Tener (to have) Venir (to come) (de/a)


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Capítulo 7A Pensar, Querer, and Preferir PREFERIR n Here we will learn the verb PREFERIR, which means “to prefer.” n But before we do, let’s look at.
REGULAR VERBS Verbs whose INFINITIVES end in -ar follow a pattern.
 Copy your DLT in English & Spanish. 1. DLT: I can learn the conjugations of the verb tener. Puedo aprender las conjugaciones del verbo tener. 2. DLT:
Objetivo – What other meaning does tener have besides “to have”? Hagan Ahora: Conjugate tener into all six forms.
ANTE TODO The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish. Because most of their forms are irregular, you will.
Department of Modern Languages Gramática nueva tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienen The verb tener means to have or to possess. It is an irregular.
Tener Capítulo: 4.
Tener – to have Yo tengo – I have, do have, am having Tú tienes – you have, etc. Él, ella, usted tiene – he, she, you has(have) Nosotros tenemos – we.
Página 124. TENER: TO HAVE Use it when you want to tell what someone has Yo conjugation: drop –er, add –go All other forms EXCEPT vosotros(as) and nosotros(as)
Page 167 Paso a Paso 1 The Verb TENER  The verb TENER, which means “to have” follows the pattern of other -er verbs.
Tener = to have tengo tenemos tienes tiene tienen yo nosotros nosotras
Page 228 Realidades 1 The Verb TENER  The verb TENER, which means “to have” is an – er verb.  However, some forms of the verb are irregular.  You.
Tener – to have Tener is a pretty useful word to use. It is used in many different ways in Spanish. Tener means “to have” and in some cases, “to be” It.
tener = to have yonosotros túvosotros él ella Ud. ellos ellas uds. tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienen.
¡Vámonos! (Do Now) Translate. 1.Mi padre es ingeniero. 2.Your sister talks in class. -2 min -Callado e Independiente.
¿Qué es? Tener is another verb that we are going to learm. It means TO HAVE or sometimes TO BE.
Tener and Tener Idioms. El Verbo Tener Tener: Yo tengo Nosotros,-as tenemos Tú tienes Vosotros,-as tenéis El Ellos Ella tiene Ellas tienen Ud. Uds.
Retrieved from:
El verbo venir.
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Page 15 Realidades 2 Tener, Poner, Hacer The Verb TENER  The verb TENER, which means “to have” follows the pattern of other -er verbs.
The verb TENER Group 3. Conjugation The verb TENER.
Las clases de Sra. Schwarz Realidades 1 The Verb IR.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish.
Avancemos 2 – Lección Preliminar (p9). The verb TENER means TO HAVE. It uses the ER verb endings, except in the YO form.
El verbo TENER You will use the verb tener (to have) a great deal as you speak Spanish. Study the forms of this verb.
venir Expresses movement as ‘to come’ in English. As an –ir verb, venir has the following endings: yo-o tú-es él, ella, Ud.-e nosotros/as-imos vosotros/as-ís.
Las clases de Sra. Schwarz Realidades 1. Sra. Schwarz  You use venir to say that someone is coming to a place or an event.  Venir is an e  ie stem-changing.
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The verb tener & its expressions Sra. Casey. Tener (to be) (yo) tengo Ex.) Tengo un hermano mayor. I have an older brother.
El Verbo Tener Presente tengo tenemos tienes tenéis tiene tienen.
Lesson 4.1 Grammar. Indefinite Articles Indefinite articles un and una are used to say a or an before a singular noun, while unos and unas are used to.
Idioms with tener. First let’s review the conjugations of tener Yo tengo Yo tengo Tú tienes Tú tienes Usted tiene Usted tiene Él tiene Él tiene Ella tiene.
Expressions with tener tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienen Remember that tener is an irregular -er verb that is conjugated as follows: Notice the.
The Conjugation of Tener The verb Tener is an irregular verb that generally means to have. It is conjugated as seen here: Yotengo Tútienes Él, Ella, Ud.
Sra. Schwarz Los verbos tener, hacer, y poner. Sra. Schwarz El verbo tenerEl verbo tener  The verb tener means “to have.”  Tener is a stem-changing.
Tener and Tener Idioms. Tener = to have Yo tengo Nosotros,-as tenemos Tú tienes Vosotros,-as tenéis El Ellos Ella tiene Ellas tienen Ud. Uds.
Expressions with TENER
Bellwork: Copy your DLT in English & Spanish.
The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish. Because most of their forms are irregular, you will have.
Expressions with “Tener”
El Verbo “Tener”.
Día 11.
El verbos TENER y VENIR.
El verbos TENER y VENIR.
Expressions with TENER
Apuntes: Tener Lección 3: La familia.
The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish. Because most of their forms are irregular, you will have.
The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish. Because most of their forms are irregular, you will have.
Transcripción de la presentación:

Tener (to have) Venir (to come) (de/a) Forms and uses of two common irregular present tense verbs

ANTE TODO The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish. The verb “tener” uses the –er present tense endings, and changes the stem like e to ie verbs. However, it also has an irregular “yo” form. The verb “venir” uses the –ir present tense endings, and changes the stem like e to ie verbs. However, it also has an irregular “yo” form.

