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Atención Esfuerzo Persistencia sociales Logro Afiliacion Intimidad psicológicas Competencia Autonomia Relacionalidad Motivos internos NECESIDADES Motivos.

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Presentación del tema: "Atención Esfuerzo Persistencia sociales Logro Afiliacion Intimidad psicológicas Competencia Autonomia Relacionalidad Motivos internos NECESIDADES Motivos."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Atención Esfuerzo Persistencia sociales Logro Afiliacion Intimidad psicológicas Competencia Autonomia Relacionalidad Motivos internos NECESIDADES Motivos externos PREMIOS Y CASTIGOS COGNICIONES Motivos internos Self-ideal-real -Expect autoefic - Determinación Motivos internos EMOCIONES Cognitivos Biologicos EL CONTEXTO DEL AULA

2 Atención Esfuerzo Persistencia sociales Logro Afiliación Intimidad psicológicas Competencia Autonomia “Relacionalidad” Lo que necesitamos Lo que pensamos (Ps. instrucción y Ps. Aprendiz) TCI -Expect autoefic -” Autonomia y compet.” Cognitivos Biologicos T.Atrib y T. expect Lo que sentimos “Donde estamos” 1.- Gestión de aula Prevenir vs reaccionar Facilitar Proactividad 2. Construyendo Relaciones 3. Clima social 0. Principio golden Emociones positivas 5. Familias Emociones positivas 4. Aprendizaje ajustado

3 GESTION DEL AULA GOLDEN5 Maria José Lera 1.Ser consistente y expectativas positivas 2.La organización del aula 3.Reglas y rutinas 4.Lección o estructura de la clase como proceso 5.Reforzamiento, consecuencias y gestión de problemas

4 1.1. EL INICIO: El profesorado tiene que estar presente y preparado para empezar bien (Saludar al principio, sonrisa, vista panorámica, mantener contacto ocular). Objetivo: Incrementar la concentración del alumnado y conseguir la atención de la clase. Facilitar la implicación del alumnado. Ej. Power Teaching; clase energética 1.- Junta las manos y mírame 2.- Cuando diga CLASS, vosotros decis YES 3.- CLASS---- 4.- Class, class, class, 5.- class (diferente tono)…. 1.2. Centrar la atención en el profesorado. Las estrategias se utilizarán para conseguir la atención y prepararlos para escuchar la explicación Como estar quieto y esperar que la clase se calme, tocar las palmas, usar manos, dedos, ayudas visuales.. 3-2-1-.. 3.- Estructura, reglas y rutinas

5 Reglas de clase 1.- Permanece sentado 2.- Levanta la mano para hablar 3.- Piensa opciones inteligentes 4. – Llega preparado a clases –Repite –Gestos –Refuerza –Practica –Refuerza otra vez/// pizarra y anotaciones ++

6 The lesson as a process f

7 To model in general. Working on regular structures in lessons. Use of low voice volume. Provides positive feedback to the class when the rules are followed. Being careful not to get into a negative pattern (yell, nag, scapegoats). Teacher tests / check often students' knowledge in different ways Suitable to be a good role model for students through their own behavior. Teacher makes sure that students get assignments on mastering level. Teacher has student talks with a focus on learning. Clear marking of each phase in education? Start and stop precisely? Be in place in the classroom before students

8 Preparation and planning Take advantage of students' own experiences and interests as a basis for teaching. The classroom is prepared in advance and material is clear and available Have the rules hung up in the classroom. Have rules which are formulated positively Is prepared for turbulence and has created a plan in advance. Have the students placed in such a way that the classroom is clearly. Teachers have planned and switch between different learning methods. Have clear procedures for breaking class rules** Pupils have been involved in developing goals for the class in areas that need improvement The students know clearly what behavior a teacher can not tolerate. Collaborating with colleagues who have class on the rules / procedures. The tasks are adapted to students' level of mastering.

9 Start Get started quickly with the lesson. Marks clear start of the beginning of the lesson Repeats the rules often and give concrete examples. Ensuring a high degree of attention from students. Communicates clear expectations of prosocial behavior towards students..

10 1.- Teaching in front of the class Give reason for and explains the activities and choice of teaching material. Repeat the main lines from the previous lesson Use time efficiently. Teacher shows high engagement in the review of the curriculum Helps students to see similarities and differences. Teacher connects new material and familiar teaching materials together in a nice way.

11 2.- Questions - answer -Use of pause time before the students answer questions (reflection) (regla?) More important how students are thinking rather than right / wrong answer. - Encourage openness (allowed to ask “stupid” question) - Not questioning the individual students before questions are asked, but the opposite:(Not :”Peter, please answer the......”) - Stimulate the visibility (that students can and will answer) - Do not ask students who do other things. - Use of open questions rather than closed (only short answers yes / no or only a response (correct / wrong)

12 Preliminary work and planning Follow up and reflection INICIO FRENTE A TODOS PREGUNTANDO MENSAJE SIGNIFICATIVO PERIODO DE TRABAJO TRANSICIÓN FINAL DE LA LECCION Phase Action Start 1 Teaching in front 2 Questioning 3. Messages 4 Working phase 5 Transition End of lesson

13 3. Messages -Provides practical examples to explain the learning material. -Have an overview of all students. -Communicates clear expectations to students about the quality of work. -Gives clear messages. -Teachers have variety in their form of presentation. -Provides clear instructions on the blackboard or sheets.

