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Los Reflexivos All these verbs are done to oneself.

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Presentación del tema: "Los Reflexivos All these verbs are done to oneself."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Los Reflexivos All these verbs are done to oneself

2 bañarse To bathe

3 ducharse To shower

4 ponerse To put on

5 afeitarse To shave

6 Levantarse To get up

7 lavarse To wash

8 Cepillarse To brush

9 maquillarse To put makeup on

10 quitarse To take off

11 Acostarse To go to bed

12 vestirse To get dressed

13 dormirse To fall asleep

14 despertarse To wake up

15 peinarse To comb

16 mirarse To look at

17 Levantarse To get up

18 Cepillarse To brush

19 lavarse To wash

20 ducharse To shower

21 afeitarse To shave

22 maquillarse To put makeup on

23 bañarse To bathe

24 dormirse To fall asleep

25 despertarse To wake up

26 ponerse To put on

27 quitarse To take off

28 Acostarse To go to bed

29 mirarse To look at

30 Peinarse To comb

31 ¿Qué hacen ellos? – escribe una frase. 1. 3. 2. 4.5. 6.

32 Respuestas 1. El hombre se ducha. 2. La mujer se duerme/se acuesta. 3. El hombre se afeita la cara. 4. El chico se pone la ropa/se viste. 5. La mujer se maquilla la cara. 6. La mujer se cepilla/peine el pelo.

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