view and manage your alerts and alert results, link to interesting people and information, view your inbox, and maintain a calendar. This is done all from a single place. Public View: Another view of the My Site is the public view that contains information that you share with other users. The public properties of your user profile are displayed on this page, along with links and sites that you decide other users should to see. Automatically, your most recent shared documents also appear in the public view of your personal site. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

23 Capacidades de colaboración Capacidades de alerta
Alertas Qué son Alertas en el sitio del portal Funciones de las alertas: Integración con Outlook 2003 Información del cambio de resultados Listas y elementos de las listas Correo electrónico de los resultados KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Alerts… SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] In SPS, alerts let you to be notified by of any changes made to the content of the Web site. Alerts notify you when information that interests you is added or updated on the portal site and associated content sources. You can also specify how frequently you want to receive alerts. When you no longer need to follow changes for a particular area such as list, library, item, or file, you can delete your alerts at any time. You can also manage your alerts and alert results from My Alerts, available from My Site. In addition, by using Office Outlook 2003, you can view all alerts and alert results from all alert providers, including alerts from WSS. Alerts on the Portal Site: In a portal site, alerts can be added to track these types of items: Search queries Documents and listings Sites added to the Site Directory SharePoint lists and libraries List items Areas News listings Portal site users Backward-compatible document library folders Some Alert features are: Integration with Office Outlook 2003: Alerts sent from WSS through can be managed in one place by using Outlook 2003, which includes enhanced rules for sorting and filing alerts into special folders. Alert results change information: Now, Alert results can include information on items in a SharePoint list that have changed. Alerts on lists and list items: Users can be notified of changes in a list. s on Alert results: Users can receive immediate, daily, or weekly alert results summaries for lists and list items on a SharePoint site. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

24 Capacidades de colaboración Colaboración en las reuniones
Espacio de trabajo para juntas Qué son Crear espacio de trabajo para juntas Partes de un sitio del espacio de trabajo para juntas Llevar a cabo una reunión o junta KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Meeting Workspace Collaboration … SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Meeting Workspace sites are Web sites for centralizing all the information and materials for one or more meetings. They deliver a place for managing meetings and their collateral such as attendees, agendas, documents, decisions and action items. Before the meeting, you can use a workspace site to publish the agenda, attendees list, and documents you plan to discuss during the meeting. Also, during or after the meeting, you can again use the workspace site to publish the meeting results and track tasks. You can use meeting requests to invite people to your meeting. In the meeting request, you can include a hyperlink that goes to the workspace site where invitees can learn the details and see the materials. Also, Meeting workspaces are an option when creating meeting invitations in Outlook. Attendee tracking is automatically propagated to the SharePoint site. Creating meeting workspaces: You will be able to create workspace sites from a WSS compatible calendar and scheduling program, such as Office Outlook 2003, from an existing Meeting Workspace site, from a WSS or SPS site on an intranet, or from an external site that hosts WSS. Those workspace sites that are created within your company, you can invite anyone that is in the same trusted domain as you and has a valid address. Those workspace sites created on external sites, you can invite anyone who has a valid address. Parts of a Meeting Workspace Site: Meeting Workspace sites are made up of one or more pages that contain meeting details and lists of information that are common when planning the meeting, conducting the meeting or following up on the meeting. Usually, typical lists for the Meeting Workspace include Objectives, Agenda, Attendees, Decisions, and Tasks. You also have the option of adding a document library and a picture library. Conducting the meeting: Keep in mind that, that the meeting you created the meeting workspace site for does not take place in the Meeting Workspace site. The actual meeting is done in person, over the telephone or from a conferencing program, such as Microsoft Windows NetMeeting. But, you have the option of viewing the workspace site and updating it during the meeting. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at more Collaboration Capabilities… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