Ud. / él / ella tiene viene tener venir SINGULAR FORMS yo tengo vengo tú tienes vienes Ud. / él / ella tiene viene PLURAL FORMS nosotros/as tenemos venimos vosotros/as tenéis venís Uds. / ellos / ellas tienen vienen

Tengo exámenes hoy. = I have tests today. = I do have tests today. Note: The present tense of “tener” translates: Tengo exámenes hoy. = I have tests today. = I do have tests today. = I am having tests today. Note: The verb “venir” is often followed by “de” (from) or “a” (to/at) The verb “venir” translates: Vengo a la escuela. = I come to school. = I do come to school. = I am coming to school.

¡INTÉNTALO. Provide the appropriate forms of tener and venir ¡INTÉNTALO! Provide the appropriate forms of tener and venir. State what the sentences mean. tener 1. Ellos ___dos hermanos. 2. Yo ___una hermana. 3. El artista ___ tres primos. 4. Nosotros ___ diez tíos. 5. Eva y Diana ___ un sobrino. 6. Usted ___ cinco nietos. 7. Tú ___ dos hermanastras. 8. Ustedes ___ cuatro hijos. 9. Ella ___ una hija. venir 1. Mis padres ___ de México. 2. Tú ___ de España. 3. Nosotros ___ a clase. 4. Pepe ___ de Italia. 5. Yo ___ de Francia. 6. Ustedes ___ a mi casa. 7. Alfonso y yo ___ de Portugal. 8. Ellos no ___a clase los domingos. 9. Usted ___ de Venezuela.

The endings are the same as those of regular –er and –ir verbs, except for the yo forms, which are irregular: tengo, vengo. NOTE: The singular forms (yo, tú, Ud. él, ella) of tener and venir are the same, except for the first letter t/v.

Although “ser” and “estar” mean “to be,” in certain idiomatic or set expressions in Spanish, you use the construction tener + [noun] to express to be + [adjective]. The chart that follows contains a list of the most common expressions with tener. —¿Tienen hambre ustedes? Are you hungry? (Do you all have hunger?) —Sí, y tenemos sed también. Yes, and we’re thirsty, too. (Yes, and we all have thirst ,too.)

Expressions with tener tener…años to be…years old tener (mucho) calor to be (very) hot tener (mucho) cuidado to be (very) careful tener (mucho) frío to be (very) cold tener (mucha) hambre to be (very) hungry tener (mucho) miedo (de) to be (very) afraid (of)

Expressions with tener tener (mucha) prisa to be in a (big) hurry tener razón to be right no tener razón to be wrong tener (mucha) sed to be (very) thirsty tener (mucho) sueño to be (very) sleepy tener (mucha) suerte to be (very) lucky

To express an obligation, use tener que (to have to) + [infinitive]. —¿Qué tienes que estudiar hoy? What do you have to study today? —Tengo que estudiar biología. I have to study biology.

To ask someone’s age: ¿Cuántos años + (tener)? To tell age: (Tener) + # + años. ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo 15 años. ¿Cuántos años tiene tu madre? Ella tiene 45 años.

Who is not coming to school today? We are coming to school. At what time are you coming here? I am coming at 2:00. ¿Quién no viene a la escuela hoy? Nosotros venimos a la escuela. ¿A qué hora vienes aquí? Vengo a las dos.

From where are they coming? They are coming from the library. Do you have a big family? No, I have a small family. ¿De dónde vienen ellos? Ellos vienen de la biblioteca. ¿Tienes una familia grande? No, tengo una familia pequeña.

Do you all have to study? Yes, we have to study. Are you hungry? No. I am thirsty. ¿Tienen que estudiar Uds? Sí, tenemos que estudiar. ¿Tienes hambre? No. Tengo sed.

In order to express what someone “feels like doing,” we use the following construction: Tener + ganas + de + infinitive Tengo ganas de comer. = I feel like eating. In order to express what someone “does not feel like doing,” we use the same construction with “no” before the verb “tener.” No tienes ganas de estudiar. = You don’t feel like studying.