Sept, 15th, 19th. First grade LunesMartesMiércolesJueves worksheet.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Sept, 15th, 19th

First grade LunesMartesMiércolesJueves worksheet

Second grade LunesMartesMiércolesJueves worksheet

3TH GRADE LunesMartesMiércolesJuevesViernes Los alumnos describirán su lugar favorito para vivir y darán razones porque les gusta. Los alumnos dibujaran un animal y lo escribirán, posteriormente escribirán y dibujaran los productos que se pueden obtener de él. Los alumnos escribirán su horario de actividades del día sábado. Calcular el precio de las diferentes combinaciones de productos. 1 kilo of butter ($1.25 kilo) + 1 kilo of pears ($3.25 kilo) + 1 kilo of carrots ($1.75/kilo) = Con las siguientes oraciones se agregaran adverbios de frecuencia. Take the bus to school (Example: I never take the bus to school) Ride my bike in the street. Get up a 5.30 in themorning.

4TH GRADE LunesMartesMiércolesJuevesViernes Se escribirán tres oraciones en pasado continuo acerca de los que hicieron en un viaje en barco. Responder a la siguientepregu nta: what were you doing at eight o clock last night? Los alumnos escribirán tres oraciones en las que estén un enunciado en pasado progresivo y uno en presente simple como el ejemplo: I waswalkingtos choolwhen a pop starapperared Se escribirán tres palabras con la terminación aw y tres palabras con terminación au, luego se hará un enunciado en pasado simple o progresivo con cada una de las seis palabras. Se investigaran la temperatura, lenguajes y comidas de Greenland (Groenlandia), Iceland (Islandia), y Norway (Noruega)

5TH GRADE MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Bring these numbers written in letters Investigate about the Natural Disaster that you are interested in the most. (1 full page in hand written, no printing) Write 15 sentences in definite form and 15 sentences in indefinite form. Example: I might go to the party. I am goint to the party.. SUBRAYADO, COLOR DE SUBRAYADO. FONDO 1 Investigate about volcanoes, How they work. SUBRAYADO, COLOR DE SUBRAYADO. FONDO 1 Estudiar Vocabulario

6TH GRADE MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFriday Draw the scene that you’re in with your dialogue written in it. Bring thirty sentences in reported speech Bring 10 by asking them and the same sentences by telling them. Bring 10 famous quotes with their translation. Example: All that glisters is not gold. 3. Not every thing that is shiny and superficially attractive is valuable. Make a report about a 16 th century writer this information is what it needs to have: 1. When was the writer was born? 2. When did he/she die? 3. Where did he or she live? 4. Who did he or she marry? 5. Why is the writer famous? What are some of his famous quotes?