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Taller Uno Aplicaciones para la Administración de Negocios.

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Presentación del tema: "Taller Uno Aplicaciones para la Administración de Negocios."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Taller Uno Aplicaciones para la Administración de Negocios

2 Agenda para hoy Registro de estudiantes en la clase –Blackboard Academic Proceso de ‘CHECK-IN’ Evaluación de estudiantes Presentación de grupo Examen final Como luce la clase en los próximas 8 semanas

3 Agenda para hoy Taller Uno –Aplicaciones generales de software y sus funcionalidades –Hojas de cálculos / Historia –Como se comienza Excel –Aspectos de Excel –Menús básicos de Excel –Conceptos de filas, columnas y celdas –Tipos de datos, alineamientos –Editar, insertar y eliminar

4 Check-In Proceso donde necesito estar seguro que usted llego al salón ¿Esta usted aquí, AHORA? –‘BE HERE NOW’ Ejercicios donde estaremos tratando que su mente elimine lo que le esta molestando o lo que le distraiga de la clase

5 Check- in >> Introducciones Nombre completo Algo personal de usted A que se dedica o que hace además de estudiar Porque esta en el programa AHORA ¿Que opinión le merece el programa? Tres actividades que hace y les gusta hacer Uno de ella no es cierta o a deseado hacerlo y no lo ha podido hacer

6 Introducciones Ing. Gustavo A. Vélez, BSEE, MBA/TM –Velez-Rodriguez Services Consultoría en Gerencia, Integración de sistemas y Entrenamientos Gerencia/IT 34 años experiencia en sistemas de información –Teléfonos Celular 787.413.2060 (Linda) E-mail: ó Cinco años en el programa AHORA Tres actividades que me gusta hacer –Una de ellas no es cierta

7 Evaluación del Estudiante Quizzes y asignaciones 8 x 20 puntos 160 Diario Reflexivo4 x 20 puntos 80 Participación8 x 10 puntos 80 –Laboratorios (7) Asistencia8 x 10 puntos 80 Examen(?)1 x 100 puntos100 Presentación (grupal) 100 puntos100 Total600

8 Trabajos tardes Tienen una penalidad de 10% Siempre entregue los trabajos aunque sea tarde Esto aplica a las pruebas cortas

9 Ausencias Debe comunicarse verbalmente con el profesor antes o después de la ausencia, luego enviara un correo electrónico al profesor. De ser excusado por el profesor, el profesor le asignara la puntuación adecuada que no llegara al máximo de puntos. Los laboratorios y asignaciones no seran excusadas.

10 Presentación Final Crear grupos de trabajos Proyecto de la clase –Dos problemas de MS Excel –Un proyecto de MS Access –Dos publicaciones de MS Publisher Entregar en carpeta con una apariencia bien profesional

11 Examen Final Incluye todos los temas desarrollados en la clases y se toma en línea el ultimo días de clase. Podrá utilizar presentaciones del profesor, libro y cualquier otro material que tenga disponible Tiene duración de una hora

12 Alcance del Curso Taller Uno Excel – Operaciones Básicas Taller Dos Excel – Operaciones avanzadas Taller Tres Excel – Operaciones de manejo de datos Taller Cuatro Excel – Gráficas y plantillas

13 Alcance del Curso Taller Cinco Publisher – Operaciones básicas y avanzadas Taller Seis Access – Conceptos básicos Taller Siete Access – Manejos de bases de datos Taller Ocho Presentaciones y Examen Final

14 Taller Uno

15 To facilitate communications To support household activities, for personal business, or for education To serve as a productivity/ business tool To assist with graphics and multimedia projects Application Software Programs that perform specific tasks for users Also called a software application or an application Several reasons to use application software What is application software? p. 3.2 Next

16 Application Software What are the categories of application software? p. 3.2 Fig. 3-1 Next

17 Application Software What is system software? Programs that control the operations of the computer Serves as the interface between the user, the application software, and the computer's hardware p. 3.3 Fig. 3-2 Next

18 Productivity Software What is spreadsheet software? Allows you to organize data Performs calculations Called a worksheet or spreadsheet p. 3.12 Fig. 3-13 Next

19 Productivity Software How is a spreadsheet organized? columns  Columns identified by letters rows  Rows identified by numbers cell  A cell is the intersection of a column and row p. 3.12 Fig. 3-13 Next

20 Productivity Software What can a cell contain? p. 3.12 Next Label November Savings Total Expenses Formula =C4+C5+C6+C7+C8 =A9 * 45 =SUM(A1:A5) Number $52.49 23.781 -98.21

21 Productivity Software What is a function? A predefined formula that performs common calculations =C4+C5+C6+C7+C8=SUM(C4:C8) SUM MIN RATE ROUND LOG ABS TIME DATE MAX COUNT AVERAGE SUM SQRT FV IF STDEV NPV PMT PV NOW INT LN p. 3.13 Next

