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El Subjuntivo. 1.) What would your dream house be like? What would it have? 2.) What about your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend? What would he/she be like?

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Presentación del tema: "El Subjuntivo. 1.) What would your dream house be like? What would it have? 2.) What about your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend? What would he/she be like?"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Subjuntivo

2 1.) What would your dream house be like? What would it have? 2.) What about your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend? What would he/she be like? (keep it appropriate) 3.) If you had a servant what would you want them to do for you?

3 El Concepto del Subjuntivo A.Subjunctive Mood: what may or might be - used frequently in Spanish - used to express feelings, judgments, & emotions relating to an action - states what is considered to be desirable, possible, doubtful, uncertain, etc. Ex: I wish John would study. Espero que Juan estudie. She wants that I clean my room. Quiere que yo limpie el cuarto.

4 B. Subjunctive occurs in dependent clauses - dependent clause cannot stand alone & are connected to main clause. MAIN CLAUSE + DEPENDENT CLAUSE Sugiero... que Ud. sea más puntual. I suggest... that you be more punctual.

5 C.Formas Regulares: 1. For most verbs, the present subjunctive forms are derived as follows: Verbs ending in : STEM + ENDINGS - ar yo form -e, -es, -e, -emos, -en -er minus –o -a, -as, -a, -amos, -an

6 2.Pattern applies to regular verbs & to verbs that have irregular yo forms present indicative subjunctive (yo) ponerpongo ponga venir vengovenga conducir conduzco conduzca

7 D. Stem-changing verbs in the subjunctive 1. –ar & -er have the same stem changes in subjunctive as in the present tense pensar (ie) pienso pensamos piensepensemos contar (ue) cuento contamos cuentecontemos volver (ue) vuelvo volvemos vuelva volvamos Present indicative Subjunctive

8 2.Stem-changing verbs in –ir have the same stem changes in all forms except for the nosotros the stem vowel changes from e – i & o - u Ex: Dormir to duerma nosotros durmamos túduermas élduerma ellosduerman

9 9 DISHESDISHES ar r er aber star aber dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan esté, estés, esté, estemos, esté, estén sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

10 Irregulares dar estar ser ir dé des dé demos den esté estés esté estemos estén sea seas sea seamos sean vaya vayas vaya vayamos vayan

11 Irregulares saber haber sepa sepas sepa sepamos sepan haya hayas haya hayamos hayan

12 Practica 1.trabajar (yo) 2.leer (Ud.) 3.abrir (él) 4.pensar (ie ) (tú) 5.salir (nosotros) 6.Entender (ie ) (ellas) 7.obtener (ie) (ella) 8.hacer (Uds.) A Presente B Preterito C Subjuntivo

13 Practica: El subjuntivo YoNosotros 1.Volver 2.Pensar 3.Jugar 4.Almorzar 5.Abrazar 6.Poner 7.Querer 8.Besar 9.Mover 10.Empezar 11.Escuchar 12. Dormir 13. Sentir


15 DAR dédemos des déis Dé den

16 IR Vayavayamos Vayasvayáis vaya vayan

17 SER Sea Seas Sea seamos Seáis sean

18 HABER Haya Hayas Haya Hayáis Hayamos Hayan

19 ESTAR Esté Estés Esté Estemos Estéis Estén

20 SABER sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

21 The DISHES SONG Quickly doing the dishes, Saving water for the fishes, Starting with Dar Meaning to give, Like a kidney to live, Ir comes next it means to go It starts with V So just like subjunctive... it’s a weirdo Ser comes next it means to be, When you think about it’s conjugations Think about the sea Haber is a weird one, It can mean, has, have or to be, When you do the conjugations you do some karate! (HAYA!) Estar has accents on all the second E’s But when you get to nosotros you shout yippee, estar means to be! There’s no accent on the E! Saber means to know, (But not a person- like conozco) Sepa is it’s main root conjugation, So conjugate it.. without no hesitation!

