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Para recordar… El mercadeo social de condones, involucra 3 aspectos sustanciales: Medios masivos de comunicación Red eficiente de distribución Comunicación.

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Presentación del tema: "Para recordar… El mercadeo social de condones, involucra 3 aspectos sustanciales: Medios masivos de comunicación Red eficiente de distribución Comunicación."— Transcripción de la presentación:

Dr. Donald Moncada S. PSI/PASMO Nicaragua

1 Para recordar… El mercadeo social de condones, involucra 3 aspectos sustanciales: Medios masivos de comunicación Red eficiente de distribución Comunicación Interpersonal

2 Qué proponen nuestros programa como estrategias para atender:
Insatisfacción de las usuarias Contrarrestar las barreras culturales Elección anticonceptiva informada Mejorar el acceso

3 Dirigir la Oferta de MAC
P: Plan de vida para su desarrollo pleno e integral. P: Personal, va estar determinado por sus necesidades y realidades. P: Planificación de su vida Reproductiva, decidir qué curso va a darle a su capacidad reproductiva

4 El Programa Proyecto Salud de la Mujer
14 Países de PSI, tres en LAC: Nicaragua, El Salvador y Guatemala En LAC vamos a colocar 200,000 DIUs y 25,000 Implantes en un periodo de cinco años

5 Porqué DIU? Es un método reversible de acción prolongada, seguro, altamente efectivo pero subutilizado Pocos efectos colaterales Puede ser utilizado por una variedad de usuarias Bajo Costo

6 Porqué Implante? Es un método reversible de acción prolongada altamente efectivo pero poco explorado. Pocos efectos colaterales Ideal para locales con pocos recursos materiales Amplia la canasta de oferta

7 Porqué America Central?
Alta tasa de natalidad Alta tasa de mortalidad materna por embarazos no planificados y abortos Alta tasa de inequidad: El 20% de los más ricos de la población: Media de 1.8 niños por familia The LAC region is characterized by high degree of inequity. Although contraceptive prevalence rates have improved substantially over the years, most of the improvement was on wealthier populations. The poorest populations still have little access to modern long term contraceptive methods. On the other hand, the country has already all the infrastructures in place so that PSI can build a successful IUD program, very high public sector penetration, vibrant private sector, plenty of competent providers that just need to be trained, motivated , educated and supplied with high quality IUDs and equipment. El 20% de los más pobres de la población: Media de 4.5 niños por familia

8 El enfoque integrado de PSI
Crear el acceso a servicios de DIU y otros métodos anticonceptivos a poblaciones pobres Crear la demanda para estos servicios PSI integrated approach is a combination of the above two key elements: Create access to the poor and build demand for these services: Currently there is a lack of access to poor people for Long term methods and even in the few cases that there is access, people never heard about IUDs or have negative perceptions about the method ( Strong current awareness and consideration issues among consumers for IUD)

9 Cómo vamos crear el acceso?
Establecer múltiples canales para los servicios: Mantener constante supervisión y asistencia técnica a los proveedores: Crear incentivos para los proveedores Multi service delivery channels: Currently 70% of Nicaraguans seek family planning services in the public sector and additional 15% in clinics ran by local NGOs and the remaining in the private sector. PSI will use the same channels to provide its IUD services thus building upon existing services of family planning where poor people seek care but creating a quality IUD service delivery by providing constant training, supervision, and incentives (fees) to providers that are performing such insertions. A total of 715 providers will be trained and performing services in the same proportion as described above. Providers incentives and output based aid is necessary to compensate providers for their time and effort that needs to be dedicated to an IUD insertion so that such providers would have the same incentive to indicate the IUD method to consumers as they would indicate other short term methods such as OCs that do not require provider attention: This would eliminate current disincentive that providers have to equally recommend to IUDs compared to short term methods so that the consumer would have an equally informed choice. Services to consumer will be free, however vouchers will be given to consumers to hand to the providers so that providers can later redeem for incentives. Why PSI? We are recognized leaders in training to trainers in Nicaragua and already a respected partner of the Minister of Health in Family planning in this country. We have successful experiences with incentive programs such as Bed Nets anti natal clinics distribution that we provide incentives to the provider to each bed net distributed PSI is the world leader in Nets distribution.

10 Cómo vamos crear la demanda?
PSI va promover los métodos anticonceptivos utilizando los siguientes canales: Medios Masivos para proveer conocimientos y motivar la demanda Promotoras comunitarias para crear la elección conciente de las usuarias Marketing a los proveedores para que ellos eduquen las usuarias Consumers will be informed about IUDs by a combination of channels: They will be familiar with IUDs via mass media channels to give them a positive attitude towards it. Those consumers going to family planning services will be talking to a community health workers that will explain different method choices and discuss the IUD. In addition, when consumers go to their doctors they will also receive a positive information about IUDs given that medical community will be previously educated about modern IUD methods via events, lecturers by respected medical leaders and a dedicated sales force. Marketing to providers to build a positive attitude toward the method among the medical community by means of a dedicated PSI medical sales force, peer influence events and KOL (Key opinion leader) influence. Providers will thus influence consumers during consultancies. Why PSI? PSI in Nicaragua has substantial experiences doing both Mass media, Outreach community health workers and marketing to providers . For HIV prevention and condom we are the absolute leader in Nicaragua in marketing. In addition PSI has done successful mass media and outreach communications all over the world.

11 Mercadeo Social de MAC CP
Desarrollo de una linea propia de MAC CP LINEA SEGURA AO Iny 1 mes Iny 3 meses FRANQUICIA SEGURA Clínicas Privadas Farmacias

12 Muchas Gracias!!

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