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Notes #18 Numbers 31 and higher Standard 1.2

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1 Notes #18 Numbers 31 and higher Standard 1.2
Objective: to learn to pronounce and write numbers 31-1,000,000 and learn number patterns Copyright © 2012 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved.

2 You have already learned numbers 0–30
You have already learned numbers 0–30. Now you will learn the rest of the numbers. ©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Numbers 31–100 Numbers 31–99 follow the same basic pattern as 21–29.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 Y is used in most numbers from 31 through 99
Y is used in most numbers from 31 through 99. Unlike numbers 21–29, these numbers must be written as three separate words. ©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Continue the same pattern for the rest of the numbers 50-100
4/14/2017 Continue the same pattern for the rest of the numbers Cincuenta cincuenta y uno 51 Cincuenta y dos 52 Sesenta sesenta y uno 61 sesenta y dos 62 Setenta setenta y tres 73 setenta y cuatro 74 Ochenta – ochenta y cinco 85 Noventa – Noventa y ocho 98

6 Cincuenta 50 Cincuenta y uno 51
Cincuenta y dos Cincuenta y tres Cincuenta y cuatro 54 Cincuenta y cinco 55 Cincuenta y seis 56 Cincuenta y siete Cincuenta y ocho Cincuenta y nueve 4/14/2017 setenta setenta y uno 71 setenta y dos 72 setenta y tres setenta y cuatro 74 setenta y cinco 75 setenta y seis setenta y siete 77 setenta y ocho 78 setenta y nueve 79 sesenta sesenta y uno 61 sesenta y dos 62 sesenta y tres 63 sesenta y cuatro 64 sesenta y cinco 65 sesenta y seis sesenta y siete 67 sesenta y ocho 68 sesenta y nueve 69

7 Ochenta 80 Noventa 90 Ochenta y uno 81 Noventa y uno 91
4/14/2017 Ochenta 80 Ochenta y uno 81 Ochenta y dos 82 Ochenta y tres 83 Ochenta y cuatro 84 Ochenta y cinco 85 Ochenta y seis Ochenta y siete Ochenta y ocho Ochenta y nueve 89 Noventa 90 Noventa y uno 91 Noventa y dos 92 Noventa y tres 93 Noventa y cinco 95 Noventa y seis Noventa y siete Noventa y ocho Noventa y nueve 99 Cien

8 4/14/2017 Please note For 21,31,41, and so forth use veintiún, treinta y un, cuarenta y un before a masculine noun. Use veintiuna, treinta y una and so on before a feminine noun. Yo tengo veintiún años. Yo tengo treinta y una camisas.

9 With numbers that end in uno (31, 41, etc
With numbers that end in uno (31, 41, etc.), uno becomes un before a masculine noun and una before a feminine noun. ©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Cien is used before nouns and in counting
Cien is used before nouns and in counting. The words un, una, and uno are never used before cien in Spanish. Use cientos to say hundreds. ©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

11 Numbers 101 and higher As shown in the chart, Spanish uses a period to indicate thousands and millions, rather than a comma as is used in English. ©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

12 Notice that you should use ciento, not cien, to count numbers over 100.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

13 The numbers 200 through 999 agree in gender with the nouns they modify.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

14 The word mil, which can mean a thousand and one thousand, is not usually used in the plural form to refer to an exact number, but it can be used to express the idea of a lot, many, or thousands. Cientos can also be used to express hundreds in this manner. ©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

15 To express a complex number (including years), string together all of its components.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

16 Give the Spanish equivalent of each number
Give the Spanish equivalent of each number. The first item has been done for you. 102 __________ __________ 201 __________ 76 __________ 92 __________ __________ 235 __________ 79 __________ 113 __________ 88 __________ __________ 497 __________ ciento dos ©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

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