Herramientas – Mano y de Potencia Subparte I,


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Herramientas – Mano y de Potencia Subparte I, 1926.300 1926 Subpart I - Tools – Hand and Power This presentation is designed to assist trainers conducting OSHA 10-hour Construction Industry outreach training for workers. Since workers are the target audience, this presentation emphasizes hazard identification, avoidance, and control – not standards. No attempt has been made to treat the topic exhaustively. It is essential that trainers tailor their presentations to the needs and understanding of their audience. This presentation is not a substitute for any of the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 or for any standards issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. Mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Labor. OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Peligros Riesgos al utilizar herramientas de mano: 1. objetos que caen, vuelan, abrasivos, o salpiquen 2. polvo peligroso, humos, lloviznas, vapores y gases 3. extensiones eléctricas rotas, conecciones mal hechas y sin conección a tierra Hand and power tools are a part of our everyday lives. These tools help us to perform tasks that otherwise would be difficult or impossible. However, even simple tools can be hazardous, and have the potential for causing severe injuries when used or maintained improperly. Special attention toward hand and power tool safety is necessary in order to reduce or eliminate these hazards. OSHA Office of Training and Education

Reglas Básicas de Seguridad al Trabajar con Herramientas Mantenimiento preventivo regular Usar la herramienta correcta para el trabajo Inspeccionarla antes de usarla Operarla de acuerdo a las instrucciones del manufacurero Use el equipo de protección personal adecuado Use guardas OSHA Office of Training and Education

Peligros de las Herramientas de Mano Los peligros son usualmente causados por mal uso y mantenimiento inadecuado No use:1926.301(a),(b),( c),(d) llaves ajustables cuando la parte de arriba sea de madera herramientas de impacto (cincel y cuñas) cuando las cabezas adquieren forma de hongo (tienen los bordes rotos, hacia abajo) Herramientas con mangos astillados o desprendidos. usar un destornillador como cincel herramientas con cinta adhesiva en los mangos– pueden estar escondiendo rajaduras. rajadura 1926.301 • If a screwdriver is used as a chisel, the tip of the chisel may break and fly off, hitting the user or other employees. • If a wooden handle on a tool, such as a hammer or an axe is loose, splintered, or cracked, the head of the tool may fly off and strike the user or other employees. • If the jaws of a wrench are sprung, the wrench might slip. • If impact tools, such as chisels, wedges, or drift pins have mushroomed heads, the heads might shatter on impact, sending sharp fragments flying toward the user or other employees. OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Protección Use EPP, tales como gafas de seguridad, goggles y guantes Mantenga la superficie del piso donde se trabaja seca, libre de desperdicios y de materiales que puedan ocasionar que el personal se tropieze y sufran caídas. Mantenga afiladas las herramientas utilizadas para cortar. 1926.300(c) and (a) and 1926.25 Provide the necessary PPE to employees using hand and power tools to protect them from hazards of falling, flying, abrasive, and splashing objects, or exposure to harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases. OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas de Energía Deben estar protegidas con guardas y sensores de seguridad Son extremadamente peligrosas cuando se usan inapropiadamente. 1926.302 Tipos de herramientas,determinadas por la fuente de energia que las activa: Eléctrica Neumática Líquido combustible Hidraúlica Activada por polvora 1926.300(b) and 1926.302 OSHA Office of Training and Education