14 4.- Work Phase Has developed effective routines that create flow in the teaching Ensures that there is no disruption to teaching. (flow). Ensures that there is little waiting. Gives fast hinder assistance to students who need extra help. Reacts early to behavior that is disturbing for education. Wander around the class continuously. Placing himself in the classroom so that he / she has the highest possible view of the class. Teacher systematically uses praise to students during the learning process. Corrects behavior, low and close to the students. Have eye contact with as many students as possible Have a positive focus and praise students for good effort. Confirms positive pupil behavior individually.

15 5. Transitions Spend little time between activities. Practice on the transitions between activities. General practice routines: in -march, stand in line, pick up materials etc.

16 Work afterwars and reflectons What have I succeeded with? What could have been better? What will I make priority to to the next lesson?

17 4.- Reforzamiento y consecuencias

18 End of lesson Allows students to reflect on their learning and behavior. NOTAS, para indicar The main lines from the lesson; puntos positivos conseguidos¡¡ Ask frequent questions to check if students understand the assessment process Gives students the opportunity to make suggestions / ideas / solutions. Teacher gives a systematic constructive feedback to students and show them what they are good at and what is the potential for improvement. Clearing

19 LEONPRINcIPLESLEONPRINcIPLES 5 Sanctions/ Consequences 4 Correcting 3. Dialogue and negotiation 2. Supportive and affirmative action 1. Teaching related actions 5 step rocket

20 Mediation Responsibility- transfer The adult set clear standards for behavior. 1.The pupil has responsibility to find solutions to the problem and select the solution. 2. The adults give the student choice options -the student can choose the option. 3. The adults provide choice options and choose alternative solution because the student does not take sole responsibility. 4. The adult adds natural consequences because the student does not take responsibility and do not care about the adults' choice option. Which possibilities do you see…..? Which of these options do you choose? Here's your option, I must choose for you because...... Are you willing to take the consequences instead of...... Consequence step

21 Talk to quietly closenes Touching Sign Reminder Referances Appeal Outline the alternative actions Corrective level Structural level Change activity Stop Re-grouping Change frames and structures Using peer pressure Confrontation Outline chices from adults Confrontation level Selective interpretation Outline consequences Be responsible for

22 GESTION DEL AULA Estructura, reglas y rutinas 1.4 Progresión: construir un sistema de control del comportamiento basado en un comportamiento no verbal que capte la atención del grupo (como es subiendo las manos). Informar sobre la conducta esperada, y ser un modelo de relaciones como es estar cerca de los estudiantes, hablar bajo, etc.. 1.2 Atención: poner la atención y reforzar a la clase por los comportamientos positivos y aquellos que queremos que ocurran más frecuentemente. 1.1 Flujo y continuidad: no permitir que los comportamientos interrumpan la explicación o el trabajo en el aula, intentando continuar y negociar la conducta inapropiada al mismo tiempo. Ejemplos como mirar a los ojos, uso de post-it, resolver a bajo nivel,…. 1.9 Momentum: asegurarse que las actividades y los mensajes se dan de manera natural en secuencias apropiadas. 1.10: Anclar y proyectar. Consiste en organizar tiempo para anclar o fijar los contenidos tratados y proyectar o decir el próximo paso para el futuro en cada lección. Es importante para los estudiantes saber que se ha hecho y aprendido en este día y que se espera para el siguiente.

23 The three most important learning skills Skill 1: The skills that go on to be clear, setting clear standards. Skill 2: The skills that go on to deal / cope with critical situations and turbulence. Skill 3: Skill to identify negative patterns and to change patterns.

24 1.3 Proactividad: resolver problemas a bajo nivel ( en privado, voz baja, cerca del estudiante, antes y despues de clase… ) 1.12: Ayuda visual-recordando: algunos profesores se basan sobre todo en explicar a la audiencia, sin embargo sabemos de la importancia de las claves visuales: escribe todos tus mensajes e instrucciones para trabajar en la pizarra o en las hojas de trabajo. (Rogers 2002), pp. 45. 1.5: Prevención: Piensa en lo que va a ocurrir y ve preparado para ello 1.11: Mostrar conductas inesperadas. Busca patrones conductuales entre estudiantes, o entre tu y tus estudiatnes y trata de romperlos haciendo algo que normalmente no haces.

25 1.7. Matching-ajustándose : tu reaccion debe ser ajustada y que parezca razonable para el comportamiento problematico. Es muy importante NO ESCALAR el problema, e incluso cuando es de alto nivel al principio, inmediatamente sonreir otra vez, dar las gracias, mirar a los ojos… 1.6. Reaccionar y moldear: Hablar con los estudiantes después de cada sesion y hacer acuerdos de qué hacer para la próxima y hablar de alternativas o informar de las consecuencias si las conductas negativas continuan. 1.8. Sincronización : tratar la conducta problematica tan pronto como sea posible.

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