A Tribute to Homer Simpson…


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Verbs like Gustar. Gustar = Me gusta(n) It is/they are pleasing to me Te gusta(n) It is/they are pleasing to you (inf) Le gusta(n) It is/they are pleasing.
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TO LIKE Gustar. Primero… Let’s start by reviewing what you already know… Pronouns: menos teos leles.
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Los apuntes de clase. The verb Gustar is unique from the other –AR verbs. It doesn’t use the subject pronouns… BUT a different set of pronouns. Gustar.
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Verbs like GUSTAR From: AJ:
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Gustar, Aburrir, y Interesar
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Verbs like GUSTAR Remember gustar is not like a regular verb. We only use the following forms of the verb: Me gusta(n) Nos gusta(n) Te gusta(n) Os gusta(n)
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And other verbs like gustar
Gustar and Verbs like Gustar. Quick Review When you say I like the song it is really saying The song is pleasing to me.
Verbs that use indirect object pronouns
Gustar to be pleasing (use it to say what someone likes, or likes to do)
Verbs like GUSTAR U1E2 Remember gustar is not like a regular verb. We only use the following forms of the verb: Me gusta(n) Nos gusta(n) Te gusta(n)
Lección: los pronombres de objeto (indirecto). Gustar / “Gustar” se dice “to be pleasing,” NO “to like” / I like Spanish. (I=subject, like=verb, Spanish=direct.
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GUSTAR The verb ‘gustar’ is used in Spanish to convey the meaning “to like”. It’s literal meaning is “to be pleasing to”.
INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Gustar, Interesar, Aburrir.
Gustar “to like” By Arianna and Sarah. Gustar- To like (to please) Me gusta (I like) Te gusta (you like) Singular Nos gusta (we like) Me gustan (I like)
Verbs like gustar Gustar and Similar Verbs l Even though we usually translate the verb gustar as “to like”, it literally means “to please”.
Verbs Like GUSTAR With a Review of Pronouns. Pronoun Review Subject Pronouns I we you ya’ll he they she they YOU ya’ll yo tú él ella usted nosotros vosotros.
Gustar To like…. To be pleasing…. Gustar is a unique verb that we use to express what we like. In English we would say I like to dance. However in Spanish.
Calentamiento Pick up the warm up on your way in and complete it with the months and days of the week!
Gustar & Similar Verbs. I.To say what people like in Spanish, we use the verb gustar. This verb literally means to be pleasing So instead of saying, “I.
El Verbo “GUSTAR & Similar Verbs” In English, the equivalent is “to like” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing”
Verbs like GUSTAR. INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Me (me) Nos (us) Te (you) Le Les (him/her/you formal) (them/you all) *****ONE OF THESE PRONOUNS NEEDS TO BE.
The verb GUSTAR (to like)… The verb is used in the third person singular (gusta) or plural (gustan). With the indirect object pronouns _____________________________________.
To say a person likes something, or that something is pleasing to them use the following phrases: Me gusta… / Me gustan… Te gusta… / Te gustan… Le gusta…
Gustar + noun & -ER, -IR verbs Gramática 3.1. Gustar = to like, to be pleasing (singular) If what is liked is singular use ___ + gusta – Me gusta – Te.
GUSTAR To like. GUSTAR The Spanish verb GUSTAR is usually translated into English as ‘To like’, however, it literally means ‘To be pleasing’.
GUSTAR By: Tiffany Welborn, Vianca Chicas, Joseth Flores, and Agyakwa Teenkorang.
Nadarcomercaminarleer Escribirvivirpracticarescuchar Calentamiento Yo ___________ en el parque los fines de semana. María ______ el almuerzo en la cafeteria.
Gustar y otros verbos similares Me gusta ese champú. ¿Te gustaron las clases? English equivalent I like that shampoo. Literal meaning That shampoo is pleasing.
EXPRESSING LIKES AND LOVES. To say something is pleasing to someone, use the verb gustar.
Gustar Expressing Likes and Dislikes. Gustar (to like) Gustar Expresses likes or dislikes Does not literally mean to like Literally means to be pleasing.
Verbs like Gustar Notes/ Examples.
Transcripción de la presentación:

A Tribute to Homer Simpson… Me Gusta / No Me Gusta… A Tribute to Homer Simpson…

Gusta in front of a verb If the verb gustar is used in front of a verb it will always be gusta. Notice the differences below: Nos gusta jugar. Nos gustan deportes. Nos gusta jugar los deportes.

