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Presentación del tema: "RESTRICCION DEL CRECIMIENTO INTRAUTERINO"— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Sinonimia Retardo de crecimiento intrauterino
Pequeño para la edad gestacional Restricción del crecimiento fetal Because classification of LBW as due to preterm birth or IUGR requires valid estimates of gestational age (GA), attention is required to improving the availability and quality of GA estimates on a population-wide basis in developing countries. This includes, where feasible, recording early in pregnancy the mother's recall of the date her last normal menstrual period began and the training of birth attendants (traditional birth attendants, midwives, nurses, and physicians) in the physical assessment of the newborn (Dubowitz, Ballard, or Capurro scores). In developed countries, early (< 20 weeks) ultrasound examination has improved the validity and reliability of GA assessment, although evidence from randomized trials does not demonstrate improvement in maternal or fetal/infant outcomes with routine early ultrasound. An international fetal growth reference curve should be developed based on pooled data from countries in different geographic regions where fetal growth is believed optimal. Care should be taken to ensure that such a reference fits with the new infant growth reference currently being developed under WHO auspices. Further research is needed to identify those determinants of fetal growth that influence mortality, morbidity, and performance independently of their effects on growth. Although it is quite clear that the use of sex-specific reference curves is justifiable, additional research is needed using large populations and ultrasound confirmation of GA to assess whether infants of different races born at a particular weight for gestational age are at substantially different risks for important health outcomes. Similar research is needed to determine whether infants who are born small because their mothers are primiparous or of short stature or living at high altitude are at the same risk for adverse sequelae as those of equivalent size who are small because, for example, their mothers have pre-eclampsia or smoke cigarettes. Until this information is available, the use of a single, sex-specific international reference has much to recommend it. CIR JJC

3 Definición “Es la detención del crecimiento y desarrollo que origina hipoplasia o hipotrofia embriofetal, en forma precoz o tardía, provocado por factores intrínsecos o extrínsecos, generando recién nacidos con alteraciones en el peso, la talla y perímetro craneal, que puede conducir a trastornos hipóxicos prenatales o neonatales; y a otros signos postnatales como hipoglucemias, poliglobulias, etc.; o pudiendo presentar déficit a largo plazo en el plano intelectual y del aprendizaje.” JJC

4 Definición El restricción del crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU) ocurre cuando un feto presenta un peso aproximado por debajo del percentil 10 para su edad gestacional. El mismo se haya afectado por una restricción patológica en su capacidad de crecimiento. Bajo peso al nacer (LBW) significa un niño con un peso al nacimiento menor de 2500 gr., lo cual puede ser debido a RCIU o a Prematuridad. Description There are standards or averages in weight for unborn babies according to their age in weeks. When the baby's weight is at or below the 10th percentile for his or her age, it is called intrauterine growth retardation or fetal growth restriction. These babies are smaller than they should be for their age. How much a baby weighs at birth depends not only on how many weeks old it is, but the rate at which it has grown. This growth process is complex and delicate. There are three phases associated with the development of the baby. During the first phase, cells multiply in the baby's organs. This occurs from the beginning of development through the early part of the fourth month. During the second phase, cells continue to multiply and the organs grow. In the third phase (after 32 weeks of development), growth occurs quickly and the baby may gain as much as 7 ounces per week. If the delicate process of development and weight gain is disturbed or interrupted, the baby can suffer from restricted growth. JJC

La más aceptada considera el percentil 10 de la curva de peso de nacimiento-edad gestacional. El índice ponderal menor a 2 DS. Otros países utilizan el percentil 25-5. Recomendación de la OMS es que la curva patrón que cada centro perinatal utilice sea reciente y representativa de su propia población. JJC

6 Incidencia del RCIU Entre el 1 al 20% dependiendo de la definición adoptada. 50 % se encuentra el diagnóstico después del nacimiento. 50% de los fetos con sospecha de RCIU nacen con pesos normales. Presenta 10% de mortalidad perinatal. 50 -80% de los bajos pesos no son RCUI. JJC

