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Presentación del tema: "GCPV."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones
Aplicaciones 1. Obras retrasadas 2. Prefabricados 3. Energía 6. Construcción subterranea 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones 4. Puentes

3 Aplicaciones 8. Parches de carreteras 12. Construcciones marinas
7. Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas 9. Hormigonado en tiempo extremo 8. Parches de carreteras 10. Emergencias y aplicaciones militares. 12. Construcciones marinas 11. Minería

4 16. Plantas de hormigón en obra site
Aplicaciones 15. Hormigón visto 14. Construcciones en altura 13. Tanques de gas líquido 16. Plantas de hormigón en obra site

5 1. Obras Retrasadas Ventajas Experiencias
Mitigación de los riesgos asociados a retrasos inesperados. Aceleración de los trabajos de construcción para cumplir plazos. Evitar penalizaciones por retrasos en la entrega de obras. Experiencias Acciona Windpower Torres eólicas prefabricadas de hormigón Las turbinas de viento serán instaladas sobre 11 torres de hormigón prefabricadas de 120 metros de altura.  KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Nueva granja eólica en Gostyn, Polonia, con 33 MW. Inicio

6 Retraso inicial. Riesgo de penalizaciones
INNEO Torres eólicas prefabricadas Gostyn (Polonia) 1. Obras Retrasadas Retraso inicial. Riesgo de penalizaciones GCPV Dosificaciones con Ultraval, acordes con materiales y hormigoneros locales. Resistencias mayores de 45 Mpa a 8 horas. Adelanto desmoldado de piezas. Obra entregada 2 meses antes del fin de plazo, evitando penalizaciones. Inicio

7 2. Prefabricados Ventajas Experiencias Rápido desmoldado.
Posibilidad de evitar el curado. Incrementos de productividad. Continuidad y homogeneidad en la producción. Optimización de costes. Experiencias KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

8 GCPV 2. Prefabricados Objetivo: Hormigón Ha-60.
INNEO Torres eólicas prefabricadas Gostyn (Polonia) Objetivo: Hormigón Ha-60. Resistencias a compresión de 20 Mp en horas para desmoldado GCPV Solución : Resistencias mayores de 45 Mpa a 8 h. Desmoldado en 8-10 horas KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

9 2. Prefabricados GCPV PREFABRICADOS LEMONA Benavente (España)
Problemas resistencias a edades tempranas. Retrasos en el desmoldeo. Fabricación a la intemperie. GCPV Mejoras rendimiento: - Piezas pequeñas +100%. Piezas grandes +30%-50% según temperatura. Reducción 50% número de moldes utilizados. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Continuidad y homogeneidad en la producción., independiente del tiempo. Mejor acabado superficial. Inicio

10 2. Prefabricados GCPV RAIL ONE Traviesas ferrocarril Toro (España)
Fabricación traviesas de ferrocarril. Requisito de desmoldado: resistencia 46 Mpa. Inicialmente logrado con curado a las h. GCPV Desmoldado a las 6h Paso de 2 a 3 turnos diarios de trabajo en épocas de alta demanda. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Posible ahorro por reducción del nº moldes. Inicio

11 2. Prefabricados ESCOFET Mobiliario Urbano Martorell (España)
Dosifciación Fabricación de mobiliario urbano de hormigón. Desarrollo hormigones muy altas prestaciones mecánicas. Dosificación UltraVal kg/m3 800 Arena 0/7 silice 1141 Filler 199,8 Agua L. 102,5 Superfluidificante L. 30,5 Nanosílice L. 56,7 KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Resultados Resistencia a Compresión N/mm2 142 Resistencia a Flexotracción N/mm2 18 Resistencia a Tracción N/mm2 7,5 Inicio

12 3. Energía Ventajas en energía eólica Experiencias GCPV
Incremento de producción de energía. - Eliminación restricciones de altura. Posibilidad de torres superiores a 140 m. Reducción de costes. Mejora de vida útil (hasta años) frente a otros modelos (20 años) Mínimo mantenimiento Rápida amortización de la inversión utilizando torres de hormigón. Experiencias GCPV Incremento productividad Reducción tiempo entrega torres Reduce tiempo ejecución cimientos. Inicio

13 4. Puentes Ventajas Experiencias
Reducción del peso estructural debido al uso de hormigones de alta resitencia. Pilares de puentes. Construcción acelerada. Experiencias ZUBILLAGA VIDIN GARROVILLAS CAÑAVERAL Inicio

14 GCPV 4. Puentes FCC Puente de Vidin (Bulgaria)
HA-80 necesario para dovelas especiales. Dificultad por los materiales locales. GCPV Resistencias de 80 Mpa alcanzadas en 2 días. No se requiere uso de adiciones suplementarias como puedan ser la microsílice o el metacaolín. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

15 GCPV 4. Puentes FCC Puente de Garrovillas Cáceres (España)
Puente AVE de 384 m de arco central (el más largo del mundo). Hormigón Ha-80 60 Mpa para mover el carro de avance, no logrado con cemento inicial, incluso con altas dosificaciones. GCPV Resistencias de 60 Mpa superadas en 24 horas, con menor contenido de cemento. Resistencias de Mpa a 28 días. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

16 GCPV 4. Puentes Grupo Moyua Puente de Zubillaga Álava (España)
Hormigón tablero Ha-45 Tablero de puente fuertemente armado. Curado por agua. GCPV Resistencias de Resistencias de 60 Mpa en 24 h. Rapidez de ejecución. Muy buena trabajabilidad Sin problemas de fisuración / retracción KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

