 Also known as El Nitro, assembled in Mexico City in the early 80's and creating ever since. Autodidact (self- taught)  El nitro tried to follow a formal.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

 Also known as El Nitro, assembled in Mexico City in the early 80's and creating ever since. Autodidact (self- taught)  El nitro tried to follow a formal education but found himself bored and felt limited by the way schools were teaching. he has been using art/design software since age 8. Carlos has been doing mostly free lance work, he‘s also been contracted for major design projects. Y&R (Art Director), DDB (Art Director), TBWA - TEQUILA\DIGITAL (Interactive Art Director) at their Mexico headquarters.

 His passion is photography and digital design. in the interview he mentioned that he feels like photography and digital tools complement each, and he finds hard not to combine them with each other.

 - Worldwide Designers 2007 (France) - Scene360 LoveWithinUs Book (US) - Sixis Background Book (Spain) - XLR8R Magazine (Combo interview with Nautilis, US - not published) - 99 Silhouettes (UK) - Blank Magazine (Spain) - a! Diseño (Mexico) - BIG Magazine (Mexico) - ProGam3r Magazine (US) - Reforma (Mexico)

 - OFFF 2004 (Valencia, Spain) - Opening School for New Media/TV/Architecture (Mexico City) - Flash For Mexico 2004 (Querétaro, Mexico) - Nike Juega 10 (Mexico City) - OFFF 2005 (Barcelona, Spain) - Colectivo E3's first 2006 Cholula, Mexico) - Colectivo E3: Especies En Gallery 2007 (Mexico City) - Mexico: Diseño de Exportación 2007 (Sonora, Mexico)

 Nike, Lifted Music, Mars Mexico, McDonald's, Bachoco, Philip Morris, Camel, Danone, Cervecería Cuahtémoc-Moctezuma, ProGam3r Magazine.

 : this is a selection of my earliest published images. They were released with Breedart.org between late 2000 and 2002 (17-19 years old).