7 Fisiología del Crecimiento Fetal
Factores Maternos Factores Placentarios Factores Fetales JJC

Nutricionales: determinante del crecimiento fetal. No nutricionales: hormona de crecimiento e insulina materna (acción indirecta sobre glucemia materna y otros nutrientes) JJC

Madre menor de 50 Kg.. , 1,50 m , 18 años. Nivel socio-económico bajo. Escasa ganancia de peso gestacional y/o desnutrición materna previa. Enfermedad vascular materna: hipertensión, diabetes, enfermedades auto inmunes. Enfermedad renal crónica. Hipoxia crónica: insuficiencia respiratoria, cardiopatía cianótica. Tabaquismo, drogas, alcohol,cocaína. Infecciones, TORCH, HIV+ JJC

Mecanismos genéticos: que actúan sobre la formación de los vasos placentarios. Insulina: responsable del crecimiento fetal desde la semana 26 de gestación. Somatomedinas: (Factor Insulínico) IGF1- IGF2. Hormona del crecimiento: a partir del 6to mes. Otras hormonas: Tiroideas – Cortisol. JJC

Retardo de crecimiento previo: recurrencia 25% cuando no hay etiología causal. Gemelaridad: 25 a 30 % Malformaciones: Potter, agenesia de páncreas, atresia duodenal, gastrosquisis. Feto muerto anterior. Aborto recurrente Embarazo prolongado Anomalías cromosómicas: trisomías 13, 18 y21. JJC

Placenta previa Desprendimiento prematuro de placenta normoincerta no completo o parcial. Trombosis placentaria. Anomalías vasculares Anomalías uterinas, miomas, septum o bicorne JJC

13 Factores Placentarios
Insuficiencia Uteroplacentaria resultado de: Invasión trofoblástica y placentación inadecuada. Inserción anormal de la placenta. Flujo sanguineo reducido en el lecho placentario. Insuficiencia fetoplacentaria debido a: Anomalías vasculares en placenta y/o cordón. Masa placentaria funcionante disminuída.- Placenta pequeña, embarazo prolongado, abruptio placenta, placenta previa. The etiologic role of micronutrients in IUGR remains to be clarified. The best evidence concerning their importance derives from randomized trials and from systematic overviews of those trials contained in the Cochrane Collaboration Pregnancy and Childbirth database. Unfortunately, there are few supplementation or fortification trials in developing country settings where deficiencies in these micronutrients are prevalent. Trials are required to define the possible etiologic roles of iron, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin A, especially in developing countries. The evidence concerning folate, magnesium, and zinc also looks sufficiently promising to justify further investigation. The physiologic and molecular mechanisms by which nutritional or other determinants affect fetal growth are incompletely understood. Growth is determined not only by substrate availability but also by the integrity of physiologic processes necessary to ensure transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus. Expansion of maternal plasma volume, maintenance of uterine blood flow, and development of adequate placentation are key physiologic mechanisms required for optimal fetal growth. All substances used by the fetus are transported by the placenta: some (like oxygen and most other gases) by passive diffusion, others by facilitated transport proteins (e.g., Glut 1 for glucose), and still others (e.g., amino acids) by active energy-dependent transport processes. Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are important mediators of substrate incorporation into fetal tissue. IGF1 appears to induce cell differentiation, including (perhaps) oligodendrocyte development in the brain, whereas IGF2 may function to stimulate mitosis. It remains uncertain whether these physiologic and molecular mechanisms are merely the final common pathways for genetic or environmental determinants of IUGR, or whether they themselves vary (favorably or pathologically) independently of those determinants. JJC

14 Clasificación RCIU I RCIU II RCIU III JJC

Frecuencia 20% Causas: intrínseco (genético) o extrínseco (infección intrauterina, drogas, teratógenos). Dos subtipos:constitucionales y no const. Comienzo temprano; N° menor de tamaño normal. Placenta normal. Ecografía. Biometría armónica disminuida. Doppler:Umbilical y ACM S/D aumentado. Crecimiento Postnatal: Pobre JJC