Switches( Interruptor Eléctrico) Herramientas de mano activadas manualmente deben estar equipadas con uno de los siguientes: Constant pressure switch (Interruptor de presión constante) Que se apague tan pronto lo suelta Ejemplos: sierra circular, sierra de cadena, esmerilador (grinder), taladro. Interruptor de encendido y apagado Ejemplos: buriladora, cepillo mecánico, laminadora, tijeras grandes, sierras eléctricas, recortadora de chapa, sierras de cinta para contornear 1926.300(d) Switches Use "on-off" control: hand-held powered platen sanders, grinders with wheels 2-inch diameter or less, routers, planers, laminate trimmers, nibblers, shears, scroll saws, and jigsaws with blade shanks one-fourth of an inch wide or less Use momentary contact "on-off" control and may have a lock-on control provided that turnoff can be accomplished by a single motion of the same finger or fingers that turn it on: hand-held powered drills, tappers, fastener drivers, horizontal, vertical, and angle grinders with wheels greater than 2 inches in diameter, disc sanders, belt sanders, reciprocating saws, saber saws, and other similar operating powered tools. Use a constant pressure switch which shuts off power when released: All other hand-held powered tools, such as circular saws, chain saws, and percussion tools without positive accessory holding means OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas Eléctricas - Precauciones Desconecte las herramientas cuando no las este utilizando, antes de repararlas o limpiarlas o cuando le instale algún accesorio. Utilize ambas manos para operar la herramienta Mantenga las herramientas limpias y en buenas condiciones Considere la ropa que usa. No use ropa suelta y prendas, estas pueden ser atrapadas por las partes rotativas. Remueva toda herramienta defectuosa, pongale tarjeta, “NO LA USE” OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas Eléctricas – Precauciones No cargue las herramientas eléctricas por el cordón No use los cables eléctricos para bajar o subir la herramienta No hale la extensión eléctrica para desconectar las herramientas Mantenga los cordones y extensiones lejos del calor, aceite, y bordes cortantes 1926.302(a)(2) OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas Eléctricas 1926.302(a) Proteja al empleado de un shock, la herramienta debe tener: Cordón de 3-alambres conectado en un receptáculo con conección a tierra Doble insulado, o energizado por un transformador separado de voltaje bajo Marcados Doble Insulado 1926.302 (a)(1) Three-wire cords contain two current-carrying conductors and a grounding conductor. Any time an adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must be attached to a known ground. The third prong must never be removed from the plug. Double-insulated tools are available that provide protection against electrical shock without third-wire grounding. On double-insulated tools, an internal layer of protective insulation completely isolates the external housing of the tool. conector con protección a tierra OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas Eléctricas – Buenas Prácticas Operela de acuerdo a los límites del diseño Use guantes y zapatos de seguridad Almacenela en un lugar seco No la use en area mojada a menos que este diseñada para usarse en dicha area. Mantenga las areas limpias Asegurese que las extenciones eléctricas no representan un riesgo de tropezar When using gloves, make sure they will not cause an amputation hazard by becoming loose clothing. OSHA Office of Training and Education

Rueda Abrasiva y Herramientas 1926.303(c) Se pueden desprender particulas Equipelas con guardas que: cubran el final del eje, y la proyección del flange Mantenga el alineamiento apropiado con la rueda No exceda la fuerza de los fijadores Protejala que solo una minima parte de la rueda este expuesta. 1926.303(b)(2), 1926.303 (c)(5) OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Inspección de la Rueda Antes de Montarla: Inspeccionela por daño haga la prueba de sonido del aro para asegurarse que no esta roto o defectuoso Para probarlo: golpee la rueda levemente con un instrumento liviano que no sea metal Si suena rota o sonido sordo no la utilize puede romperse y desprenderse en pedazos 1926.303 (c)(7) A stable and undamaged wheel when tapped will give a clear metallic tone or “ring.” OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Uso de Rueda Abrasiva Para prevenir que se rompa: fije la rueda para que rote libremente ajuste el eje suficiente como para sostener la rueda pero sin distorsionar el flange Ponga la herramienta a correr antes de pulir o cortar No se pare de frente a la rueda cuando este rotando a capacidad Use protección para ojos y cara 1926.303 (c)(8), 1926.303 (c)(9) Asegurese que la velocidad a la que gira la rueda no exceda la velocidad máxima marcada en la rueda. OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Rueda Abrasiva Mantenga el area de trabajar a no más de 1/8 pulgada de separación de la superficie de la rueda No ajuste la rueda mientras gira 1926.303(e) On offhand grinding machines, use work rests to support the work. They are to be equipped with adjustable work rests to compensate for wheel wear. The work rest shall be securely clamped after each adjustment. The adjustment shall not be made with the wheel in motion. 1926.303(c)(2) Floor and bench-mounted grinders shall be provided with work rests which are rigidly supported and readily adjustable. Keep these work rests not more than one-eighth inch from the surface of the wheel. OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Guardas Nunca remueva una guarda mientras el equipo esta en uso 1926.300(b)(2) OSHA Office of Training and Education

