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Publicada porGervasio Plaza Modificado hace 11 años
The Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions En Español 2 Tp. 232 Sra. Martínez Serranía
What is the subjunctive? Indicative Explains a statement of fact. All the verb tenses that you have already learned are part of the indicative Present Preterite Imperfect Subjunctive Expresses an opinion about an action The opinion indicates uncertainty
Subjunctive: Formation The subjunctive uses the same forms as the Ud./Uds./neg. tú commands. With respect to pronouns, the pronouns will always go before the conjugated verbs in the same way that they went before the conjugated command in the negative way.
Formation: Rules Take the yo form of the verb in the present tense Drop the -o Switch the endings endings will be on the next slide If its a stem-changer, the change occurs *-ir stem changers: The change occurs in all forms *-er/-ar stem changers: The change only occurs in the shoe and the nosotros form takes the original vowel. Beware of any other spelling changing verbs! -car/-gar/-zar; g to j; and/or gu to g
Subjunctive: Formation - ar: trabajar trabajetrabajemos trabajes-- trabajetrabajen -er: correr corracorramos corras-- corracorran -ir: salir salgasalgamos salgas-- salgasalgan Regular and Irregular yo forms
Subjunctive: Formation -ar: acostarse (ue) me acuestenos acostemos te acuestes-- se acuestese acuesten -er: entender (ie) entiendaentendamos entiendas-- entiendaentiendan Stem-Changers: -ER/-AR VERBS encender (ie) volver (ue) poder (ue) perder (ie) devolver (ue) contar (ue) costar (ue) cerrar (ie) recomendar (ie) sentarse (ie) empezar (ie) despertarse (ie) almorzar (ue) recordar (ue) volar (ue) encontrar (ue) comenzar (ie) It does not change in the nosotros form! It will go back to the original vowel!
Subjunctive: Formation -ir: divertirse (ie, i) me diviertanos divirtamos te diviertas-- se diviertase diviertan -ir: morir (ue, u) mueramuramos mueras-- mueramueran Stem-Changers: -IR VERBS sentir (ie, i) sentirse (ie, i) dormir (ue, u) pedir (i, i) repetir (i, i) seguir (i, i) vestirse (i, i) preferir (ie, i) mentir (ie, i) despedirse (i, i) servir (i,i) reírse: to laugh me ríanos riamos te rías-- se ríase rían In –ir verbs, the nosotros form takes The secondary (or preterite) change.
Formation: Irregulars DAR: to give dé, des, dé, demos, den IR: to go vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan SABER: to know sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan HABER: there is, there are haya (for now, will only be used in 3 rd person singular) ESTAR: to be (condition) esté, estés, esté, estemos, estén SER: to be (inherent) sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean NOTE: They are the same irregulars as the UD./UDS./ and negative tú commands! D – I – S – H – E – S
Change the following verbs to the subjunctive yo mirar mire tú almorzar almuerces él abrir abra nosotros ir vayamos ellas poder puedan yo leer lea tú buscar busques ella entender entienda nosotros cortarse nos cortemos Uds. perder pierdan More formation…
Impersonal Expressions Es necesario que… Its necessary that… Es bueno que… Its good that… Es importante que… Its important that… Es lógico que… Its logical that… Es malo que… Its bad that… Es mejor que… Its better that… Es peligroso que… Its dangerous that… Es posible que… Its possible that… Es probable que… Its probable that… Es raro que… Its strange that… Es ridículo que… Its ridiculous that… Es triste que… Its sad that… Es una lástima que… Its a pity (shame) that… The following impersonal expressions are used to make a comment or to express an opinion about an action. The verb that follows the expression must always be in the subjunctive.
Es necesario que Uds. estudien cada noche. Es bueno que los niños hagan ejercicio. Es peligroso que tú manejes sin cinturón de seguridad. (seatbelt) Es una lástima que estemos enfermos. Es raro que yo no encuentre mis llaves. Es mejor que Alicia descanse esta noche. Es ridículo que saques notas tan malas. Es lógico que vayamos a la universidad. Ejemplos…
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