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HOOKED ON MNEMONICS: It worked for me

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Presentación del tema: "HOOKED ON MNEMONICS: It worked for me"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 HOOKED ON MNEMONICS: It worked for me
Karen Galassi-Ferrer East Chapel Hill High School Ken Stewart Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2 What are mnemonics? Mnemonics are cognitive devices used to improve memory and to recall important concepts by linking unfamiliar information to familiar information (Meece, 2002).

3 Why use mnemonics? Krashen explains the need to make rules more “learnable” and “simple”. Rules need to be made easy enough for the brain to remember (1983).

4 Types of Mnemonics Acronyms Acrostics Narratives

5 Acronyms Acronyms-a word formed out of the first letters of a series of words Ex. Great Lakes HOMES-Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

6 Ex. Order of notes on a musical scale-Every good boy does fine.-EGBDF
Acrostics Acrostics-phrases in which the first letter of each word functions as a cue to help you recall information Ex. Order of notes on a musical scale-Every good boy does fine.-EGBDF

7 Example to follow in discussion of subjunctive mnemonics.
Narratives Narratives-words that create a story that include the words to be remembered in the appropriate order. Example to follow in discussion of subjunctive mnemonics.

8 Spanish 1-Estar vs. Ser Estar vs Ser P -T L -O A -P C -P E -I -C -T

9 Estar vs. Ser Estar Ser Time Position Origin Location Profession
Action Condition Emotion Ser Time Origin Profession Possession Identification Classification Trait

10 Spanish 2-Preterite vs. Imperfect
B A Imperfect C H E A T D

S ingle action I nterruption M ain event B eginning action A rrivals/ departures C haracteristics/Description H ealth E motion A ge T ime E ndless activities D ate Add clip art of Simba here

12 Affirmative Tú commands
Víctor, VEN Set SAL Down DI The TEN V VE H HAZ S SÉ Please PON

13 Spanish 3-Para vs. Por Para C U P I D Por Everything else!

14 Para vs. Por Para Career Considering Use Purpose/Goal
In order to (infinitive) Destination Deadline Por Everything else!

15 PARA is P E R F E C T P urpose- Lo hizo para ganar dinero.
E ffect- Estudia para maestro. R ecipient – El regalo es para mamá. F uture- La tarea es para el lunes. E mployment- Carlos trabaja para IBM. C omparison- Para un gato es inteligente. T oward- Pablo camina para el parque.

16 Irregular Past Participles Revv Mac just received his PhD.
Roto Escrito Vuelto Visto Muerto Abierto Cubierto Puesto Hecho Dicho/Descubierto

17 IRREGULAR VERBS- Present Subjunctive
D dar dé I ir vaya S ser sea H haber haya E estar esté S saber sepa

18 Spanish 4-When do I use the subjunctive?
With WEDDING verbs W ish, want E motion D oubt (No creer, No pensar) D enial I mpersonal Expression N egation, non-existing G od (Ojalá) / Guess

19 Other variations Wish/want Advice Suggestion Preference Wish/want
Emotion Impersonal Recommendation Doubt/denial Ojalá Wish/want Advice Suggestion Preference

20 Versión en español (Y) Impersonales Avisos Deseos Ojalá Negación Dudas
Emoción ¿Existencia?

21 ESCAPA= ¡Use subjuntivo!
Cláusulas adverbiales E n caso de que S in que C on tal (de) que A ntes (de) que P ara que A menos que

22 ¿Subjuntivo? Ask yourself-- Has the action happened yet?
L uego que… C A sí que…/A fin de que H T an pronto como… Or… A C uando… D H asta que… A E n cuanto… T D espués de que… E

23 ALSO… That = Tan pronto como Dog = Después de que Can’t = Cuando
Eat = En cuanto Hay = Hasta que

24 Narrative Mnemonic Subjunctive in adverbial clauses:
Pepe y Elena han estado casados por varios años. Pepe es muy desordenado, y Elena se enoja mucho con él. Ella siempre le grita, y él dice “¡¡IADONDEE ESCAPA(R)!!” Entonces, Pepe sale de la casa y le dice a Elena que deje la puerta unLATCHED.

25 V O C E S = ¡No use el subjuntivo!
V erdad que… O bvio que… C ierto/Claro que… E vidente que… S eguro que… NEGATIVE “VOCES,” however do use the subjunctive

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