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Español 1 11 de mayo de 2017 Good morning, thank you for taking my classes today. For the most part the kids are really great. Here is my schedule for.

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Presentación del tema: "Español 1 11 de mayo de 2017 Good morning, thank you for taking my classes today. For the most part the kids are really great. Here is my schedule for."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Español 1 11 de mayo de 2017 Good morning, thank you for taking my classes today. For the most part the kids are really great. Here is my schedule for the day. 5th- Spanish 1 8:10-9:30 6th- Spanish 1 9:35-10:55 (This class can be more difficult.) 7th- Foreign Language Survey 11:00-12:20 2nd Lunch- 12:20-12:50 8th period- 12:55-2:15 Intervention: 2:15-2:55- If students want to do retakes, they can. I will leave the retake folders out for you. The must come in and give you their previous test, in order to do the retake. If it is a listening one, they will have to wait until I get back unless you speak Spanish, then you can give it to them orally.

2 Elije un libro del estante. Lee el libro por 7 minutos.
Leemos Por 7 minutos Elije un libro del estante. Lee el libro por 7 minutos. Después de leer, escribe 5 preguntas de tu libro. Contesta las preguntas también. Take roll while the kids are doing their silent reading. They need to read for 7 minutes. They should have a book selected off my shelf or one of their own in Spanish to read. After they have read for 7 minutes. They need to open their notebooks to section 2 and write 5 question from their story and then answer those questions also. This part should take about 5 minutes also.

3 La campana Hoy es ______ el ___ de mayo.
Dibuja las escenas Los chicos van al vendedor de tacos por la tarde. Los estudiantes van a la piscina en el verano. Yo voy a la tienda y compro unas frutas y tortillas. Mis padres van al gimnasio y hacen ejercicios. Have the students turn to section 1 and write the date completely out. Then they need to draw the following in that section. Have the students share their drawings with their table. Drawing #1 The boys go to the taco salesman in the afternoon. Drawing #2 The students go to the swimming pool in the summer. Drawing #3 I go to the store and buy some fruit and tortillas. Drawing #4 My parents go to the gym and do exercises.

4 las horas - menos 1:45 Es la una y cuarenta y cinco
Click for lesson 1:45 Es la una y cuarenta y cinco Son las dos menos cuarto 6:55 Son las seis y cincuenta y cinco Son las siente menos cinco 2:35 Son las dos y treinta y cinco Son las tres menos veinticinco 8:57 Son las ocho y cincuenta y siete Son las nueve menos tres Click the clock for the lesson. There are links on this slide, so click up each time with its two different ways of being expressed in Spanish. Have the students copy them down and talk with their group about what they see, understand.

5 2 3 1 ¿qué es? 5 4 9 Please read these instructions to the students, before they begin their writing. If they want to work as partners that is fine as well. Using the numbers on each picture write your own story about where you go and what you do at each place. You can include other characters as well. If you do remember to use the plural verbs. You should have at least 4-6 sentences for each place and what you do there. You need to write this on a separate sheet of paper. This can be worked on for the remainder 7 8 6

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