22 Yo…… Deseo que… Quiero que.. Espero que…. I desire that… I want that… I hope that…

23 I want you to pay attention. I want that you pay attention Querer/que/prestar atención

24 Quiero que prestes atención.

25 Querer/que/comer/mucho I want that you eat a lot. I want you to eat a lot.

26 Quiero que comas mucho!

27 Esperar/que/caminar/conmigo I hope that you walk with me. I hope you walk with me.

28 Espero que camines conmigo.

29 I want you not to lie. Querer/que/no mentir (e-ie)

30 Quiero que no mientas.

31 I want you to put on a hat. I want that you put on a hat. Querer/que/ponerse/gorra (-go verb)

32 Yo quiero que te pongas gorra.

33 I want you to lose. I want that you lose. Querer/que/perder (e-ie)

34 Quiero que pierdas.

35 Esperar/que/salir (-go verb)/conmigo I want that you go out with me. I want you to go out with me.

36 Espero que salgas conmigo.

37 Desear/que/mirar/el mundo. I want you to watch the world.

38 Deseo que mires el mundo.

39 Traducir los verbos en subjuntivo para ella/el/Ud. 1. ser 2.conocer 3. saber 4. estar 5.jugar 6. querer 7. pensar 8. escuchar 9. vivir

40 1.Sea 2.Conozca 3.Sepa 4.Esté 5.Juega 6.Quiera 7.Piense 8.Escuche 9.Viva

41 Piensalo! Saber vs. Conocer Conocer: to know or be familiar with a person, place or thing Saber: to know how to do something Estar vs. Ser Estar: a temporary thing (generally) Ser: Permanent trait or characteristic.

42 Mi Media Naranja Busco alguien que…. Escribe los verbos en la naranja Termina la oracion y describe tu media naranja.

43 W Wishes, desires, Imperatives Quiero que él.., Deseo que ella..., Necesito que usted..., Espero que tú...; Mando que..., insisto que... I Want or Need someone else to do something, I Order or Insist that someone to do something EEmotion Me alegro de que..., me entristezco de que..., Me enoja que..., Temo que... I get (become) Happy..., Sad..., It makes me angry..., I'm Scared... that something or someone does something IImpersonal observations Es bueno que..., Es Importante que..., Es Posible que... It's good that.., It's important that.., It's possible that.... R Recommendations Recomiendo que..., Sugiero que... I Recommend or Suggest that someone else do something DDoubt, Denial, Disbelief Dudo que.., No creo que.., ¿Crees que..?, niego que... I Doubt that, I Don't believe that..., Do you believe that...? I Deny that.... OOjalá Ojalá que... Let's hope that.., God willing that..,

44 WISHES, DESIRES, COMMANDS Quiero que … I want that… Deseo que... I desire that… Necesito que... I need that… Espero que... I hope that… Mando que...I order that… Insisto que... I insist that… EMOTIONS, FEELINGS Me alegro de que... I get (become) happy that… Me entristezco de que... I get (become) sad that… Me enoja que... It makes me angry that… Temo que... I’m scared that… (... that something or someone does something) IMPERSONAL OBSERVATIONS Es bueno que... It's good that... Es Importante que... It's important that... Es Posible que... It's possible that.... RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS Recomiendo que... I recommend Sugiero que... I suggest (…that someone else do something) DOUBT DENIAL DISBELIEF Dudo que… I doubt that, No creo que… I don't believe that..., ¿Crees que..?.. Do you believe that… niego que... I deny that.... OJALÁ Ojalá! Let’s hope so! Ojalá que…I wish… or I hope…

45 No es dudoso que.. (It’s not doubtful that…..) No dudo que…(I don’t doubt that…) Es cierto que…. (It’s certain that….) Es evidente que… (It’s evident that….) Es seguro que…. (It’s sure that….) Estoy seguro que… (I’m sure that…) Es verdad que….(It’s true that…) Es obvio que…(It’s obvious that…) Es claro que..(It’s clear that….) Pienso que…(I think that…) Creo que….(I believe that…) Indicativo


47 1. Miles no quiere que Buddy le _________________ (llamar) un “angry elf.” 2. Buddy _____________ (pensar) que Miles es un elf. 3. No hay duda que Buddy ______________ (pensar) que Miles es un “angry elf.” 4. El padre de Buddy quiere que Buddy _____________________ (irse.) 5. Buddy no _____________ (saber) que hacer.

48 Subjuntivo contra Indicativo

49 It’s possible that…. It’s doubtful that… It’s desirable that….. I hope that…. I wish that ….. Counterculture Movement

50 Indicative It’s certain that…. I believe that… I don’t doubt that.. It/He/She is definitely… I know that….


52 Main ClauseDependent Clause Espero que María duerma Prefiero que María duerma Estoy feliz que María duerma No es verdad que María duerma.

53 ¿Cuál puede sobrevivir solo? Main Clause Dependent Clause

54 Main Clause Dependent Clause


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