
Presentaciones similares
El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.

28 de agosto de 2013 OBJETIVOS Content Objective: S.W.B.A.T. describe people using subject pronouns and the verb ser. Language Objective: Students.
They take the place of nouns. For example, HE and SHE in English. Now lets look at some subject pronouns.
El Verbo GUSTAR En español _________significa ___________ In English, the equivalent is to like.
Los verbos.
In English, the equivalent is “to like”
Las Palabras Interrogativas
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing”
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El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing”
Esp 222/8/12 Hoy es el veintidós de agosto. Objective: –Students will be able to present basic greetings in Spanish & use me gusta properly. Saquen la.
El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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Unit 7: All About People Oscar Wilde Henry VIII William Shakespeare.
El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El verbo ser página veinticuatro. ¿Cómo se dice ser en inglés? ser = to be am, is, are.
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In Lección 2, you learned how to express preferences with gustar
Subject Pronouns & Ser.
gustar with infinitives
Present tense conjugations of regular –AR, -ER, & -IR verbs
Subject Pronouns and Ser
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In Lección 2, you learned how to express preferences with gustar
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
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1 Present tense conjugations of regular –AR, -ER, & -IR verbs Los Verbos Regulares.
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Personal pronouns & verb to be
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Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved  In Spanish, as in English, the object of a preposition is the noun or pronoun that.
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Transcripción de la presentación:

I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY A pronoun takes the place of a noun. The personal pronouns are: I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY Person Singular Plural first I we second you you third he (male) they third she (female) third it (neutral) he she it it Singular they Plural Plural Forms we you and I he and I Elizabeth and I the team and I you you and Tim you and the man you and the team they Tim and Elizabeth the people Tim and the dog the tables the dog and the cats the dogs the two pens Examples I am a teacher. I live in Argentina. We are here to learn. We want to learn soon. You are not a teacher. You don't live in Argentina. You are students. You study English. Bill is married He has two children They live in Italy. They don't speak English. Mary is not married. She doesn't have any children.. It is late already. I have a house. It is big.

grammar Verb "to be" exercises AFFIRMATIVE I'm = I am You're = You are 1. Algo que, al principio, le resulta difícil de entender a todo estudiante es que, en castellano, el infinitivo de los verbos tiene tres terminaciones: ar (cantar), er (beber) e ir (dormir). Más adelante observarás que los verbos ingles es tienen gran variedad de terminaciones. Por ese motivo - con el único objetivo de unificación - a los verbos en inglés se les antepone la preposición to para indicar que están "en infinitivo" (ejemplo, to be = ser o estar ). 2. En inglés el verbo viene si empre precedido por el pronombre personal (sujeto de la oración). En castellano no ocurre lo mismo: al comenzar una oración podemos decir soy estoy , (sujeto tácito o implícito) en reemplazo de yo soy yo estoy , . AFFIRMATIVE Subject + verb to be Normal Contracted I am I'm You are You're He is He's She is She's It is It's We are We're They are They're I'm = I am You're = You are She's = She is He's = He is It's = It is   exercises 9. They ……... in school. 10. He ........ a student. 11. I ........ an Englishman. 12. We ……... in the library. 13. They …….. at home. 14. Tony ………. in a restaurant. 15. I ........ 30 years old. 16. The dog ……... in the garden. 1. You are a good student. 2. Sam …………. at home. 3. I ………….15 years old. 4. The cat……….. in the garden. 5. They ………. in a restaurant. 6. He ……. a teacher. 7. I ………..an Italian. 8. We ……… at a concert.    

exercises INTERROGATIVE Verb to be + subject Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? exercises 1. …… she a good student? 2. …… they at home? 3. …… I crazy? 4. …… he a nice guy? 5. …… we English? 6. …… I English? 7. …... Thomas a teacher? 8. …… we on the right bus? 9 …… you in Buenos Aires? 10 . ……. she in El Salvador? 11 . …… he Martin Lynch? 12 . ……. they in Bolivia? 13 . …… we in Perú? 14 . …… Argentina in America? 15 ……. she Nicole? 16 ……. Lisa and Michelle in Mexico?

exercises NEGATIVE 1. He .…... in a cinema. He is at home. 2. I ………………. a teacher. I am a student. 3. We ………………… Italians. We are Belgians. 4. She ………….. at the concert. She is at the pub. 5. They …………………… good students. They have bad marks. 6. Tom ……….... my cat. It is his cat. 7. I .......... from Italy. I am from Belgium. 8. They ……….. in the garden. They are inside. 9. My brothers ............ in the army. They are students. 10. Tina ............... Brazilian. She's Spanish. 11. We …………... in France. We're in Belgium. 12. Mike and Tom .......... interested in volleyball. They like basketball. 13. It ... cold today. It's warm. 14. Fluffy ……….. my cat. It is his cat. 15. I ………... short. I'm tall. 16. The car .......... slow. It is fast.