16 Curva de RCIU I JJC

17 - RCIU I - Frecuencia: 15% al 20%
Intrínseco – Armónico – Simétrico – Eutrófico – Hipoplásico – Precoz – Alteración Peso, Talla, Perímetro Craneal Frecuencia: 15% al 20% JJC

18 Etiopatogenia: RCIU I Cromosomopatías:Tr18-21-Turner- Mosaicismos
Trastornos genéticos – malformaciones. Teratógenos – drogas – tabaquismo – alcohol. Infecciones: rubéola-citomegalo-herpes-toxo-etc. Gemelaridad Distopías o hipoplasia placentaria. JJC

Causas: Extrínsecas insuficiencia placent. Frecuencia: 80% Comienzo. Tercer trimestre Características cel:N°normal Tamaño menor. Organos afectados:Cerebro/Higado R <3/1 Placenta: disminuida. Ecografía: proporciones morfometricas ALT. Doppler:Umbilical aumenta ACM disminuye. Crecimiento postnatal bueno. JJC

20 Curva del RCIU II Semanas de embarazo JJC

21 Etiopatogenia CIR II Afecciones maternas Afecciones placentarias
Endocrinopatías Toxemia HTA Nefropatías S. Antifosfolipídico Afecciones placentarias vasculitis Corioangiosis Hipoplasia placentaria Distopias Placentarias JJC

22 - RCIU II - Extrínseco – Disarmónico – Asimétrico – Distrófico – Hipotrófico – Tardío – Alteración Peso Frecuencia: 75% al 85% JJC

23 Clasificación Simétrico Asimétrico
La cabeza fetal y su cuerpo son proporcionalmente pequeños. Puede ocurrir cuando el feto presenta precozmente. un problema durante el desarrollo El cerebro fetal es anormalmente grande comparado con el higado Puede ocurrir cuando el feto presenta tardíamente un problema durante el desarrollo Application of the international foetal growth reference curve will vary according to its specific clinical and public health uses or purposes. Criteria for diagnosis of foetal growth restriction (e.g., SGA) should be related to evidence of increased risk for perinatal mortality and/or other indices of adverse outcomes. The new reference should provide percentiles [(e.g., 3rd, 5th, 10th, 15th, 25th, 50th (median), 75th, 85th, 90th, 95th, and 97th)] as well as z-scores [(e.g., -3, -2, -1, 0 (mean), 1, 2, and 3 SD)], so that health planners and practitioners can use the most appropriate cut off based on local circumstances. Proportionality at birth may be related to adverse outcomes. Thus there is a need to develop reference data for birth length and head circumference in relation to GA, and for birth weight in relation to birth length. Because the concepts of 'wasting' and 'stunting' have proven useful for categorizing undernourished infants and older children, an attempt should be made to quantify the mortality and morbidity risks associated with 'wasted' and 'stunted' newborns and to develop indicators for their classification. JJC

24 - RCIU III o mixto - Extrínseco Carencial – Semiarmónica – Hipotrófico Mal Nutrido – Semiprecoz – Alteración Peso y Talla Frecuencia: 5% ? JJC

25 Etiopatogenia CIR III -?-
Factores culturales Malnutrición Tabaquismo – drogas – alcohol JJC

26 RCIU Mecanismos Fisiopatologicos
Factores determinantes del crecimiento y desarrollo fetales JJC

27 Factores de riesgo asociados RCIU
Demográficos Edad materna<=16 o >=35 años Raza negra Bajo nivel socioeconómico Sin pareja Bajo nivel de educación JJC

28 Factores de riesgo asociados RCIU
Paridad 0 ó >=5 Bajo peso para la talla Malformaciones (genitourinaria) Diabetes o HTA crónica JJC

29 Factores de riesgo asociados RCIU
Antecedentes obstétricos previos: RN con RCIU anteriores Pretérminos anteriores Abortos espontáneos Factores genéticos maternos como el propio Bajo Peso al nacer JJC

30 Factores de riesgo asociados RCIU
Drogadicción Alcoholismo Tabaquismo Desnutrición Altitud elevada Exposición a tóxicos ambientales JJC

