Enfoque: jueves, el primer de octubre, 2009 (dos mil nueve) 1. Daily Routine 2. Gluing Party Los Paises into Canciones 3. Start Coloring Map.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Enfoque: jueves, el primer de octubre, 2009 (dos mil nueve) 1. Daily Routine 2. Gluing Party Los Paises into Canciones 3. Start Coloring Map

La Agenda Spelling Review/Quiz Cumpleaños de octubre Asistentes de la Clase E=R 3 Awards Where are you from? (p.12-13)

Alphabet Review Homework /Haz Clic Results Alfabeto Spelling Quiz Use pencil Keep eyes on own paper Do the best you can

October Birthdays Cumpleaños de octubre Period 1: Gabriel L. Diego F. Enrique D.K. Period 3: Santiago S. Period 4: Julia W. Samuele T. Feliz cumpleaños a ti, Feliz cumpleaños a _________ y _________ Feliz cumpleaños a ti.

Class Assistants Secretaria Secretary At beginning of class only Asistente Trays, Bins and Boxes At beginning and end of class

Secretaria (Secretary): At beginning of class Take attendance in class binder (absent & tardy) Collect tardy notes and put into folder Keep class composition notebook up-to-date

Asistente (Trays, Bins and Boxes): At beginning of class Put homework tray and bin with sticks on front desk by Smart board (or in Language Lab) Put box with personal folders on Sra. Babsons desk in back of room At end of class Put all boxes back during last 2 minutes of class

Excellence = R people per month Results, Respect and Responsibility Certificate & E Patch

La Tarea Los Países in Composition Notebook 1. Read or Sing 3 times. 2. Adult/Parent sign page.