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Verbs with irregular YO forms. Regular –AR, –ER, and –IR verbs have regular endings in the yo form. For regular –AR, you drop the –AR and add the O ending.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbs with irregular YO forms. Regular –AR, –ER, and –IR verbs have regular endings in the yo form. For regular –AR, you drop the –AR and add the O ending."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbs with irregular YO forms

2 Regular –AR, –ER, and –IR verbs have regular endings in the yo form. For regular –AR, you drop the –AR and add the O ending. Hablar -> habl -> hablo. Regular –ER, drop the –ER and add the O ending. Comer -> com -> como. Regular –IR, drop the –IR and add the O ending. Vivir -> viv -> vivo.

3 Certain verbs are formed the regular way for every other form BUUUUT not YO. Certain verbs are formed the regular way for every other form BUUUUT not YO. We are going to learn the different irregular YO forms. The yo forms are almost the only unusual ones. Most of the other parts of the chart will seem familiar to you. Yay!

4 HACER = to make / to do Yo HAGO HACEMOS Tú HACES x Él, ella, usted HACE Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes HACEN

5 VER= to see Yo VEO NosotrosVEMOS Tú VES Él, ella, usted VE Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes VEN

6 Oír = to hear Yo OIGO NosotrosOĺMOS Tú OYES Él, Ella, Usted OYE Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes OYEN

7 CONOCER = to know (a person or place) Yo CONOZCO NosotrosCONOCEMOS Tú CONOCES x Él, ella, usted CONOCE Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes CONOCEN

8 ¡Práctica! 1. I hear a dog in the house. _Yo oigo un perro en la casa_ 2. You see a pink dress at (en) the store. _Tú ves un vestido rosado en la tienda__ 3. I exercise sometimes. _Yo hago ejercicio a veces__ 4. I know a nice person. __Yo conozco a una persona simpática__

9 A Personal We use the a personal when you have another person besides the subject in the sentence. You place an a before the person when the person is a direct object. A direct object is the noun that receives the action. Ex: I talk to my mom. (my mom is the direct object, the person being talked to, so my mom receives the action.)

10 A personal Situations that need a personal in Spanish. I see the teacher. = action of seeing is being done to the teacher. I know my parents = action of knowing is being done to the parents. I help my friends = action of helping is being done to the friends.

11 A personal Too much for you? Thats ok. For now: Just remember to use an a almost any time you include people in the sentence that are NOT your subject. Except with tener and ser. Yo tengo un amigo = I have a friend. Yo soy un amigo = I am a friend. Yo veo a un amigo = I see a friend.

12 A personal 1. Yo veo a la maestra. 2. Yo veo a mis padres. 3. Yo ayudo a mis amigos. 4. You help your father _Tú ayudas a tu padre___ 5. We see the police officer (male) __Nosotros vemos al policía_ 6. I know your parents. Yo conozco a tus padres_

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