31 Factores de riesgo asociados RCIU
Durante la actual gestación Embarazo múltiple Escasa ganancia de peso Corto intervalo intergenésico Hipotensión Hipertensión / preeclampsia JJC

32 Factores de riesgo asociados RCIU
Durante la actual gestación Infecciones: bacteriuria, rubeola, citomegalovirus. Metrorragias del 1º o 2º trimestre Placenta previa o abrupto, corioamnionitis Hiperemesis Oligoamnios- polidramnios JJC

33 Factores de riesgo asociados RCIU
Durante la actual gestación Anemia-hemoglobina anormal Isoinmunización Anomalías fetales Incompetencia del cérvix Rotura espontánea de las membranas Deficiente control prenatal JJC

34 RCIU: DIAGNOSTICO Clínicos. Ecografía convencional. Ecografía Doppler.

35 Diagnóstico De Sospecha (Clínico) De Presunción (Ecográfico)
De Certeza (Neonatológico) JJC

36 Clínico Historia Clínica y Obstétrica.
Altura uterina – Perimetro abdominal Curva ponderal materna Estado nutricional. JJC

37 Relación Altura Uterina

ALTURA UTERINA (EII). ECOBIOMETRIA AC (EII) PESO (EII). PERFIL BIOFISICO.(EII) DOPPLER UTERINO (E I,II,III). DOPPLER UMBILICAL (EII) IUGR can be difficult to diagnose and in many cases doctors are not able to make an exact diagnosis until the baby is born. A mother who has had a growth restricted baby is at risk of having another during a later pregnancy. Such mothers are closely monitored during pregnancy. The length in weeks of the pregnancy must be carefully determined so that the doctor will know if development and weight gain are appropriate. Checking the mother's weight and abdomen measurements can help diagnose cases when there are no other risk factors present. Measuring the girth of the abdomen is often used as a tool for diagnosing IUGR. During pregnancy, the healthcare provider will use a tape measure to record the height of the upper portion of the uterus (the uterine fundal height). As the pregnancy continues and the baby grows, the uterus stretches upward in the direction of the mother's head. Between 18 and 30 weeks of gestation, the uterine fundal height (in cm.) equals the weeks of gestation. If the uterine fundal height is more than 2-3 cm below normal, then IUGR is suspected. Ultrasound is used to evaluate the growth of the baby. Usually, IUGR is diagnosed after week 32 of pregnancy. This is during the phase of rapid growth when the baby should be gaining more weight. IUGR caused by genetic factors or infection may sometimes be detected earlier. JJC

39 Ecobiometría Curva de Crecimiento Ecográfico
Medición DBP Medición HC Medición AC Medición L. Fémur Medición L. Húmero Peso Fetal Índice Ponderal = peso (g) / talla (cm) x 100 JJC

40 RCIU:DIAGNOSTICO Ecografía: DBP: Presenta dos patrones:
Perfil de crecimiento lento o bajo Perfil de aplanamiento tardío Sensibilidad de 24 a 88 % % Especificidad de 62 a 94% % Valor predictivo + 21 a 44% % Valor predictivo a 98% % JJC

41 Ecobiometría Curva de Crecimiento Ecográfico
Se debe evaluar cualquier caída en la curva de crecimiento, percentilada y seriada. Se deben usar curvas locales y actualizadas. Cuando se utilizan percentilos del Peso para la EG en estudios de factores de riesgo del Bajo Peso, o en la evaluación de datos para salud pública, deberían usarse “standars”, derivados de una población de RN similar a la población que está siendo analizada. JJC

42 RCIU:Diagnóstico Ecográfico
Detención del crecimiento ecobiométrico en más de dos semanas de la amenorrea (amenorrea cierta) en una ecografía. Detención de la curva de crecimiento fetal ecográfica en más de dos semanas. JJC