25 Capacidades de colaboración Bibliotecas de fotos y encuestas
Biblioteca de imágenes Qué son Estilos de presentación Encuestas KEY MESSAGE: To discuss Picture Libraries and Surveys… SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Although pictures can be stored in other types of WSS lists, there are many advantages to using Picture Libraries. Picture Libraries are a simple way to share and organize digital pictures in your environment. Some of the advantages can include viewing pictures with one of three unique display styles, sharing your pictures using slide shows, downloading pictures directly to a computer and editing pictures with WSS compatible image editors, such as Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Picture Library Display Styles: There are three display styles for your pictures in Picture Libraries: Thumbnail, Filmstrip, and Details: Thumbnail style Displays miniatures of the pictures in the selected folders so you can see and work with many pictures at once. Filmstrip style Displays both a strip of smaller pictures you can scan, and a single larger picture you can see in detail. Details style This style does not display picture images, but instead displays a table with information about each picture. The columns displayed by default in this style include file type, name, picture size, and file size. [BUILD 2] Surveys provide a way of polling your team members and then the results are automatically calculated and made available. You may be able to respond to a survey more than once, depending on how the survey was set up. If the survey is set up so that people’s names are visible, the All Responses view will enable you to see how each team member responded. The Graphical Summary view also displays a compilation of responses. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets go to our demo… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

26 Demo 1: Colaboración en el portal

27 Resumen de la sesión Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft
Descripción general de la colaboración Diversas capacidades de colaboración KEY MESSAGE: To take away three messages from this session… SLIDE BUILDS : 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: In summary… [BUILD 1] We will briefly look at Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies. [BUILD 2] We then gave a quick overview of Collaboration. [BUILD 3] We then talked about the various Collaboration Capabilities in Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at various web sites for more information… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

28 Para mayores informes...
Sitio Web principal de TechNet Web en Los recursos adicionales para dar soporte a esta página de Sesión se pueden encontrar en KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

29 Para mayores informes... Página principal de SPS 2003: Preguntas más frecuentes sobre SPS 2003: Requisitos del sistema de SPS 2003: Planeación de capacidad para SPS 2003: Actualizar de SPS 2001 a 2003: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

30 Para mayores informes... Página principal de WSS: Requisitos del sistema WSS: Planeación de capacidad para WSS: Guía del administrador de WSS: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

31 Para mayores informes... Página principal de MSMS: htthttp:// Página principal de CS: phttp:// Documentación del producto MCMS: phttp:// Documentación del producto CS: phttp:// Guía de instalación de CS: phttp:// Guía de instalación de MCMS: phttp:// KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

32 Para mayores informes... Guía para el desarrollador de MCMS 2002: Preguntas más frecuentes sobre MCMS 2002: Prepararse para migrar a MCMS 2002 y ASP.Net: Migración a CS 2002 ASP.Net de ASP: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

33 Para mayores informes... Página principal MSIB: Guía para el desarrollador de MCMS 2002: Preguntas más frecuentes sobre MCMS 2002: Prepararse para migrar a MCMS 2002 y ASP.Net: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

34 MS Press Información interna para profesionales de informática
KEY MESSAGE: Talk about MS Press books and introduce the Build your own book feature SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Introducing Microsoft® Windows® .NET Server 2003, Author: Jerry Honeycutt, ISBN Building Solutions with Microsoft Commerce Server 2002, Authors: Clayton C. Peddy and Derek Armentrout , ISBN MCSE Training Kit (Exam ): Microsoft® BizTalk® Server 2000 Author: Microsoft Corporation, ISBN SLIDE TRANSITION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CROSS REFERENCE FOR PRESENTER: Para encontrar los títulos más recientes relacionados con los Profesionales de informática, visite

35 Publicaciones de terceros Complementarias para los Profesionales de informática
Key Message: Talk about the third Party books to show we do provide a balanced view in areas where our publications are diluted or we do not cover. SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Special Edition Using Microsoft Commerce Server 2002, Authors: Don Jones and Mark D. Scott, ISBN Special Edition Using Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server, Author: Robert Ferguson, ISBN SharePoint Portal Server, Author: Anthony T. Mann, ISBN SLIDE TRANSITION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Estos libros se pueden encontrar y adquirir en todas las librerías de prestigio y tiendas al menudeo en línea

