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When you say you are doing something you are using the present progressive. In Spanish, you form the present progressive by using the verb ESTAR and the.

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Presentación del tema: "When you say you are doing something you are using the present progressive. In Spanish, you form the present progressive by using the verb ESTAR and the."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 When you say you are doing something you are using the present progressive. In Spanish, you form the present progressive by using the verb ESTAR and the present participle.

3 add - ANDO : hablando add - IENDO : comiendo; viviendo EstoyEstamos Estás ____________ EstáEstán

4 I am crossing at the corner. Estoy cruzando en la esquina. You are turning right. Estás doblando a la derecha. He is giving a ticket. Está poniendo una multa. We are continuing up to the stoplight. Estamos siguiendo hasta el semáforo. Yall are stopping at the intersection. Están parando en el cruce de calles. The drivers are passing the truck. Los conductores están pasando el camión.

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