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he region that is now known as Bolivia has been occupied for over 2,000 years, when the Aymara arrived in the region. Present-day Aymara associate themselves.

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Presentación del tema: "he region that is now known as Bolivia has been occupied for over 2,000 years, when the Aymara arrived in the region. Present-day Aymara associate themselves."— Transcripción de la presentación:



3 he region that is now known as Bolivia has been occupied for over 2,000 years, when the Aymara arrived in the region. Present-day Aymara associate themselves with an advanced civilization situated at Tiwanaku, in Western Bolivia. The capital city of Tiwanaku dates from as early as 1500 BC when it was a small agriculturally based villageTiwanaku Around AD 400, Tiwanaku went from being a locally dominant force to a predatory state. Tiwanaku expanded its reaches into the Yungas and brought its culture and way of life to many other cultures in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. However, Tiwanaku was not a violent culture in many respects. In order to expand its reach, Tiwanaku exercised great political astuteness, creating colonies, fostering trade agreements (which made the other cultures rather dependent), and instituting state cult The community grew to urban proportions between AD 600 and AD 800, becoming an important regional power in the southern Andes. According to early estimates, at its maximum extent, the city covered approximately 6.5 square kilometers, and had between 15,000 – 30,000 inhabitants. [22] However, satellite imaging was used recently to map the extent of fossilized suka kollus across the three primary valleys of Tiwanaku, arriving at population-carrying capacity estimates of anywhere between 285,000 and 1,482,000 people.Andes [22] The empire continued to grow with no end in sight. William H. Isbell states that "Tiahuanaco underwent a dramatic transformation between AD 600 and 700 that established new monumental standards for civic architecture and greatly increased the resident population

4 Most Bolivian food is not spicy, but in most Bolivian dining tables is a local sauce called llajwa. Made with tomatoes and hot chilies, this is Bolivias version of the salsa.

5 3.25% of Bolivians follow the ahá'í Faith which is the largest proportion of any country on a continental mainland. ahá'í Faith Most Bolivians are born into Roman Catholicism. Religion tends to be a female dominated activity in terms of attending church and the like. Catholicism to some extent has been "localised" as it became intertwined with local folklore and customs in its early years of taking root in the country!

6 Bolivia has been governed by democratically elected governments since 1982. President Evo Morales and his political party the M.A.S. (Movement Toward Socialism) drafted a new constitution which was highly debated and negotiated until finally in October of 2008 the text was agreed upon in Congress, although some who opposed it believe it was agreed upon under duress as thousands of M.A.S. party supporters surrounded Congress to force a decision

7 Bolivia has bills in value of 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 bolivianos. There are also coins. There are also coins worth 1 and 2 bolivianos as well as coins worth 10, 20, and 50 centavos (cents of a boliviano). Bills and Coins

8 Spanish is the main and official language of Bolivia. However there are some 39 other living languages used in the country spoken by people in different regions. Examples include Aymara, Chiquitano, Chiriguano and Guyara..

9 Bolivian culture has been heavily influenced by the Quechua, the Aymara, as well as by the popular cultures of Latin America as a whole. he Spanish brought their own tradition of religious art which, in the hands of local native and mestizo builders and artisans, developed into a rich and distinctive style of architecture, painting, and sculpture known as "Mestizo Baroqueartisans

10 Yellow - a symbol of generosity Red - hardiness, bravery, strength & valour Green - hope, joy and love and in many cultures have a sacred significance F l a g M e a n I n g s F l a g M e a n I n g s

11 El hado propicio c oronó nuestros votos y anhelos. Es ya libre, ya libre este suelo, ya cesó su servil condición. Al estruendo marcial que ayer fuera y al clamor de la guerra horroroso, siguen hoy, en contraste armonioso, dulces himnos de paz y de unión. Siguen hoy, en contraste armonioso, dulces himnos de paz y de unión, De la Patria, el alto nombre, en glorioso esplendor conservemos. Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos: ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! Loor eterno a los bravos guerreros, cuyo heroico valor y firmeza, conquistaron las glorias que empieza hoy Bolivia feliz a gozar. Que sus nombres, en mármol y en bronce, a remotas edades transmitan, y en sonoros cantares repitan: ¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad! Y en sonoros cantares repitan: ¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad! De la Patria, el alto nombre, en glorioso esplendor conservemos. Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos: ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! Aquí alzó la justicia su trono que la vil opresión desconoce, y en su timbre glorioso legose libertad, libertad, libertad. Esta tierra inocente y hermosa que ha debido a Bolívar su nombre es la patria feliz donde el hombre goza el bien de la dicha y la paz. Es la patria feliz donde el hombre goza el bien de la dicha y la paz. De la Patria, el alto nombre, en glorioso esplendor conservemos. Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos: ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! ¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir! (x2) Si extranjero poder alqún día sojuzgar a Bolivia intentare, al destino fatal se prepare que amenaza a soberbio invasor. Que los hijos del grande Bolívar hayan mil y mil veces jurado: morir antes que ver humillado de la Patria el augusto pendón. Morir antes que ver humillado de la Patria el augusto pendón.

12 The climate of Bolivia varies drastically from one ecoregion to the other, from the tropics in the eastern llanos to polar climates in the western Andes. The summers are warm, humid in the east and dry in the west, with rains that often modify temperatures, humidity, winds, atmospheric pressure and evaporation, giving place to very different climatesllanospolar climatesatmospheric pressure. When the climatological phenomenon known asEl Niño takes place, it provokes great alterations in the weather. Winters are very cold in the west, and it snows around the mountain ranges, while in the western regions, windy days are more usual. The autumn is dry in the non-tropical regions!El Niño

13 - Tropical rainforest Los Yungas, La Paz!!!! Tropical rainforestLa Paz Andean glacier Glaciar Lake, La Paz! Andean glacier Glaciar LakeLa Paz Template valley Samaipata, Santa Cruz Template valley SamaipataSanta Cruz Template valley Samaipata, Santa Cruz Template valley SamaipataSanta Cruz Dry Altiplano Isla del Pescado, Potosí Dry Altiplano Isla del PescadoPotosí Cold desert Dalí Desert, Potosí Cold desertPotosí Cold desert Dalí Desert, Potosí Cold desertPotosí


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