17 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones
Ventajas Resistencias superiores a 30 Mpa en 8 h, y 60 Mpa en 24 h, sin aditivos. Incremento de productividad por reducción del tiempo de fraguado de días a horas. Experiencias Ordicia Vacariza Vergara Sant Hilari Inicio

18 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones
FCC Túnel de Ordicia Guipúzcoa (España) 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones Túnel ferroviario. Rendimiento inicial: 3 carros necesarios 5 puestas semanales - Ritmo hormigonado 40 m3/h, - Plazo ejecución 13 semanas. Búsqueda mejoras productividad. GCPV Resistencias de Resistencias para desencofrado en 3,5 - 4 h. Rendimiento final: 2 carros necesarios. 10 puestas semanales - Ritmo hormigonado 80 m3/h. Plazo ejecución 8 semanas. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

19 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones
FCC Túnel de Vacariza-Rialiño La Coruña (España) 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones Túnel ferroviario. Excavación por método austriaco. Requerido hormigón proyectado con resistencia característica de 30 Mpa. GCPV Resistencias de diseño alcanzadas en pocas horas. Resistencias correctas en hormigones con fibra metálica y/o con fibra de poliofelina. Proyección con un rechazo razonable. Poco aporte de acelerantes al comportamiento del producto. Incremento de seguridad en la fase de perforación de las galerías. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

20 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones
FCC Túnel de Vergara Guipúzcoa (España) 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones Objetivo 60 Mpa a 28 días. GCPV Resultados Resistencia a la compresión superior a 65 en 24 h, con menos contenido de cemento. Reducción del volumen de hormigón necesario debido a las altas resitencias iniciales y finales. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

21 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones
FCC Túnel de Sant Hilari Gerona (España) 5. Gunitas de altas prestaciones Túnel desdoblamiento de la carretera C-25. Evaluar comportamiento hormigones proyectados. GCPV KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

22 6. Construcción subterranea
Ventajas Reducción del volumen de excavación. Construcción acelerada. Experiencias KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Vergara Sant Hilari Ordicia Sorbas Inicio

23 6. Construccion subterranea
FCC Túnel de Ordicia Guipúzcoa (España) Túnel ferroviario. Rendimiento inicial: 3 carros necesarios 5 puestas semanales - Ritmo hormigonado 40 m3/h, - Plazo ejecución 13 semanas. Búsqueda mejoras productividad. GCPV Resistencias de Resistencias para desencofrado en 3,5 - 4 h. Rendimiento final: 2 carros necesarios. 10 puestas semanales - Ritmo hormigonado 80 m3/h. Plazo ejecución 8 semanas. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

24 6. Construccion subterranea
FCC Túnel de Sorbas Almería (España) Objetivo 110 Mpa en 28 días. GCPV Resultado 110 Mpa en 2 días, con menor contenido en cemento y sin adiciones especiales KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

25 7. Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas
Ventajas Construcción civil Construcción de carreteras Pavimentación Construcción ferroviaria. Pistas Aeropuertos Construcción puentes.. Experiencias Aeropuerto El Prat Reparación pavimento Peaje Túnel D’ Envalira Reparación pavimento Canteras de Alaiz Pavimentación carretera Inicio

26 7.Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas
Accelerated Civil Constructions and reparations 7.Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas AENA Aeropuerto El Prat Barcelona (España) Objetivo Hormigonado de una losa en pista de despegue. 4.5 Mpa de resistencia a flexión en 20 h. GCPV Resultado 4.5 Mpa de resistencia a flexión y 40 Mpa a compresión en 8 horas. Curado durante las primeras horas. Rápida apertura al tráfico aéreo. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

27 7. Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas
Accelerated Civil Constructions and reparations 7. Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas FCC Peaje Túnel D’ Envalira Andorra Pavimento de hormigón con graves deterioros superficiales. Minimizar la afección al tráfico de las operaciones de rehabilitación. GCPV Rápida apertura al tráfico KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

28 7. Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas
Accelerated Civil Constructions and reparations 7. Reparaciones y construcciones civiles aceleradas GCPV Pavimento Canteras de Alaiz Navarra (España) Pruebas para la construcción de carreteras de hormigón compactado con pavimentadoras de aglomerado. Pruebas de textura y apariencia. Pruebas de consistencia. Resultados satisfactorios. KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Inicio

29 8. Parches de carreteras Ventajas Experiencias
Incremento de productividad por reducción del tiempo de fraguado de días a horas. Rápida apertura al tráfico en 6 horas. Experiencias 6 meses después 30 Mpa Resistencia compresión 6 Mpa resistencia flexión 6 horas Inicio

30 9. Hormigonado en tiempo extremo
Ventajas Tiempo frío HASTA - 25º C * Tiempo cálido HASTA 60º C* * Teniendo en cuenta las precauciones habituales en las primeras horas de curado. Experiencias KEY POINTS: As proud as we are of the past, we are very much focused on the future By working together, we can help your company run better and we can improve the lives of millions of people around the world. SUGGESTED SOUND BITES: We at SAP are humbled and honored by the unique opportunity to help you take your place as a leader in the better-run world of tomorrow. At the same time, we are more confident than ever that by working together, we can not only help your company run better, but can improve the lives of millions of people around the world who are eager to join the innovation revolution. From those who run their entire businesses on SAP, to those who have no existing SAP footprint at all, there is no one starting point to your journey, What is important is where you want to go and how you will take your business there. We look forward to you joining us as we embark on the most exciting journey of our lifetimes, together. Parque eólico Gostyn (Poland) Nanclares de Oca Cárcel (España) Puente Vidin (Bulgaria) Puente Garrovillas (España) Tª = 0 º C Tª = 0 º C Tª = -5 º C Tª = 45 º C Inicio

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