43 Relación Peso Fetal / semanas de amenorrea

44 Diagnóstico Neonatal Bajo índice ponderal (Wt./Fl).
Disminución del tejido celular subcutaneo. Presencia / aparición de - Hipoglucemia, Hiperbilirrubinemia, Enterocolitis necrotizante, Sindrome de hiperviscosidad. IUGR can be difficult to diagnose and in many cases doctors are not able to make an exact diagnosis until the baby is born. A mother who has had a growth restricted baby is at risk of having another during a later pregnancy. Such mothers are closely monitored during pregnancy. The length in weeks of the pregnancy must be carefully determined so that the doctor will know if development and weight gain are appropriate. Checking the mother's weight and abdomen measurements can help diagnose cases when there are no other risk factors present. Measuring the girth of the abdomen is often used as a tool for diagnosing IUGR. During pregnancy, the healthcare provider will use a tape measure to record the height of the upper portion of the uterus (the uterine fundal height). As the pregnancy continues and the baby grows, the uterus stretches upward in the direction of the mother's head. Between 18 and 30 weeks of gestation, the uterine fundal height (in cm.) equals the weeks of gestation. If the uterine fundal height is more than 2-3 cm below normal, then IUGR is suspected. Ultrasound is used to evaluate the growth of the baby. Usually, IUGR is diagnosed after week 32 of pregnancy. This is during the phase of rapid growth when the baby should be gaining more weight. IUGR caused by genetic factors or infection may sometimes be detected earlier. JJC

45 Vigilancia Una vez realizado el diagnóstico y comenzado el tratamiento, el feto debe estar bajo vigilancia. Hay cuatro formas útiles de vigilancia: -Non-Stress Test, Perfil biofísico, Volumen de LA, y Doppler de arteria umbilical, cada uno de los cuales valora distintos aspectos de la salud fetal. La combinación de los mismos es mejor que uno aislado. El objetivo es identificar un progreso de la enfermedad que hiciera peligrar al feto, al punto en que sea mejor el parto, a que permanezca en útero. Systematic reviews provide strong evidence of benefit only for the following interventions: balanced protein/energy supplementation, strategies to reduce maternal smoking, and antimalarial prophylaxis. In Jamaica, antibiotic administration to prevent urinary tract infections further reduced an already low prevalence of IUGR. Improvement of maternal nutrition should be a priority, especially in developing countries. Unless maternal undernutrition is severe, the effect of balanced protein/energy supplementation on birth weight is likely to be modest » 100 g). Reduction in maternal smoking should be encouraged, both by individual clinicians (using behavioral modification techniques, for example) and by policy makers (e.g., taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products). Antimalarial chemoprophylaxis should be provided in endemic areas, particularly to primigravidae, although more research is needed to elucidate the ideal timing of treatment, combination of agents, and safety for the fetus. JJC


47 Vigilancia Non- Stress Test (NST)
Este simple test debiera usarse rutinariamente en aquellos fetos con sospecha de RCIU Si la FCF no se acelera, permanece estable o disminuye es considerado anormal El problema con este test es que cambia tardíamente con el curso de la enfermedad, y no es un predictor precoz de un pronóstico adverso. The effectiveness of other interventions has not been demonstrated, but further research is required based on limited, suggestive results from RCTs. 'Packages' of combined interventions and community-based (cluster randomization) approaches should be explored. Potentially adverse effects of these interventions also require careful assessment. Maternal supplementation of iron, zinc, folate, and magnesium should be rigorously evaluated, as these interventions may affect fetal growth, as well as preterm delivery and necrologic outcomes. It is important to target women deficient in the nutrient of interest to maximize the chance of detecting a beneficial effect. In this regard, the possibility of coexisting nutrient deficiencies limiting fetal growth must be considered. Two trials of iron supplementation conducted in developed countries have shown no effect on IUGR; it remains to be seen whether routine iron supplementation affects IUGR in populations with a high prevalence of anemia. A RTC the effect of vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy is currently under way in Nepal. Unlike food fortification with vitamin A, however, supplementation might have adverse safety implications, and caution is required to avoid teratogenic or other adverse effects. In countries where multiple deficiencies and pathologies exist, it may be difficult to demonstrate a significant effect with a single intervention. For example, malaria and other parasitic infections, malnutrition, and anemia coexist in many developing countries. An appropriate combination of anti-anemic (iron-folate) and antimicrobial/antiparasitic agents tested in population-based trials may have a greater chance of showing a reduction in IUGR. Antibiotic treatment of genito-urinary tract infections appears to be a promising area for perinatal research, although the impact may be greater for preterm delivery than for impaired fetal growth. The efficacy and safety of drug treatment remain to be demonstrated. A few older and methodologically weaker trials of abdominal decompression have reported large reductions in IUGR. In selected developed country settings, strategies to improve blood flow to the uterus may merit further testing. JJC

