LOS VERBOS REFLEXIVOS Los Verbos Reflexivos  A reflexive verb in Spanish consists of 2 parts:  LAVARSE = to wash oneself 1) the main verb: lavar 1)


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Transcripción de la presentación:


Los Verbos Reflexivos  A reflexive verb in Spanish consists of 2 parts:  LAVARSE = to wash oneself 1) the main verb: lavar 1) the main verb: lavar 2) the reflexive pronoun: se 2) the reflexive pronoun: se  The reflexive pronoun refers to the subject of the sentence yo = me nosotros = nos yo = me nosotros = nos tú = te vosotros = os tú = te vosotros = os él/ella/Ud. = se ellos/ellas/Uds. = se él/ella/Ud. = se ellos/ellas/Uds. = se

How to Conjugate Reflexive Verbs  Reflexive verbs are conjugated like the regular non-reflexive verbs except for the reflexive pronoun part.  For example: lavarse = to wash oneself me lavo nos lavamos me lavo nos lavamos te lavas os laváis te lavas os laváis se lava se lavan se lava se lavan  Like the d.o.p’s and i.o.p’s, the reflexive pronouns go in front of the conjugated verb.  Attached to the infinitve or affirmative command

Otros verbos reflexivos --ER --ER ponerse= to put something on yourself ponerse= to put something on yourself me pongo nos ponemos me pongo nos ponemos te pones os ponéis te pones os ponéis se pone se ponen se pone se ponen --IR --IR vestirse (e--i) to get yourself dressed vestirse (e--i) to get yourself dressed me visto nos vestimos me visto nos vestimos te vistes os vestís te vistes os vestís se viste se visten se viste se visten

Verbos Y Vocabulario  acostar(se) (o—ue) : to go to bed yourself/put someone else to bed  afeitar(se): to shave yourself/someone else  atar(se) los cordones: to tie your shoes/someone else’s  bañar(se): to bathe yourself/to bathe someone else  cepillar(se) (los dientes) (el pelo): to brush you own teeth/hair/ to brush someone else’s teeth/hair  cortar(se) el pelo/las uñas: to cut your own hair/nails/to cut someone else’s  despertar(se) (e—ie): to wake yourself up/to wake someone else up  divertirse (e—ie): to have a good time  dormirse (o—ue): to fall asleep  ducharse: to take a shower

 lavar(se) : to wash yourself/ to wash someone else  levantar(se): to get yourself up/ to get someeone else up  limarse las uñas: to file your nails/someone else’s  limpiar(se) los zapatos: to clean/shine/polish your own shoes/ or someone else’s  peinar(se): to comb your own hair/ to comb someone else’s hair  quitarse: to take something off yourself  la cara: face  el cepillo de dientes: toothbrush

 la ducha: shower  el jabón : soap  la mano : hand  la pasta dentífrica: toothpaste  el peine: comb  el pelo : hair  la seda dental: dental floss  el champú: shampoo  el despertador: alarm clock  el desodorante: deodorant

Los Verbos Reflexivos en el pretérito Reflexive verbs are conjugated just like non- reflexive verbs and the reflexive pronoun comes before the conjugated verb Reflexive verbs are conjugated just like non- reflexive verbs and the reflexive pronoun comes before the conjugated verb -AR -AR me lavé nos lavamos me lavé nos lavamos te lavaste os lavasteis te lavaste os lavasteis se lavó se lavaron se lavó se lavaron

Ejercicios de Práctica 1. El (lavarse/lavar)____________ a su perro. 2. Yo (maquillarse/maquillar) ______________ la cara. 3. Ella (limarse/limar) _________las uñas. 4. La madre (acostarse/acostar) ____________ a su hijo. a su hijo. 5. Nosotros (probarse/probar)_______________ esa chaqueta. esa chaqueta. 6. Tú le (atarse/atar) __________los cordones de los zapatos a tu hijo. 7. Ellos le (limpiarse/limpiar)____________las botas a su abuelo. lava se lima acuesta me maquillo nos probamos atas limpian