Guardas - Punto de Operación Aqui muestra una sierra de brazo radial equipada con guardas apropiadas en el punto de operación 1926.300 (b)(4) and 1926.304(g) The guarding device shall be designed and constructed to prevent the operator from having any part of his body in the danger zone during the operating cycle. El punto de operación es donde se coloca el material para ejecutar el trabajo – debe estar protegido por una guarda OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Protección Punto de Pellizco Las guardas son para proteger al operador y otras personas en el: Punto de operación punto de entrada partes rotativas partículas y chispas 1926.300(b)(3) and 1926.300(b)(4)(ii) Examples of guarding methods are - barrier guards, two-hand tripping devices, electronic safety devices, etc. Belt sanding machines must be provided with guards at each nip point where the sanding belt runs onto a pulley. OSHA Office of Training and Education

Guarda de Sierra Radial Sierra Radial equipada con guarda arriba y abajo de la cuchilla 1926.304(g)(1) The upper hood shall completely enclose the upper portion of the blade down to a point that will include the end of the saw arbor. Construct the upper hood in a manner and of material that will protect the operator from flying splinters, broken saw teeth, etc., and will deflect sawdust. Guard the sides of the lower exposed portion of the blade to the full diameter of the blade by a device that will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of the stock and remain in contact with stock being cut to give maximum protection possible for the operation being performed. Para prevenir que el operador este en contacto con la cuchilla mientras rota OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Sierra Circular 1926.304(d) The upper guard shall cover the saw to the depth of the teeth, except for the minimum arc required to permit the base to be tilted for bevel cuts. The lower guard shall cover the saw to the depth of the teeth, except for the minimum arc required to allow proper retraction and contact with the work. When the tool is withdrawn from the work, the lower guard shall automatically and instantly return to the covering position. GRAPHIC The graphic depicts a portable saw where the worker is holding the bottom guard up to demonstrate how it slides up as the blade comes in contact with the material being cut. Pongale guarda a esta sierra arriba y abajo del plato base o zapato. La guarda de abajo tiene que cubrir la sierra hasta la profundidad de los dientes OSHA Office of Training and Education

Guarda para Sierra de Mesa 1926.304(h)(1) Hand-fed crosscut table saws Each circular crosscut table saw shall be guarded by a hood Use una campana como guarda OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas Neumáticas Energizada por aire comprimido Peligro principal – ser golpeado por alguna parte de la herramienta Tenga la misma precaución al usar una manga de aire que usted toma con un cable eléctrico Pistola de clavos - Una vista cortada OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas Neumáticas - Agarraderas Asegurarse que la herramienta esta bien agarrada a la manga de aire para prevenir se desconecte. Use un alambre corto o un cierre que conecte la manga de aire a la herramienta 1926.302(b)(1) Alambre usado para asegurar la manga OSHA Office of Training and Education

Conecciones de Herramientas Neumáticas  Inaceptable  Aceptable abrazadera 1926.302(b)(1) and (2) Secure pneumatic power tools to the hose by some positive means to prevent the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected. Safety clips or retainers shall be securely installed and maintained on pneumatic impact tools to prevent attachments from being accidentally expelled. OSHA Office of Training and Education