48 Vigilancia Test de Manning
Movimientos respiratorios Movimientos extremidades Tono fetal Volumen liquido amniótico Frecuencia cardiaca fetal JJC

49 Vigilancia Evaluación del Líquido Amniótico
Los RCIU pueden cursar con oligoamnios dando una idea presuntiva del déficit en el intercambio maternofetal y de la vulnerabilidad de la vitalidad fetal En el feto con RCIU el LA puede disminuír lenta o abruptamente. También podemos ver una disminución de este índice antes que hayan cambios en el NST. JJC

50 Vigilancia Valoración Doppler
Permite evaluar las alteraciones hemodinámicas, fetoplacentarias y uteroplacentarias, diferenciando los fetos hipóxicos con alto riesgo para la salud fetal, de aquellos que presentan exclusivamente cambios biométricos. JJC


52 ESTRATEGIAS DOPPLER EN RCIU Normal Anormal (internación) Ambulatorio
Otros métodos evaluatorios normales/terapéutica Ambulatorio Con internación Signos ominosos Control 15/30 días Control 7 días Control 3/4 días Interrupción del embarazo JJC

53 Vigilancia Ecoestructura Placentaria
Envejecimiento precoz placentario por depósitos de sustancias fibrinoides en los espacios intervellositarios alterando el intercambio fetoplacentario Grado 3 de aparición anterior a las 34 sem. JJC

54 Tratamiento:RCIU Qué tratamiento es el adecuado ?
El RCIU tiene muchas causas; por lo tanto no hay un tratamiento único que siempre funcione. A systematic review of 126 available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has been carried out to summarize the efficacy of 36 prenatal interventions aimed at reducing IUGR. Strategies include prenatal care modalities, protein/energy supplementation, treatment of anemia, vitamin/mineral supplementation, fish oil supplementation, and prevention and treatment of hypertensive disorders, fetal compromise, and infection. Based on this review, few statistically significant reductions in the risk of IUGR have been demonstrated with these interventions. However, the point estimate (average effect) associated with some interventions suggests a potential effect of considerable magnitude; these interventions should be further evaluated by targeting populations at risk for IUGR, increasing sample size, and addressing coexisting factors limiting growth. Studies should be conducted in developed as well as developing countries. JJC

55 Tratamiento Decidir el momento óptimo para el parto

56 Tratamiento Si los controles ecográficos muestran un crecimiento nulo o negativo (aumenta el decalaje), en dos controles separados por una semana: Con Doppler normal=> repetir en una semana. JJC

57 Tratamiento Si No hay crecimiento:
>34 semanas inducir el parto <34 semanas realizar amniocentesis: si hay madurez pulmonar=> inducir parto si no hay madurez=> dar corticoides e inducir dentro de 48-72hs JJC

58 Tratamiento Con Doppler patológico => no esperar para practicar una ecografía. Inducir el parto, previa maduración si es necesario Si se aprecia un oligoamnios con escaso o nulo crecimiento fetal >34 semanas inducir el parto <34 semanas realizar amniocentesis: si hay madurez pulmonar => inducir parto si no hay madurez => dar corticoides e inducir dentro de 48-72hs JJC

