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The Plurals of adjectives. Just as adjectives agree with a noun depending on whether its masculine or feminine, they also agree according to whether the.

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Presentación del tema: "The Plurals of adjectives. Just as adjectives agree with a noun depending on whether its masculine or feminine, they also agree according to whether the."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The Plurals of adjectives

2 Just as adjectives agree with a noun depending on whether its masculine or feminine, they also agree according to whether the noun is singular or plural. To make adjectives plural, just add an –s after the vowel at the end of the adjective. If the adjective ends in a consonant, add –es.

3 La hamburguesa es sabrosa. El pastel es muy popular. Las hanburguesas son sabrosas. Los pasteles son muy populares.

4 When an adjective describes a group including both masculine and feminine nouns, use the masculine plural form. La lechuga, las zanahorias y los tomates son buenos para la salud. Dont forget that the singular form of mucho means much or a lot, but that the plural form, muchos(as), means many No como mucha carne, pero como muchas verduras

5 Spanish adjectives Un hombre alto (a tall man) Unos hombres altos ( tall men) Muchos libros (many books) Una casa pequeña (a small house) Unas chicas peligrosas (some dangerous girls) Muchas cosas (many things)

6 There are also some adjectives whose masculine singular ends in a consonant and form the feminine by adding -a: Un chico frances (a French friend - male-) Una chica francesa (a French friend - female-)

7 Some other adjectives ending in a consonant take the same form for both masculine and feminine: un chico joven (a young boy) una chica joven (a young girl) unos cantantes populares (some popular singers) unas canciones populares (some popular songs)

8 Usually descriptive adjectives follow the nouns the modify: But the tricky part is that Spanish adjectives are different from English adjectives, in English adjectives are found before the noun they modify, while in Spanish usually they're found after the noun they modify. And also because in Spanish the adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Una ciudad limpia (a clean city). Unas ciudades limpias.

9 One of the main exceptions you need to know are the days of the week, Monday through Friday, which are the same in singular and plural los lunes (Mondays), el lunes; los martes (Tuesdays), el martes and so on.

10 ¿ Recuerdas ? Adjectives agree in gender with the masculine or feminine nouns they describe. El pollo es sabroso. La sopa es deliciosa. Las frutas son sabrosas. Los vegetales son deliciosos. La manzana es sabrosa. El helado es rico. Las papas son ricas. El refresco es sabroso.

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