BY MR. REDAELLI AND ONLINETACO.COM Learning: Vegetables – Vegetales Practice: To Eat - Comer.


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Verbos en Presente Simple
They take the place of nouns. For example, HE and SHE in English. Now lets look at some subject pronouns.
This is an interactive presentation
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Mr. Redaelli To Have - Tener Yo tengo – I have Tú tienes – You have (Informal) Usted tiene – You have (Formal) El tiene – He has Ella.
How to Conjugate… SPANISH VERBS.
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Por El Señor Redaelli. yo I tú you (familiar) usted you (formal) él he ella she.
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gustar with infinitives
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Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish.
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Transcripción de la presentación:

BY MR. REDAELLI AND ONLINETACO.COM Learning: Vegetables – Vegetales Practice: To Eat - Comer

Review: To Eat - Comer ConjugationTranslation yo comoI eat tú comesYou (informal) eat él/ella comeHe/she eats usted comeYou (formal) eat nosotros/nosotras comemosWe eat ellos/ellas comenThey eat ustedes comenYou all eat

Vegetables Part One asparagus el espárrago avocado el aguacate beans los frijoles broccoli el brocoli

Vegetables Part 2 cabbage el repollo carrot la zanahoria cauliflower la coriflor celery el apio

Vegetables Part 3 corn el maíz cucumber el pepino green beans – los ejotes lettuce la lechuga

Vegetables Part 4 onion la cebolla potato la papa spinach las espinacas tomato el tomate

Assignment You will have two parts for this weeks assignment First: Using Comer - To eat, from last week, write ten sentences in English and translate them into Spanish. You must use one vegetable and one fruit in each sentence, and five of the sentences must use numbers. Examples: Ella come sandia y pepinos. She eats watermelon and cucumbers. Yo como dos zanahorias y tres naranjas. I eat two carrots and three oranges. In Google Docs name the file Vegetables and put it in the Spanish Collection Second: You need to learn the vegetables and how to use them with the verb To Eat by next Tuesday You may be asked to use them with numbers (1-20)

Crazy Veggies– Vegetales Locos