59 Tratamiento conservador
Reposo en cama materno Este debiera ser el enfoque inicial en el tratamiento del RCIU. El beneficio del reposo en cama consiste en que se produce un aumento del flujo sanguíneo hacia el útero. Diverso estudios han demostrado sin embargo, que en la mayoría de los casos, el reposo en cama domiciliario es tan efectivo como el realizado en un marco hospitalario. Maternal supplementation of iron, zinc, folate, and magnesium should be rigorously evaluated, as these interventions may affect fetal growth, as well as preterm delivery and necrologic outcomes. It is important to target women deficient in the nutrient of interest to maximize the chance of detecting a beneficial effect. In this regard, the possibility of coexisting nutrient deficiencies limiting fetal growth must be considered. Two trials of iron supplementation conducted in developed countries have shown no effect on IUGR; it remains to be seen whether routine iron supplementation affects IUGR in populations with a high prevalence of anemia. A RTC the effect of vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy is currently under way in Nepal. Unlike food fortification with vitamin A, however, supplementation might have adverse safety implications, and caution is required to avoid teratogenic or other adverse effects. In countries where multiple deficiencies and pathologies exist, it may be difficult to demonstrate a significant effect with a single intervention. For example, malaria and other parasitic infections, malnutrition, and anemia coexist in many developing countries. An appropriate combination of anti-anemic (iron-folate) and antimicrobial/antiparasitic agents tested in population-based trials may have a greater chance of showing a reduction in IUGR. JJC


Hay fuerte evidencia a favor, sólo de las siguientes intervenciones: Administración de esteroides antes de las 36s (EIa) Estrategias para reducir el consumo de cigarrillos Monitoreo fetal intraparto es recomendado. Unidad neonatología de complejidad aceptable. Se ha demostrado que otras intervenciones han sido estadísticamente poco significativo en la reducción del riesgo de RCIU (ACOG-2000)(RCOG 2002) A systematic review of 126 available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has been carried out to summarize the efficacy of 36 prenatal interventions aimed at reducing IUGR. Strategies include prenatal care modalities, protein/energy supplementation, treatment of anemia, vitamin/mineral supplementation, fish oil supplementation, and prevention and treatment of hypertensive disorders, fetal compromise, and infection. Based on this review, few statistically significant reductions in the risk of IUGR have been demonstrated with these interventions. However, the point estimate (average effect) associated with some interventions suggests a potential effect of considerable magnitude; these interventions should be further evaluated by targeting populations at risk for IUGR, increasing sample size, and addressing coexisting factors limiting growth. Studies should be conducted in developed as well as developing countries. JJC

62 Asistencia mínima neonatal
1.Cuidado de la termorregulación 2.Reanimación pronta y adecuada según las normas de resucitación cardiopulmonar. 3. Determinación del PH y gases en sangre del cordón umbilical. 4. Presencia de un profesional entrenado. JJC

63 Morbilidad Neonatal Asfixia perinatal
Alteraciones de la termoregulación Hipoglucemia Policitemia e hiperviscosidad JJC

64 Morbilidad Neonatal Encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica
Síndrome de aspiración meconial Persistencia de la circulación fetal Enterocolitis necrotizante IRA Estigmas de anomalías cromosómicas Hipocalcemia JJC

65 Riesgo a corto plazo del RCIU
Aumento de la morbimortalidad perinatal Muerte fetal Intrauterina / Intraparto Acidosis fetal Intraparto La acidosis fetal intraparto puede ocurrir en cerca del 40 % de los RCIU, conduciendo a mayor riesgo de PC. Los RCIU tienen mayor riesgo de muerte por complicaciones neonatales: SALAM, infecciones, hipoglucemia, hipotermia, etc.. Los RCIU son más susceptible a infecciones debido a un deterioro de la inmunidad. JJC

66 Pronóstico a largo plazo
Cada caso es único. Es más probable que permanezcan más pequeños los niños que nacieron con RCIU Ellos necesitarán de especial cuidado de atención primaria, nutrición y servicios sociales durante la infancia y primera niñez. Parece predisponer en la adultez a enfermedades degenerativas como la diabetes, y a enfermedades cardiovasculares. Babies who suffer from IUGR are at an increased risk fordeath, low blood sugar, low body temperature, and abnormal development of the nervous system. These risks increase with the severity of the growth restriction. The growth that occurs after birth cannot be predicted with certainty based on the size of the baby when it is born. Infants with asymmetrical IUGR are more likely to catch up in growth after birth than are infants who suffer from prolonged symmetrical IUGR. However, as of 1998, doctors cannot reliably predict an infant's future progress. Each case is unique. Some infants who have IUGR will develop normally, while others will have complications of the nervous system or intellectual problems like learning disorders. If IUGR is related to a disease or a genetic defect, the future of the infant is related to the severity and the nature of that disorder. JJC