36 Evaluar su Preparación Evaluación de habilidades de Microsoft
¿Qué es la evaluación de habilidades de Microsoft? Una herramienta de aprendizaje de auto estudio para evaluar la preparación respecto a las soluciones de productos y tecnología, en lugar de roles de trabajo (certificación) Windows Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003, Windows Storage Server 2003, Visual Studio .NET, Office 2003 Sin costo, en línea, sin supervisión y disponibles para cualquiera Responde a la pregunta: “¿Estoy listo?” Determina las brechas en las habilidades, proporciona los planes de aprendizaje con los cursos de Microsoft Official Curriculum, además de las sugerencias de contenido de aprendizaje de Microsoft, tales como recursos TechNet Publique su Calificación más alta para ver cómo se compara con los demás Visite <SLIDETITLE>Skills Assessment</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>Skill Assessment</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Learning</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Windows Server 2003</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Windows Storage Server </KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Office 2003</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Exchange Server 2003</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the Microsoft Skills Assessment </KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> Microsoft Skills Assessment is a free online learning tool. It’s an easy way for IT professionals to check your skills. You can quickly check your skills for implementing or managing Microsoft product or business solutions. Just take a short, 30 question assessment and see how well you know your stuff. The Skills Assessment include a Personalized Learning Plan, which includes links to Microsoft Official Curriculum, specific TechNet articles, Press books, and other Microsoft learning content. There’s also a way to measure how well you did compared with others who took the same assessment. Microsoft Skills Assessment is an expanding learning platform. Available now are assessments for Windows Server 2003 including security and patch management, Exchange Server 2003, Windows Storage Server, Office 2003, and Visual Studio .NET. </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>If you want to take you skills assessment to the next level, there are a number of Certification programs available. </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM>

37 Conviértase en un Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)
¿Qué es la certificación MCSA? Para los Profesionales de informática que manejan y mantienen redes y sistemas basados en el sistema operativo Windows Server ¿Cómo me convierto en un MCSA en Microsoft Windows 2000? Apruebe 3 exámenes básicos Apruebe un examen opcional o dos certificaciones CompTIA ¿Dónde obtengo mayores informes? Para mayores informes acerca de los requisitos, exámenes y capacitación para la certificación, visite <SLIDETITLE>MCSA</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>MCSA</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the MCSA program </KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>The Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) certification is designed for professionals who implement, manage, and troubleshoot existing network and system environments based on Microsoft Windows® Server Implementation responsibilities include installing and configuring parts of the systems. Management responsibilities include administering and supporting the systems. For more information about the MCSA certification, please visit: </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>[ADD THE TRANSISTION TO THE NEXT CERTIFICATION OR TECHNET DEPENDING ON WHAT SLIDE YOU INSERT NEXT] </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM>

38 Conviértase en un Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
¿Qué es la certificación MCSE? Certificación Premier para los Profesionales de informática que analizan los requisitos de negocios y diseñan e implementan la infraestructura para las soluciones de negocios con base en el software del servidor integrado Microsoft Windows Server System. ¿Cómo me convierto en un MCSE en Microsoft Windows 2003? Apruebe 6 exámenes básicos Apruebe 1 examen opcional de una amplia lista ¿Dónde obtengo mayores informes? Para mayores informes acerca de los requerimientos, exámenes y opciones de capacitación para la certificación, visite <SLIDETITLE>MCSE</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>MCSE</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the MCSE program </KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) credential is the premier certification for professionals who analyze the business requirements and design, plan, and implement the infrastructure for business solutions based on the Microsoft Windows Server System integrated server software. Implementation responsibilities include installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network systems. For more information about the MCSE certification, please visit: </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>[ADD THE TRANSISTION TO THE NEXT CERTIFICATION OR TECHNET DEPENDING ON WHAT SLIDE YOU INSERT NEXT] </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM>

