REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (Pronombres reflexivos)


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Page 80 Realidades 2 Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs are used to tell that a person does something to or for him- or herself.
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Transcripción de la presentación:

REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (Pronombres reflexivos) CONCEPTO: Lo usamos para repreguntarnos a nosotros mismos I - Myself she - herself Yo a mi mismo ella a ella misma You - Yourself it - itself Tu a ti mismo esto esto mismo He - Himself we - ourselves El a el mismo nosotros nosotros mismos You - yourselves they - themselves Ustedes ustedes mismos ellos ellos mismos

TASK 01. COMPLETE: USING REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (Completa con los reflexivos) English Spanish Singular 1st person Myself (A mi mismo) 2nd person youselves (a ti mismo) 3rd person ……………. ………………… ……………. ………………… ……………. ………………… Plural 1st person ………………. …………………. 2nd person ………………. …………………. 3rd person ................. ....................

02. COMPLETE AND TRANSLATE (Completa con los reflexivos y traduce) Example : Thanks for the help, but i want to do this algorithm by myself. (Gracias por la ayuda, pero necesito hacer este algoritmo por mí mismo.) they should look somewhere instead of searching among……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………..….. We tried to put together these CPU’s by……………………….but we couldn´t. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… You send all those e-mails by…………………………………………………? She is loading……………………..with the office’s work.

POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS (pronombres posesivos) CONCEPTO: Muestran posesión de algo o de alguien personal possessive possessive Pronouns adjetives pronouns I (yo) my (mis) mine (mio) you (tu) your (tus) yours (tuyo) he (el) his (su) his (suyo) de el she (ella) her (su) hers (suyo) de ella it (ello) its (su) its (suyo) de una cosa we (nosotros) our (nuestro) ours (nuestro) they (ellos) their (sus) theirs (suyos)

Me (A mi, me) You (A ti, te, ti) Him (A él, le) Her (A ella, la) OBJECT PRONOUNS Por lo general van después de preposiciones (for, with, to) Me (A mi, me) You (A ti, te, ti) Him (A él, le) Her (A ella, la) It (A ello, lo) Us (A nosotros, nos) Them (A ellos, los, les)

TASK 01. COMPLETE USING POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS (completa usando pronombres posesivos) Example: She has a laptop. This laptop is mine ella tiene un portátil este portátil es suyo He has a few keyboards. Those keyboards are his el tiene unos pocos teclados estos teclados son suyos You own one computer …………………………………………. …………………………………………. ……………………………………….… They have a lot of devices …………………………………………. ……………………………………….… …………………………………………. I don’t own that disk ……………………………………….… …………………………………….…… ………………………………..…..……

TASK 02. CREATE SENTENCES AND TRANSLATE TASK 02. CREATE SENTENCES AND TRANSLATE (Crea oraciones usando cualquier pronombre y traduce) Example: ( I) I have a printer yo tengo una impresora

(We): we use this calculator nosotros usamos esta calculadora (You): ___________________________ ………………………………………………….

(she) ________________________ ………………………………………….. (He) …………………………………………..   (He) .…………………………………………..