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In your Viva on the contenido page, write: El calendario y los númerospágina dos Remember to use different colors when writing vocabulary and on your.

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Presentación del tema: "In your Viva on the contenido page, write: El calendario y los númerospágina dos Remember to use different colors when writing vocabulary and on your."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 In your Viva on the contenido page, write: El calendario y los númerospágina dos Remember to use different colors when writing vocabulary and on your contenido page.** Everything on slides 3-6 should be on p. 2 of your viva.

3 el añoyear la semanaweek el mesmonth el díaday hoy today mañanatomorrow La estaciónseason *Go to p.7 in your textbook and add the numbers to your notes *Go to p. 14 and add the days of the week and months to your vocabulary

4 Differences The days of the week and months of the year are NOT capitalized in Spanish. The calendar starts with Monday=lunes and ends with Sunday=domingo

5 How to request and give the day/date in Spanish. What day is it? Today is Wednesday. ¿Que día es hoy? Hoy es miercoles. What is todays date? Its August 12 th. Es el (number) de (month) ¿Qué fecha es hoy? Es el 12(doce) de agosto If its the first day of the month you use: Es el primero de (month). Its the first of…. Es el primero de agosto. Its the first of August.

6 Birthday ¿Cúando es tú cumpleaños? When is your birthday? Its May 3 rd. Es el 3 de mayo.

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