The Impersonal se P. 360 Realidades 2 The Impersonal se l In English we often use they, you, one, or people in an impersonal or indefinite sense meaning.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

The Impersonal se P. 360 Realidades 2

The Impersonal se l In English we often use they, you, one, or people in an impersonal or indefinite sense meaning people in general.

The Impersonal se l In Spanish we use se + the Ud./él/ella or the Uds./ellos/ellas form of the verb.

The Impersonal se l Se habla español. l Spanish is spoken here.

The Impersonal se l A menudo se sirve pan con paella. l Bread is often served with paella.

The Impersonal se l Se permite sacar fotos? l Can you take pictures?

Negative Tú Commands l Se usan otros mariscos también para hacer paella. l They also use other shellfish to make paella.