22 Productivity Software What is recalculation? The capability of recalculating the rest of the worksheet when data in a worksheet changes What-if analysis New data entered Totals recalculated p. 3.13 Next

23 Productivity Software What is charting? Allows you to display spreadsheet data in graphical form line chart pie chart column chart p. 3.14 Fig. 3-15 Next

24 Productivity Software What is a database? A collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of that data p. 3.15 Fig. 3-16 Next

25 Productivity Software What is database software? Allows you to create, access, and manage a database Also called a database management system (DBMS) add, change, and delete data sort and retrieve data create forms and reports using the data p. 3.16 Next

26 Productivity Software What are the parts of a database? Item table Supplier table  A table contains records records  A record is a row in a table that contains information about a given person, product, or event fields  A field is a column in a table that contains a specific piece of information within a record p. 3.16 Fig. 3-16 Next

27 Productivity Software How is a database organized? Records and fields in a table are described by the table structure Supplier table structure Item table structure p. 3.16 Fig. 3-17 Next

28 Productivity Software What does the table structure contain for each field? field name field sizedata type p. 3.16 Next

29 Productivity Software How do you extract information from a database? Sort records in a particular order Query database p. 3.17 Fig. 3-19 Next

30 Graphics and Multimedia Software What is desktop publishing software? Enables you to design and produce sophisticated documents that contain text, graphics, and brilliant colors p. 3.23 Fig. 3-28 Next

31 Excel Hojas de Calculo

32 History of spreadsheet Spreadsheets have been used by accountants for hundreds of years. In 1978, Harvard Business School student, Daniel Bricklin, came up with the idea for an interactive visible calculator. Bricklin and Bob Frankston then co- invented or co-created the software program VisiCalc.

33 History of spreadsheet What is a spreadsheet? In the realm of accounting jargon a "spread sheet" or spreadsheet was and is a large sheet of paper with columns and rows that organizes data about transactions for a business person to examine.

34 Electronic spreadsheet An electronic spreadsheet organizes information into software defined columns and rows. The data can then be "added up" by a formula to give a total or sum. The spreadsheet program summarizes information from many paper sources in one place and presents the information in a format to help a decision maker see the financial "big picture" for the company. History of spreadsheet

35 What came after VisiCalc? The market for electronic spreadsheet software was growing rapidly in the early 1980s and VisiCalc stakeholders were slow to respond to the introduction of the IBM PC that used an Intel computer chip. Beginning in September 1983, legal conflicts between VisiCorp and Software Arts distracted the VisiCalc developers, Bricklin and Frankston. During this period, Mitch Kapor developed Lotus and his spreadsheet program quickly became the new industry spreadsheet standard.

36 History of spreadsheet What is Lotus 1-2-3? Lotus 1-2-3 made it easier to use spreadsheets and it added integrated charting, plotting and database capabilities. Lotus 1-2-3 established spreadsheet software as a major data presentation package as well as a complex calculation tool. Lotus was also the first spreadsheet vendor to introduce naming cells, cell ranges and spreadsheet macros.

37 History of spreadsheet What about Microsoft Excel and Bill Gates? The next milestone was the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Excel was originally written for the 512K Apple Macintosh in 1984-1985. Excel was one of the first spreadsheets to use a graphical interface with pull down menus and a point and click capability using a mouse pointing device.

38 History of spreadsheet What about Microsoft Excel and Bill Gates? The Excel spreadsheet with a graphical user interface was easier for most people to use than the command line interface of PC-DOS spreadsheet products. Many people bought Apple Macintoshes so that they could use Bill Gates' Excel spreadsheet program. There is some controversy about whether a graphical version of Microsoft Excel was released in a DOS version.

39 From VisiCalc to Excel

40 Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel 2003

41 Microsoft Excel 2007 Inicial Excel

42 Excel Basic Nombre libro Hojas de calculo Menú básico FILE EDIT VIEW INSERT FORMAT

43 Excel Basic < Filas y Columnas Columnas - A hasta 16,384> Filas - 1 hasta 1,048,576 >

44 Excel Basic < Celda Celda activa >

45 Excel Basic LABELS Cualquier título que el usuario desee

46 Excel Basic Tipo de datos Alfanuméricos Numéricos Operaciones matemáticas Funciones

47 Excel Basic

48 Para editar celdas: Puede usar la barra de formulas Ó directamente sobre la celda

49 Excel Basic Puede escribir sobre la celda un nuevo valor

50 Excel Basic

51 Ejercicio Uno Crear tabla con números y operaciones matemáticas –Entrar datos –Formatear títulos –Hacer operaciones matemática –Crear funciones

52 Ejercicio Uno

53 Asignación Taller Dos Tomar la Prueba Corta número Uno

54 Preguntas

55 Taller Uno Check-out ∆+∆+

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