67 Prevención Estrategias Modalidades de control prenatal
Tratamiento de la anemia Suplementos proteína/energía Suplementos de vitamina/minerales Suplemento de aceites de pescado Prevención y tratamiento de Enfermedad hipertensiva Compromiso fetal Infecciones. A systematic review of 126 available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has been carried out to summarize the efficacy of 36 prenatal interventions aimed at reducing IUGR. Strategies include prenatal care modalities, protein/energy supplementation, treatment of anemia, vitamin/mineral supplementation, fish oil supplementation, and prevention and treatment of hypertensive disorders, fetal compromise, and infection. Based on this review, few statistically significant reductions in the risk of IUGR have been demonstrated with these interventions. However, the point estimate (average effect) associated with some interventions suggests a potential effect of considerable magnitude; these interventions should be further evaluated by targeting populations at risk for IUGR, increasing sample size, and addressing coexisting factors limiting growth. Studies should be conducted in developed as well as developing countries. JJC

68 PREVENCION Criterios Programas de intervención: médicos, sociales y económicos Programas que reducen las barreras económicas para permitir el acceso de las embarazadas al control prenatal. Programas que mejoran la capacidad del Sistema de Salud para proveer un adecuado control prenatal o modificar las prácticas institucionales de los prestadores para hacer el cuidado más aceptable. JJC

69 RCIU PREVENCION Atención prenatal estricta de las mujeres con enfermedades que se saben asociadas a RCIU Tratamientos apropiados de las complicaciones específicas Períodos prolongados de reposo y nutrición correcta pueden ayudar a prevenir, demorar o disminuir el RCIU. Identificación de fetos pequeños pero normales. RCIU asociadas a malformaciones fetales graves en muchos casos de mal pronóstico JJC

70 RCIU: Parto Se indica el parto cuando el medio intrauterino presenta un riesgo mayor que los rigores de la vida extrauterina. No hay reglas estrictas que puedan ser aplicadas. Los casos deben manejarse sobre bases individuales. Si el crecimiento fetal deja de ser demostrable y/o aparecen signos de distres fetal se indica el parto El 30 al 35% de los fetos con RCIU presenta SFA en el trabajo de parto JJC

71 RCIU RN Normal y con RCIU Placenta Normal y RCIU JJC

Historia clínica obstétrica: control prenatal El 50% no se diagnostica. El 50% de los sospechados son PAEG. Exámenes bioquímicas: no. Ecografía: rutinaria y seriada CA mejor predictor. FL/CA. Sensibilidad 63%, especificidad 90%. Oligoamnios. Madurez placentaria. Índice ponderal. Cociente abdomen-fémur Doppler: uterino, umbilical y cerebral JJC

Atención prenatal estricta de las mujeres con enfermedades que se saben asociadas a RCIU Tratamientos apropiados de las complicaciones específicas Períodos prolongados de reposo y nutrición correcta podrian ayudar a prevenir, demorar o disminuir el RCIU. Identificación de fetos pequeños pero normales. RCIU asociadas a malformaciones fetales graves en muchos casos de mal pronóstico JJC

Mayor morbimortalidad perinatal por asfixia intra parto, acidosis y aspiración meconial. Mayor frecuencia de anomalías genéticas. Riesgo de daño intelectual y neurológico Mayor mortalidad perinatal: 10 veces mayor con RN < 2 DS y 30 veces mayor con RN < 3 DS Mayor morbilidad neonatal por hipoglucemia, hipocalcemia, hipotermia y policitemia. Mayor riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante. JJC



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