For who is it pleasing? Me – for me Te – for you Le – for him/her/you formal Nos – for us Les – for them or y’all

Gustar = to be pleasing to Only has 2 forms in the present tense. Gusto Gustas Gusta Gustamos Gustan

¿Cúando usamos gusta? Singular Subject Me gusta la casa. Te gusta el cuarto. Le gusta la silla. Nos gusta el hotel. Les gusta el reloj.

¿Cúando usamos gustan? Plural Subject Me gustan las casas. Te gustan los cuartos. Le gustan las sillas. Nos gustan los hoteles. Les gustan los relojes.

¿Cúando usamos? Subject is singular - use gusta Me gusta el libro. Te gusta el libro. Subject is plural - use gustan Me gustan los libros. Te gustan los libros.

To whom is it pleasing? A mi A ti A él/ella/úd A nosotros A ellos/ellas/uds

To whom is it pleasing? A mi + me A ti + te A él/ella/úd + le A nosotros + nos A ellos/ellas/uds + les

Ejemplos Me gusta el libro. Me gustan los libros. I like the book. I like the books. Te gusta el libro. Te gustan los libros. You like the book. You like the books. Nos gusta el libro. Nos gustan los libros. We like the book. We like the books.

La Guitarra

El Amor

Los Tomates

La Camisa Blanca

Los Cactos

El Rap

Mi Familia

Mis Amigos

Quiz A. Select the correct form of gustar. Me ______ la comida. Me ______ los libros. Te ______ las pinturas. Le ______ la carne.

Quiz A. Select the correct form of gustar. Me gusta la comida. Me gustan los libros. Te gustan las pinturas. Le gusta la carne.

Gustar y Infinitivos Gustar + INFINITIVES When gustar is followed by one or more infinitives (verbs not conjugated), singular form of gustar is used = gusta.

Gustar con Verbos EXAMPLES: A mi perro le gusta correr, nadar y saltar. My dog likes to run, swim and jump. A mis perros les gusta comer, dormir y ladrar. My dogs like to eat, sleep and bark.

Q and A ¿A ti te gustan los conciertos clásicos? Sí, a mi me gustan los conciertos clásicos, pero prefiero los conciertos de rock. ¿A ustedes les gusta jugar al tenis? ¡Sí! A nosotros nos gusta jugar al tenis y al fútbol.

If you are included, you need to change your answer A ti te  a mi me A ustedes les  a nosotros nos


A Homer le gusta comer.

Jugar Tenis

A Homer le gusta jugar al tenis. Or A nosotros nos gusta jugar al tenis. A Homer y los amigos les gusta jugar al tenis.


A Homer no le gusta manejar. A mi no me gusta conducir.


A mi me gusta relajarme. A Homer le gusta relajarse. (we’ll learn why this changes soon…)

Jugar El Bowling

A Homer no le gusta jugar al bowling.

Besar a Mi Esposa

¡A mi me gusta besar a mi esposa!

Mirar la Televisón

A Homer le gusta mirar la tele.


A Homer le gusta cantar. A los amigos de Homer no les gusta cantar.


A Bart y Homer les gusta nadar.


A mi me gusta afeitarme. A Homer le gusta afeitarse.

Llevar Faldas

A Homer le gusta llevar las faldas…. ?


A ella le gusta fumar. ¡A mi no me gusta fumar!

So notice that it doesn’t matter who it is pleasing to, if a verb comes after gustar you will use the form – gusta.

Verbs Like Gustar These verbs change the same way that the verb gustar does: Encantar – to love, to enchant Fascinar – to fascinate Chocar – to not be able to stand