Seguridad de la Herramienta Neumática 1926.302(b)(2), 1926.302(b)(3) Muzzle en contacto con la superficie de trabajo OSHA Office of Training and Education

Aire Comprimido para Limpiar No utilize aire comprimido para limpiar Exepción – cuando se reduzca la presión a menos de 30 psi utilizando guardas y equipo de protección personal 1926.302(b)(4) The 30 p.s.i. requirement does not apply for concrete form, mill scale and similar cleaning purposes. OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas que usan Líquido Combustible Usualmente gas Peligro mayor – vapores de gas Use solo envases aprobados para almacenar líquidos inflamables Antes de servirle el combustible al equipo debe apagarlo y dejar que se enfrie. 1926.302(c) If using a fuel powered tool in an enclosed area such as a trench, be aware that carbon monoxide generated can displace or deplete oxygen. Mechanical ventilation and testing needs to be done. OSHA Office of Training and Education

Herramientas Eléctricas El usuario tiene que estar adiestrado y con licencia para operar la herramienta. Inspeccione y pruebe la herramienta todos los días antes de usarla Utilize protección para ojos, oidos y cara. Seleccione un nivel de operación del equipo que no necesite fuerza excesiva. 1926.302(e) OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Hecho fatal Un empleado fue muerto al ser impactado en la cabeza con un clavo disparado por una herramienta activada con polvora El operador de la herramienta estaba tratando de fijar una pared formada con madera contrachapada (laminada) en preparación para llenarla con cemento. Fatal Facts A 22-year-old carpenter’s apprentice was killed when he was struck in the head by a nail fired from a powder-actuated nail gun. The nail gun operator fired the gun while attempting to anchor a plywood concrete form, causing the nail to pass through the hollow form. The nail traveled 27 feet before striking the victim. The nail gun operator had never received training on how to use the tool, and none of the employees in the area was wearing PPE. In another situation, two workers were building a wall while remodeling a house. One of the workers was killed when he was struck by a nail fired from a powder-actuated nail gun. The tool operator who fired the nail was trying to attach a piece of plywood to a wooden stud. But the nail shot though the plywood and stud, striking the victim. Below are some OSHA regulations that should have been followed. • Employees using powder- or pressure-actuated tools must be trained to use them safely. • Employees who operate powder- or pressure-actuated tools must be trained to avoid firing into easily penetrated materials (like plywood). • In areas where workers could be exposed to flying nails, appropriate PPE must be used. OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Gatos (Jacks) Asegurese que : La base esta en una superfice firme Esta centralizado Aplica la fuerza de levantar uniforme Lubrique e inspeccione el gato regularmente 1926.305(d)(1)(iii), 1926.305(d)(1)(iv) Inspect jacks according to this schedule: (1) for jacks used continuously or intermittently at one site - at least once every 6 months, (2) for jacks sent out of the shop for special work - inspect when sent out and inspect when returned (3) for jacks subjected to abnormal loads or shock - inspect before use and immediately thereafter. OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Gatos - Capacidad La capacidad del gato estipulada por el manufacturero tiene que estar marcada y no puede excederse Todos los gatos tienen que tener un indicador de detenerse que no debe excederse 1926.305(a)(1) OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Gatos - Bloqueando Fije la carga y ponga carsos para evitar que el gato seda en caso que la superficie no sea firme. 1926.305 (c), 1926.305(d)(1) When it is necessary to provide a firm foundation, block or crib the base of the jack. Where there is a possibility of slippage of the metal cap of the jack, place a a wood block between the cap and the load. OSHA Office of Training and Education

OSHA Office of Training and Education Resumen Los peligros son el resultado de la mala utilización de la herramienta o de no seguir una o más de las de técnicas de protección. Use EPP Inspeccione la herramienta antes de usarla Utilize guardas Almacene la herramienta apropiadamente Utilize tecnicas apropiadas para manejarla OSHA Office of Training and Education