39 Demuestre su seguridad o Especialización de mensajes
¿Qué son las especializaciones MCSA/MCSE? Las especializaciones MCSA y MCSE permiten a los Profesionales de informática resaltar un enfoque específico de experiencia o técnico dentro de su propio trabajo. ¿Cuáles son las especializaciones que están disponibles? MCSA: Seguridad  MCSA: Mensajes MCSE: Seguridad  MCSE: Mensajes ¿Dónde obtengo mayores informes? Para mayores informes sobre los requisitos, exámenes y opciones de capacitación para la especialización MCSA y MCSE, visite o <SLIDETITLE>Certification Specialization</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>Messaging</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Security</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the MCSE and MCSA Security and Messaging Specialization program</KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Systems Administrator specializations allow IT professionals to highlight specific expertise or technical focus within their job role. Which Specializations are available? There are two types of specializations available: Security and Messaging for Windows Server 2003. </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>[ADD THE TRANSISTION TO THE NEXT CERTIFICATION OR TECHNET DEPENDING ON WHAT SLIDE YOU INSERT NEXT] </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM> <ITEM> <ITEM> <ITEM>

40 ¿Qué es TechNet? Pone las respuestas correctas a su alcance
TechNet es la colección completa de recursos que ayuda a los implementadores de informática a planear, implementar y administrar de manera exitosa los productos de Microsoft Suscripción a TechNet Actualizaciones mensuales proporcionadas en DVD o CD El recurso definitivo para ayudarle a evaluar, implementar y mantener los productos de Microsoft While the monthly subscription software is the most obvious component of TechNet, there’s also much more. The TechNet web site gives subscribers access to valuable information as well as threaded discussion pages and online seminars. Many subscribers use the web as frequently as they use the software. In the subscribers only section, subscribers can access the Online Concierge Chat Support service-a Microsoft support special can help them locate technical information quickly and easily. TechNet Plus subscribers also get access to our Managed Newsgroup Support Service. You can post questions in over 90 IT related public newsgroups and Microsoft will ensure that you get a response within 72 hours TechNet Flash is a bi-weekly newsletter subscribers can register for-it gives them up to date information on the latest postings to the web site TechNet Events-TechNet subscribers have access to free events that explain how to use Microsoft products and technologies at a technical level TechNet Communities ????? Sitio Web de TechNet Se accede en Recursos y comunidad en línea Servicios en línea sólo para suscriptores TechNet Flash Boletín de noticias electrónico quincenal Actualizaciones de seguridad, nuevos recursos y ofertas especiales Eventos TechNet y Web Casts Resúmenes informativos sobre los productos y tecnologías más recientes de Microsoft Información práctica Comunidades TechNet Grupos de usuarios Grupos de noticias administrados

41 ¿Dónde puedo obtener TechNet?
Visite TechNet en línea en Regístrese para recibir TechNet Flash en Únase al foro TechNet Online en Conviértase en un suscriptor de TechNet en Asista a más Eventos TechNet o véalos en línea en <SLIDETITLE>Where Can I Get TechNet</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>TechNet</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Locating</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Resources</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Purpose of this slide is to educate IT Pros on where to go and how to be a part of TechNet.</KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>There is one place you should go to start: WW.MICROSOFT.COM/TECHNET There is one communication you should subscribe to: TechNet Flash. Twice monthly for the IT Pro community - focuses on news, information, resources and events. Post questions on the discussion forum. Subscribe online Look for TechNet branded events - feature </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>Last slide in the deck. Round off however you like.</SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM>


43 Créditos de la sesión Autor: Mike Taghizadeh Productor/Editor:
Especialistas técnicos [Revisor 1] [Revisor 2]

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